Red Strings

Red Strings


Red strings can mean many things. To some people the red string is was connects them to their soul mate, to others its their lifeline, but to me, red strings is what keeps be dangling between sanity and insanity. There are two strings, laughing, mocking me as one wraps around my head and the around my body. And the pull, they pull tighter and tighter until they nearly break, but they don't. They never will, because red strings never break they simply destroy.
It runs amok, the string in my head, weaving through my thoughts, changing words of promise and love to those of betrayal and hatred. "I'm here" quickly turns into "Don't talk to me." And that little red string? It looks back and laughs. It laughs at the ruin it left me in, it laughs at the chaos that it causes and more importantly, it laughs at the voices it sparked. It howls in enthusiasm, it urges me to take that final step, that final breath. It pushes and pushes until it nearly kills, but it doesn't. It never will, because red strings never kill they just simply push. 
It loves to play game, the string around my body. It tarts with pulling tightly, to the point where I can barely breath and then it falls apart. It lets go so wide to the point that I beg for it to come back and that it does. It comes back and it comes with vengeances. It squeezes tighter, as though its tying to snap me in half, screaming "You enjoy this" to my face. And all I can do is nod, stay silent and nod or else it'll leave again. It leaves and leaves until its nearly gone, but it never completely leaves. And it never will, because red strings never leave, they simply control.
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Chapter 1: although this is short, it is just so.... haunting. Good job ^^
pokeitsdani #2
Oooh sounds interesting ^^