The Silhouette

The Silhouette

HAPPY BIRTHDAY OPPA!!!!hope you like!!!!...sorry it took ages...practically a month later...sobs...but hopefully its not too shabby an attempt at making up for your wonderful rap!!!!LOVE YOU!!!!HUGSIES!!!! id mentioned in the description...this is my first...and probably last...attempt at writing from a guys pov and about a girl idol...took horribly long to start cuz every attempt sounded sooo awkward!!!!sigh...hopefully its not as bad as i think it is...enjoy reading!!!!

At the of midnight your cell phone lit up and starting bouncing around on your night table. Woken by the buzzing, you reach out from the blankets and peer into the screen bleary eyed. At the sight of Jessica flashing, you immediately sit up and quickly answer before she hung up.

“Hello?”, you ask huskily.

“Happy birthday ____!”, a sweet voice shouted from the other line.

Laughing, you shook your head at your girlfriend’s lively voice. “Thanks, but you know you didn’t have to call right at twelve right?”

“I know, I just felt bad that I couldn’t come see you… I thought this would make up for it.”

Wide awake, you sit up and rest your head on the wall behind. “So tell me, what’s up? You’ve finally got some rest from promoting right?”

As Jessica launched into a full account of her daily activities, you focused on the sweet tinkling of her voice. Damn, I miss her so much… Hmm…I should ask for a bit of leave and go down to Korea, I mean what is a couple of days right?

“…and I only get like four hours of sleep and I’m so tired, but at least it’s going to get better. I don’t think we’ll be preparing for a new album for awhile now.”

“That’s good to hear, if there’s one thing I know it’s how you get with very little sleep.”, you teased.

With indignation evident in her voice, she replied, “Please, I’m not that bad, all I ask is for my eight hours of sleep, is there something wrong with that?”

“No love there isn’t. So you were saying you’d have some time off soon right? When do you think that’ll be?”

“Oh I don’t really know… I’ll have to check and get back to you.”, she said after a beat, which you found odd.

“Do and soon please.” You let out a yawn and you could feel your eyes closing on themselves, but you desperately wanted to keep talking. “So what are you doing now?”

“I was actually waiting for my photo shoot to start and the director just walked in so I have to go now. Sleep well ____, and happy birthday again!”, Jessica said hurriedly.

“Love you, talk to you later then.”

“Love you too.”, and within a second you heard the dial tone signaling that she’d hung up.

You fall asleep as you start to make plans for your trip to Korea. You wake up the next morning to a text from Jessica wishing you happy birthday and saying sorry for not being able to come again. Smiling at it, you get ready. You’d been in Korea studying for a year before you’d met Jessica. When you’d started dating her, you knew how hard it would be seeing as how she was an idol, but what you hadn’t expected was moving back to London. Your family had needed you, but as things were now better you had begun thinking seriously about moving to Korea permanently. It was a place you’d always wanted to live in and with the added bonus of being able to see your girlfriend more often.

Unluckily, your birthday had fallen on a Monday this time so you had to go to work. After your shift, your family had planned a birthday dinner and after that your friends were going to take you out. The day went by pretty slowly as it was apt to do on a Monday and by the time your shift ended, you were exhausted. Dinner with your family wasn’t a big affair, they gave you your gifts and you blew out the candles on your cake as always. Though you’d expected your friends to lift your mood up, they too were tired from a day’s work and even though you all had a blast at the karaoke bar they took you to, the party ended early as there was work the next day too. With promises to make up for the lack luster celebration over the weekend, you parted with them and made your way back to your empty apartment. On your way back, you thought about how different today and every day could go if Jessica was there with you, someone to make your empty apartment bright with life and you resolved to move to Korea as soon as possible. After all, at 22 it was about time that you started to settle down with your life.

Walking up to your apartment complex, you see a light on in your apartment. Did I forget to turn one off? Did I even turn on the lights? You stood staring at the mysterious light and you see a shadow pass by the window. Your brow furrowing, you concentrate harder and count the floors to make sure that it really was your apartment. Once again the figure passed and you could see it was short slight figure and everything clicked. Grinning widely, you hurry up to your apartment. In your excitement, you fumble with your keys and have to try several time to get the door open. Finally with the door unlocked, you burst through the door and seeing Jessica standing in the kitchen, you rush in and envelop her in a huge hug.

With a glass of water in her hand, she stood shocked. “What…”

“What’re you doing here?” You lean back to look into her face before giving her another bear hug. “I thought you said you couldn’t come?”

Though she was obviously still stunned, she gave you a warm smile. “If I’d told you it wouldn’t have been a surprise then would it? Though who exactly did the surprising is unclear…”

Laughing, you give her a peck on the lips before letting go of her. “Love, if you’d meant to ambush me then I’d advice you to keep the lights off or at the very least stay away from the window, I saw you through them.”

Jessica blushed slightly and gave a small laugh. “I guess I didn’t really think through that huh?” She suddenly put her glass down and quickly hurried to the bedroom. “Don’t move alright?”

Laughing again, you reply, “I don’t you’ll have to worry about me going anywhere.”

The fatigue you’d been feeling had disappeared at the sight of your girlfriend and you were more awake than you had been all day. You could hear her rummaging through her suitcase, presumably looking for your gift so you moved to the sofa and sat waiting for her.

Coming out, she proudly held out a small wrapped box for you. “Here, your gift.”

Pulling her down onto the sofa, you take the gift and put it on the coffee table. “I don’t need that when my gift is already here.” You wrap your arms around her once more. “Let’s just stay like this okay? I’ve missed you so much…”

Snuggling into you, she wrapped her arms around your waist. “I missed you too…it’s been too long since we’ve seen each other.” Looking up, she said, “Promise that we won’t let it go that long again?”

Nodding, you promised. You spent the rest of the night drinking in her company to make up for the near year it had been since you’d last seen her. With her appearance, the mundaneness that had been your birthday had vanished and had been boosted to being one of your best thus far.

sooo...was it as awkward as i thought or even worse????please let me know what yall thought about it!!!!

...and...if any of you have any requests...points to links in the description...or..points below...leave them in the comments...

luv you oppa!!!!hope you liked!!!!

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22 streak #1
Chapter 1: hope there will be a lot of you+sica story author-shi....please write more....
22 streak #2
Chapter 1: hope there will be a lot of you+sica story author-shi....please write more....
Chapter 1: BEST BDAY PRESENT EVER!! Thank You for spending your free time writing this up TT

I LOVE how you write my sagwa is talented <3
lwjia1999 #4
Chapter 1: Nice story~~
Chapter 1: Awwwwwwwwwwww.........

I like it!