A Broken Promise.


Hoya let out a disappointed sigh as he lay in the darkness of the house feeling the chill of the night's air. He was tired both physically and mental. Having to wear that fake smile every day with out fail. Having to talk to people even though he didn't want to, and yet all of that was in vain. 


He was struggling to find that reassurance that every thing was going to be okay. The thing that he needed in a time like this. He started to think that maybe it would be best if he left for awhile, at lest while he could get his thoughts together and work out what he would do next. 


He had just about made it through the week with the little money that he had earned. But as he thought about it he couldn't see himself living like that for who knows how long. And telling Dongwoo and reaching out for help to him was not even and option. Dongwoo in his mind had done far to much for him. He had given Hoya a reason to live on, a reason to smile. He should give this one thing to Dongwoo, right? For Dongwoo to fill out a wish that his mother would want for him.  


Hoya sat upright letting out another deep sigh and he reached for his phone and took out the brown envelope that he had gotten about a week ago. And using the small amount of light that the candle he lit gave off. He slowly looked through the envelope for the contact information that Dongwoo's auntie said that she included. 


Upon finding it, he dialed the number into his phone and listened to the dialing that it made as he waited for the person on the other end to pick up. As he closed his eyes taking in the passing time, he hoped that it was all just a dream. But it was all cut short when there was an answer at the other end. 


"Hello?" The voice called out with curiosity.  


"H-hello, is this Kim Yeon Joo?" He asked as he read out the name on the paper. 


"Yes, it is. May I ask who this is?" She asked. 


"It's Hoya. I have made my decision." Hoya said as sadness took over his voice.  


"Ohhello. So what have you decided?" She asked nervously. 


"I...I'm … I, have decided that I would accept. I will leave." Hoya said in a soft and quite voice. 


"Great I will have someone pick you up tomorrow. That would be enough time to pack right?" She said in a happy voice. 


"Yes, but I would like to leave the day after, if that's okay. There is something that I need to do before I leave." Hoya said. His voice filled with sorrow. 


"Yes sure. Take as much time as you need. I guess you will leave the day after tomorrow then?" She said making sure that it was all clear. 


"Yes, the day after tomorrow." Hoya breathed before hanging up. Stopping himself from changing his mind in the last second.  Just one day before I leave. He thought as he smiled sadly in the lowly lit room. 




Dongwoo lay on his bed exhausted after a whole day of dance practice. It had been awhile since he had danced and he missed it a lot. But it was worth it. Over the last week he had seen a dramatic change in Hoya. The Hoya that was once afraid to smile and laugh was more or less gone and Dongwoo enjoyed seeing Hoya's smile. It was beautiful and it amazed him of how one could hid such a beautiful smile. But he was glad that he was getting to see it now. He was glad that Hoya was getting along with everyone in the group so well. It brought a smile to his face to see that everyone that he cared about getting along so well. 


Dongwoo's thoughts where interrupted from the ringing of his phone. He tiredly got up and moved towards his phone that lay on his desk, as it franticly shacked. Looking at the caller id caused worry and confusion to over come him, causing him to quickly answering. 


"Hoya are you okay? Is everything alright?" Dongwoo asked with worry. He knew that Hoya is not one to call. He would usually send an easy text in stead of talking to the person on the other end. So it was strange to him that Hoya was calling. 


"I'm fine. I just had something to ask you." Hoya said. His voice was soft and quite yet, Dongwoo could hear him clearly. 


"Sure ask away." Dongwoo said in a happy voice. He didn't know why but his heart filled with happiness now that he and Hoya was having a phone convocation. 


"I..I was wondering if we could hang out tomorrow. The whole day just me and you." Hoya said nervously. 


"Oh course. I was starting to think that tomorrow was going to be boring but now I have something to look forward to." Dongwoo said with a smile on his face, even though he knew that the person on the over end could not see it. 


"Great meet me at the subway station in Hongdae at 9.00." Hoya said. 


"I'll see you then." Dongwoo said in happiness. It's a date. Dongwoo thought before hanging up and getting ready for bed looking forward to the next day. 




Hoya sat on the bench waiting for Dongwoo to arrive. As usual he was early and he didn't mind it at all. He leaned back in the bench and allowed his head to lean back as well, allowing himself to feel the cool air of the morning. Even though the big city air of Seoul could feel some what polluted, he started to think weather he would miss it as well as the long list of things that he knew he would be leaving behind. 


"Hoya, you're early. Have you been waiting for long?" A comforting voice called out braking him from his comfortable trance.  


"You are early too. And no I haven't been waiting that long. I didn't mind waiting. To me the cool air of the  morning feels so relaxing." Hoya smiled at up at Dongwoo who was standing in front of him showing him a smile in return. 


"You are right the morning air is relaxing. But we can't sit here all day lets go some where els. How about was go and eat at a café. I don't know about you but I haven't eaten yet and I'm starving." Dongwoo said taking a hold of Hoya's hand and dragged him to a near bye café. 


"Here looks good." Dongwoo said as the two sat at one of the table in a near by  café. "Order what you like. I'll pay." Dongwoo said as he looked at the menu. 


"Wait. I invited you out, so why are you paying?" Hoya asked. He didn't feel right that Dongwoo was planning to pay every thing. 


"It's fine. I want to pay." Dongwoo smiled. Before calling over a waitress and ordered the food. A comfortable silence fell around the two shortly after. 


"Hoya." Dongwoo called as he looked at Hoya with a smile on his face. For some reason Dongwoo just couldn't stop smiling. 


"Yes, what is it?" Hoya questioned as moved his eyes that was once fixed on looking out of the window, to look at Dongwoo. 


"Why is it that you suddenly wanted to hang out. It's not that I am complaining. But why so suddenly?" Dongwoo questioned. Although he was glad to be spending time with Hoya. There was an unsettled feeling that he just couldn't shake off. 


"I just wanted to spend some time with you is all. And I just realized that we haven't gone out like this before. Well we did go shopping together but that doesn't count. And also I wanted so say thank you for your help. I don't think I would be here if it wasn't for you. I'm serious, thank you. But I fell bad that you are paying." Hoya said smiling sadly. I'm really am thankful to you Jang Dongwoo. And don't you ever forget that. Ever. Hoya thought. 


"Oh. You don't have to be thankful to me. Seeing you smile is a reward in it's self." Dongwoo smiled.


"Oh and don't use my full name. I don't like hearing it from you. It makes me feel as though we are distant." Dongwoo said just as the food arrived. 


They began eating and discussed what they would do for the day and decided to walk around and see were the day would lead them. And although Hoya didn't like crowds and crowded places he was fine with the plan. Over the time that he worked at the café there was a lot of people there. And Hoya had started to get use to it once again. 


They walked down the street, which was still quite empty. It was still early in the morning yet a lot of the shops had opened for the day. They both seemed to be drawn to a near by music shop. Which they walked into with out any discussion. And they looked around.  


Hoya looked around happily at the hip hop CDs in the shop. He hasn't gone it to a music store ever. It was always to crowded and he never really went any where such as a music store. Hoya was amazed by the cool and calm vibe that he got from the shop. 


"You like hip hop?" Dongwoo asked as he watched Hoya look through the CDs with interest. 


"Yeah, I do." Hoya said looking up at Dongwoo with a slight smile on his face.  


"I like hip hop too. Well I guess I learnt something new today." Dongwoo smiled and pulling Hoya in to a convocation about their favorite artist and they spent hours looking at CDs and listening to different music. 

They left the store with a few CDs in hands as the carried on a convocation about some of the CDs that they bought 


"I didn't expect that we would be there for so long." Dongwoo commented once the convocation had died down. 


"Yeah, you're right." Hoya said staying close to Dongwoo as the street was full of more people. 


"Hey, lets go to an arcade. I haven't been to on in a long time." Dongwoo said with excitement. Although to some an arcade could be seem as a childish place to him is was a virtual heaven, filled with game both from the past and the present. He just loved it. It was a way for him to be able to some what cling on to a part of his childhood.


"Sure. I've only been to one a long time ago. However that was so many years ago." Hoya said as they walked to a near by arcade. It was manly filled with children that were in their early teens. Enjoying their last day until they would have to go back to the place that some would call prison. 


They played a few games and enjoyed the rest of the day. Hoya kept on wishing that the day would never end. But for Hoya wishes never come true. And quickly the sun was beginning to set and the day was coming to an end.


"Hey, lets take a picture." Hoya said suddenly as they walked to his bus stop, took out his phone and stood beside Dongwoo and with a smile taking a picture. 


"Why the sudden picture?" Dongwoo laughed. 


"I just want to remember this day is all." Hoya smiled. He must have gone crazy. He couldn’t remember being able smile that much in one day. But he loved every second of it. And he was glad that he was able to experience something like that again. 


"Well I guess I'll see you tomorrow then. I had fun we should do this more often.Dongwoo said smile. 


"Yeah we should. I had fun too." Hoya smiled trying to hid his sadness that was threatening to show. There was a lot of words that he hated to both say and hear, goodbye was one of them.


"Goodbye Dongwoo." Hoya said allowing a small trace of sadness to fill his voice. Trying to stop tears from gathering in his eyes. He couldn't look sad, he couldn't cry, he had to be strong. It was not like he wasn't going to see the other again. He would come back. But the only differences would be that Dongwoo wouldn't be his and could never be. He knew that but why did his heart hurt so much. 


"Why do you look so sad? We will see each other tomorrow, right?" Dongwoo questioned as he smiled weakly, worry filling him once again. 


"Yeah you're right. I'll see you tomorrow." Hoya lied as he smiled back at Dongwoo washing away any traces of sadness. "I should get going before my parents start to worry." Hoya lied again.  


"Tomorrow then?" Dongwoo questioned with a bright smile on his face. 


"Tomorrow." Hoya nodded before getting on to his bus that he just pulled up. Hoya sat on the bus and waved to Dongwoo for the last time as it drove off.  Tomorrow, the day I leave. I'm sorry that I couldn't keep my promise. Hoya thought as again a frown formed on his face.  




Hoya woke up into the early morning of the next day. He could feel nothing but sadness as his eyes set on the bags that he had pack when he got back the night before. He needed to leave early in the morning. He knew that once school starts and when he is not there, Dongwoo would by that time defiantly know that there is something going on.


Hoya got up and set out towards the bath house that he had been using for the past week. As there was no running water available in the house that he was staying at. Once he was done he made his way to his parents house to pick up the last of his things. By now the driver that was going to drive him to Busan would already be there. 


He got to the house and hesitantly rang the door bell, even though  he had the key he would feel as though he was intruding by just walking in. 


After waiting for a few seconds the door quickly flung open and his mum was standing there with a face full of visible disgust and anger.


"I thought that it was clear that I didn't want to see youdisgusting face again. So why is it that you are standing in front of me." She bitterly spat. 


Hoya took a deep breath before answering"I... I have come to get my things. I'm sorry if I interrupted your day" He bowed. 


"So you can talk." She smirked. "Fine go and get your things and then never come back. I don't ever want to see your face again. It reminds me that a gave birth to such a devilish child." She said with her face full of anger.


The words and the tone that she used hurt him. Although it was clear of how his parents thought of him. There was still a bit of him that wished that the anger that his mum showed him was all due to the alcohol that she consumed on the day. But now hearing those words from her when she's sober it all felt real to him. 


Hoya bowed before entering the house with the driver following behind him, ready to take his things to the car. They reached the room and Hoya pulled out boxes to put his things in. He wanted to get out of there as quickly as possible. So he quickly put his things into boxes while the driver carried the full boxes out to the car. 


Hoya packed the last of his things in to the box when something on his desk caught his eye and made him stop what he was doing. The object was a music box. He remembered that it use to belong to his sister when she was still alive. But he didn't know why it was in his room. He picked up the music box and exited the room walking towards his sister's room. 


He slowly open the door and walked in as he started to feel a pit in his stomach and his head began to hurt. He closed his eyes hoping the pain would decrees in doing so. In his vision he saw a little girl on the floor, ahe was pale and life less. At first the face was unclear to him, but as seconds pasted the face became visible. He instantaneously opened his eyes with them still fixed on to the same spot as his memories all came back to him. 


When he came out of the coma there was only one thing that he couldn't remember and that was his sisters death. So he just assumed that she had simply past always. He didn't imagine that she had killed herself. 


But Hoya felt as though it was okay. He didn't feel that regret that he knew he felt in the past. He felt sadness but it wasn't as he felt it before. For some reason he felt as though his sister was happy now then she could have ever been.  


Hoya looked around the room that had been untouched ever since she left. He knew that he was looking at the room for the last time. Although in the past the sight of the room bought him grief. Now he felt as though it was apart of his sisters that he didn't want to let go. Looking at the room made him feel as though he had gone back in time. And his sister would run in at any second. He look around one more time before leaving with the music box still in hand.  


"Sir are you all ready to go." The driver said to Hoya who was slowly walking down the stair. He slowly nodded and made his way to the car and looked back at the house one last more time before the car pulled out.  


I guess this is it, it really is it. He thought with a sad smile on his face as he sat in the car as it drove on the high way traveling out of Seoul.


Here is that next chapter. I'm sorry that it took so long. College has started agian and I have been busy. For the next two weeks I have to go on work placement so I wont have much free time. I'll try to up date as soon as posible.  I hope this chapter is okay.

Thanks to all the new subscribers and tanks to all the old subscribers too. :)  

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Okay so I have finished writing the next chapter, but I have to proof read it. So just wait one more day. :)


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Chapter 39: When i read chapter 39 and saw the "2 years latter" i started to cry :'( but the story evolved so good!!It was a relief for both Hoya and Dongwoo that they debuted in the same group <3 And the story from the begging it was so nice :D Congrats Dongsaeng <3 I wish you the same "victory" in the other stories !!! Kisses :*
burdenheart #2
Chapter 39: ah my typos .. i meant 'to the point where' and 'to write more stories'
burdenheart #3
Chapter 39: hmm i couldn't have guessed that this story would end in the point were they formed infinite but now that i think about it it actually is clever thought and the plot was nice. i liked this story. thanks for writing it! :-)
i hope you will continue to write stories. hwaiting!
singsongsungjong #4
Chapter 37: What a sad and also a beautifil chapter!!!!That was the reallity of life because it's not always pink and fluffy..... :'( Hoya try his best not to bother anymore Dongwoo and instead of that,he leaving.... decision from a boy who loves deep the other half of him...!!!! keep going dongsaeng <3
Chapter 36: No goodbyes no goodbyes pleaseeeeeeee T.T I almost cry reading this chapter !!!Life is cruel.... Kyaaaaaaa Jung Soryong ^_^ I hope with this job that Soryong gave it to Hoya,to rethink the possibility to stay there !!!!!