Alieen's View

Mobs Vs. Gangs [Under Constrution]

"Young-Ah Wake Up! Your late for school!" Umma yelled

ahh these people never know when to wake me up?!? I relly hate when they wake me up late. Though if I wake up late I have a. Better chance to see appa!

Let me tell you about appa.

Appa is the mob king. You might think mob? Isn't that like gangster stuff? Ani....Mobs and gangs have no connectins what so ever. We are two worlds apart. 

Gangs tend to hurt people to have respect and fear over peole but in a mob…No that is a big no. We dont't hurt people to have reapect for use inless they are from a gang. We can't stand being confused for being a gang.

Mobs have a leader, loan shark, and killer.

The leader must have connections to everyone who has alot of power in some way or form.

The loan shark has to have some sort of company and a lot of money. Also needs to know how do interest rates and all that. 

The killer, most inportant job and severl people can be killers, you hurt people who don't pay up!

I got up and showered change into a school uniform which I thought was dumb and walk out the house and got into my car. I hated that we had to wear uniforms at school. That is the only thing I hated about school. I like my school it's fun. See my school has rakings every Friday. Rankings are when you fight out between mobs. Who ever wins at the end of ever fight moves on the next part of the ranking which is dance. Awkward right? Well I thought that at frist but turns out it's fun.

I get to school and meet up with Mimi muy best friend who is in my mob.

"Hey Mimi!! How's your arm?" I asked. Mimi sprained her arm when she was in the last ranking's dance off.

"Hey Aileen!! It's okay feels better now." Mimi said.

"Yup so found a replacement for the next ranking?" I asked

"Yea my cousin Jae. She is great at learning the dance moves." She said

"Oh well let's go in the classrom" I said, she nodded her head and we went in.

Inside my classroom was 2 mobs and 2 gangs. 1st Mob was mine GirlsAffect all girls mob, 2nd one was my brother XiuMin''s mob EXO.  1st gang was GirlsZero a girl named Hyori was the leader. (A/N Not Sistar's Hyori just a CEO k? =D) 2nd was SHINee a guy named JongHyun was the leader.

Of course all teachers wanted mob and gang activity out of the classroom. So my day went like this.

1st period was Korean Literature.

2nd period was Earth Science (Hate that class)

3rd period was P.E.

Lunch after that.

4th period was Math

5th period was History.

And last was Either Chorus, Art, or Self Study. It all depened on the day of the week. 

Monday and Wendsday was Art. Tuesday and Thursday was Chorus. and Friday was free of will you could stay for self study or if you didn't want to you didn't need too.

Ahh school is so boring at times. I don't want to be here no more. I'ma leave. I can leave at will because everyone knows my dad at school which because not alot of boys want to to talk to me or stuff. 

I left the school in my car and went to my dance prcatice room. I dance after school and since I had left free of will I just went and dance at the practice room. I should call the others here.

I call Mimi.

*Ring Ring Ring* *Answer*

"Mimi! Come to practice with all the other girls!" I said

"Okay be there in less than 10" Mimi said

"Oh and bring the girl who is going to replace you in the ranking."

"Arraso Arraso"



Okay now to go to the kitchen and find a least 20 bottles of water if we even have any water bottles left. Oppa use all the water when EXO comes. This boy and all s. I gotta admit I hadle it cause some of them are cute.

I walk to the kitchen and see mom and dad having thier 'couple' time. I just wrinkle my nose a little and look in the fridge to see if there is any water. I open the fridge and see..................................that there is no water bottles. I shake my head and turn around check and see if mom and dad have end their time. They are done. Mom is looking at a book and dad awkwardly throwing darts. I need money so I'll ask dad.

"Appa! Um........ Your princes needs money. Can I have some??" I said with my best ageyo, appa loves my ageyo.

"Aigoo! Sure you can hun! How much you need?" dad said

"umm about 55 thousand won........." It's about 50 dollars in the states not much.

"Okay here you go! *hands me the money* Spend it well!" dad smiled and continued with his dart game.

I nodded my head and went out the front door. I got in my car and left to the store. I bought about 5 packs of water because by the time dance practice is over we will have had use about all the water. I went to the chasier and payed still had 20 thousand left. I guess go eat somthing. I loaded my car, as heavy as they were it was nothing compared to how much pain it as to punch someone in the jaw.

I went to look around to see of a place who sold only ramen. I looked around for like 5 minutes and found a place. I sat down and order a bowl of ramen. I waited for the ramen to come and then these nosy people came in. I'll give y'all a guess. Yup it was GirlsZero and SHINee. Ugh lost my appite.

I got up and went to the cashier and told her to make it to go. She noded and brought my food I left to the front door but someone just had to touch my shoulder.

"Ya! Leaving so soon? Wow you are nothing without your crew" Hyori said.

"Ani...I just don't like being around such a low life society." I snapped back.

"Oh so now we are low lifes? If that's us then wh-" I had it. I dropped my bag with ramen in it and charged towards her. I grabed her by her neck and started to tighten my hand on her neck.

"You shouldn't say things that piss me off.........Rember who pays for your daddy's buisness..Yea my dad so DON'T PISS ME OFF" I growled at her, while smirking. I let her go and went back to my ramen noddle bag which was all bad now. I threw it away. I heard her painting and all her gang members asking her if she was okay.

I walked to my car just as I was about to get in someone else grabbed my shoulder. If I turn around and see one of those gangseters it is on! I turned around and it was Luhan he had a busted lip. How the hell did that happen??

"Ya! Who did you fight this time??" I said, worried and angry.

"Who else thouse gangsters" He said, look over at them hudled around.

"Lu do you want a ride? Hug? Something?" I kinda blushed. Yea okay I kinda like Luhan so what?

"Ali what if you give me a hug and take me with you to your house? Everyone is there now." He said smiling.

"Okay what ever pleases yo-" I got cut off by that stupid leader of SHINee.

"Well hello Luhan, nice girl you got." JongHyun said, stupid guy mess with me being nice time. I hate him and who he is. His hair was brown with his undercap died blonde, percings, and that weird smile most gangsters have.

"Leave" I said

"Little miss priss is fiesty, isn't she?" he mocked me

"You don't know me.......I suggest you leave" I clenched my hands, only to have Luhan hold one of them.

"Leave before I kick your a** and all your firends" Luhan said, he seemed very pissed.

"Arraso gosh such low life a**holes" that's it I have had it. I used my free hand and b*tch slaped him.

"Okay Ali nicely done now shall we go?" Luhan said, I nodded my head and got in the car.

I drove off leaving JongHyun in pain. Serves him right! Look at him talking about himself to us! I am so pissed I should just call off practice. Maybe not we need to practice for Friday.

I was driving and when we got home Luhan helped me unload the water packs. I kinda just told him where to put them. I felt bad that this was happening while I was trying to make him feel better it ened up bad. I guess I should just clean his lip and then take him to the practice room.

"Lu can I-I-I clean your lip and put something over it to make if stop bleeding?" I said looking at the floor.

"Kenchana I'll fix my own wounds" He said smiling.

"You sure? It looks pretty bad" I protsted

"If it makes you happy to heal me then go ahead"   Luhan blushed a little.

"Really?!? Okay be right back!" I was so excited, why tho? I guess I really do like Luhan like I mean like not the friend like but boy girl like.

I went up stairs to my room and found my firstaid kit and ran back to where Luhan was.

"Okay it might hurt but you'll tough it out right??" I .

"Oh yea defenetly!!" He said back confidently.

I soaked a cotton ball with the proxide liquid (A/N the one used to clean cuts can't think of the name) on his lip. Making sure that the cotton bal was not too close to the inside of his mouth. I was so close to him I felt his light breath on my cheek. My face flushed and pulled away. 

I put eveything away and came back to where Luhan was to but a small bandaid on his lip. I think it looks weird. I'll just be leaving it feels awkward so I'll leave without a word.

I feel two arms wrap around my waist. Luhan I thought.

"Where are you going? Where is my hug? You promiseed!! Did you forget??" Luhan said, his head on my shoulder.

"Oh yea, Mianhae. Here i'll hug you" I said, I turned around and hugged him tightly.

Luhan hugged me back we stayed like that for a while until XiuMin Oppa came in the living room.

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------End Of Chapter :)--------------------------------------------------------


Hellooooo! :D How's the chapter?? Good No Maybe? Oh Well leave your comments and thoughts down below ^^!!
"Goshh!! Why did you have Ali choke me!!" said
Well idk I was mad when I was typing that part! Deal with it!! Besides your mean to her........
"AHH?? Am not! Anyways I'm going to go byee!! Don't make her choke me again!"
Fine but I don't promise anything...........
Anyways guys hope you guys enjoyed this chapter!! :D I'm sorry it was soo long!! /.\ 
Anywho subscribe!! :)
Update for this story will be 3/30/13 ;D                           -Author
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Finally Updated! :D Enjoy the Chapter :D


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Chapter 4: pliz update soon
skyryuuna #2
Chapter 1: it's great!
i love it
serves jonghyun right!