Totally not jealous, definitely in love

It isn't easy, but it's the easiest thing to do


Sorry about late update! The chapter was ready, but there was literally no internet! T-T

Thank you to all my wonderful subscribers! Long live YoonWook!!! <3

Love you all!! Even silent readers and non-subbers ;-)


Chapter IV


Definitely in love



Ryeowook’s POV



“So, how was your date with Sooyoung?” 


Me and Yoona were sitting comfortably on the couch in her living room watching some drama. Our bodies were covered by a thin soft blanket and we had soda, chips and popcorn set on the table in front of us.


“Huh?” I mumbled as I was too focused on the drama going on.


“I said; how was your date?” 


I turned to meet Yoona’s searching eyes. She seemed very curious. I shrugged before answering. “Fine I guess...”


“Tell me all about it.” She chirped as she turned her whole body to face me and crossed her legs. She was smiling, but knowing this person since childhood I knew that she was not excited in a too good way.


“Well, it was really awkward. She seems very demanding-”


“Oh, I know!” Yoona cut me off and waved her hand dismissively. “And she is bossy too. No wonder she is single.” 


I chuckled lightheartedly. “She asked me to take her to my favorite restaurant.” 


“Really?” Yoona’s eyes widened. I nodded.


I noticed how Yoona’s expression fell and she almost looked hurt. “Did you take her there?” She mumbled.


“No, of course not! I only go there with my closest friends.” I laughed as she punched my arm playfully.


“Idiot.” She muttered as she tried to hold her smile. “So, where did you go?”


“To some Thai restaurant.” 


“Ah... was the food good?” Yoona asked and giggled.


“Yeah...” I smiled. “Did you know Sooyoung is a shikshin?”


Yoona frowned. “Sooyoung barely eats anything.” 


“Oh, right! I think it was a secret! You cannot tell anyone, okay?” I bit my lower lip out of slight nervousness. 


“Wait, are you serious?!” She asked with wide eyes and scooted closer to me.


“She ate three bowls of fried rice right in front of me.” I said and shrugged. 


Yoona’s jaw dropped. “Really?!” 


“Yup.” I said and nodded. “She seemed really hungry. I hope she does not starve herself.” 


“You guys must really have become close after this one date.” Yoona emphasized the word ‘one’ and puffed her cheeks.


“I do not know...” I sighed. 


“She seems to trust you at least. I mean, I never knew she loved food like me.” Yoona shrugged and bit her lower lip. “Do you perhaps... like her?” 


“No, we are too different.” I said without giving it much thought.


“Oh, ok.” Yoona nodded before turning her attention towards the TV again. She did not seem too convinced, but she seemed to have let it go for now.



The next day, lunch break




I could barely believe my ears. I turned around to see if it was really who I thought it was and, sure enough, it was Yoona. She was waving at me as the hallways started to get crowded. I smiled and waved back. If it were not for me being overly excited I would have felt offended by the annoyed looks some of Yoona’s peers were giving me. For the first time in years me and Yoona could interact in public! I smiled apologetically at my two friends, Sungmin and Yesung, before I headed towards Yoona.


“You are eating with us, right?” Yoona asked as she patted my shoulder. Of course, we could not hug or act like we normally do when it is just us two. That would be too suspicious. But, at least we could talk to each other and sit together during lunch and such.


“I guess so...” I muttered as I followed Yoona and her friends towards the canteen. 


“So, how is your relationship with Sooyoung?” One of the girls asked me.


“I guess it is going... OK.” I nodded and smiled at the girl.


The girl frowned at me. “OK? Did you kiss her?”


“No...” I muttered. I felt a bit uncomfortable talking to these girls.


“That means it went horrible. So, how did she break up with you?” The other girl asked.


“Yuri, Jessica, please calm down. Give the boy some space, will you?” Yoona said and walked next to me. It felt so good.


We walked inside the canteen and went to stand in line. After getting our food we went and sat down at their usual table. It was my first time sitting there and it felt so unreal. Taecyeon and Sooyoung were sitting next to each other at the table with a few other people present as well. 



Yoona’s POV



“Hi, guys!” Yuri chirped as we approached our usual table.


Sooyoung had been sitting practically glued to Taecyeon as we approached them, and once she saw us she moved away from him. “Oh, hi!” She grinned and patted the free space next to her. “Ryeowook!” She called sweetly.


I was too busy watching Ryeowook make his way towards Sooyoung and sitting next to her that I didn’t notice Taecyeon staring up at me. “Ahem.” 


I immediately glanced down and saw Taecyeon patting the free space next to him. I groaned inwardly as I sat down next to him. I kept stealing glances at Ryeowook and Sooyoung as I nibbled on my food. 


“So, Yoona,” Taecyeon started and I looked over at him. “There is this party on Friday and...” 


“So?” I answered carelessly while pretending not to notice the couple sitting facing me. Something that both surprised me and bothered me at the same time was that Ryeowook and Sooyoung were having a somewhat descent conversation.


“So, what are your hobbies?” Ryeowook asked.


“I like shopping.” Sooyoung shrugged.


“Yoona?” I glanced over at Taecyeon when I felt him nudge my side with his elbow. 


“Hm?” I raised an eyebrow at him.


“Would you like to go with me?” He asked with hopeful eyes.


I could only stare at him in disbelief. Leave. Me. Alone., I wanted to tell him. “No.” I said without breaking eye contact with him.


Taecyeon’s face fell and his expression showed a mix of annoyance, frustration and disappointment. He let out a deep breath. “Why?” 


“Why should I?” I don’t know why I was being so cold towards him. Maybe because I was tired of him trying to get close to me all the time, plus I wanted to pay attention to another conversation that was going on at our table.


“...I could show you. Maybe after school on Friday we can go together.” I heard Ryeowook say. What was he talking about?


“Sure!” I heard Sooyoung chirp. “Sounds like a date.” I could hear Ryeowook chuckle shyly at Sooyoung’s reply.


“Yoona, I really want to make things up to you. I want to show you that I have changed.” Taecyeon said.


I raised an eyebrow and shook my head in disapproval. “I’m not interested.” I muttered before turning my head towards Yuri instead. I heard Taecyeon sigh. I picked up my water bottle and gulped down some water as my head started to hurt.


“What are you doing after school, Wook-ah?” 


I almost choked on my water as I heard the nickname Sooyoung had come up with for Ryeowook. They have dated for less than 24 hours, but she has already come up with a nickname for him?! I decided to direct my full attention towards them since Yuri was doing the same. 


“Me and my friend are going to watch a musical this evening.” Ryeowook answered before taking a bite out of his sandwich.


“Oh? You and what friend?” Sooyoung asked skeptically. For a brief second our eyes met before she looked back at Ryeowook.


“Me and Sungmin.” Ryeowook said without looking at Sooyoung. “Yesung is performing in the musical.”


“Yesung?” Yuri  asked and blinked. 


Ryeowook nodded and flashed a small smile at Yuri. “Yeah.”


“How come he didn’t tell me about it?” Yuri pouted. 


“Huh?” Ryeowook cocked his head to the side cutely. “He said that he had told you-”


“Oh, wait! He did!” Yuri gasped. “Then we can go together and it will be like a double date!” Yuri suggested.


“Sounds good.” Sooyoung agreed and looked over at me and smirked. “Yoona, you and Taecyeon should totally join us.” 


I glanced over at Taecyeon, who shrugged and smiled happily. “Sounds good to me.” He said while waiting for my answer. I saw Ryeowook smiling warmly at me as if he would like it if I joined them.


“I guess it would be fun.” I muttered and forced a smile. 


“Great. Then it’s a triple date.” Sooyoung grinned at me, however I could have sworn I saw fire in her eyes. “When is the musical starting, Wook-ah?” She asked as she turned to look at Ryeowook.


“It starts at 05.30 pm.” Ryeowook said. 


“Then when should we meet?” Taecyeon asked. I noticed the slight glare he shot towards Ryeowook. 


“I do not know...” Ryeowook shrugged and averted his gaze from Taecyeon to his food tray. “Me and Sungmin planned on meeting up around 5.” 


“Then I will go with you two.” Sooyoung said and patted Ryeowook’s shoulder. She earned eye contact from Ryeowook and they both smiled at each other. Sooyoung then looked at the rest of us. “You guys should come 05.20 pm or something, alright?”


The others agreed and I nodded, but not in agreement. I nodded in slight defeat. I didn’t notice that I had been clenching my fists until my fingers felt numb.



At Yuri’s house after school


“Should I wear a dress or something more casual, like pants?” Yuri asked as she looked through her huge walk-in wardrobe. 


“Maybe something more formal than usual. It is a musical after all.” I said as I looked at myself in the mirror while fixing my make-up.


“Wear what you are comfortable in.” Jessica said. She was laying on Yuri’s bed and filing her nails. “Who cares if it’s a musical? It’s not like anyone special is going to be there, except for our friends. Besides, you are going just to see your toy so there is no reason to pretty yourselves up.”


“Hm... you are right. But, I should wear something nice. There might be some cute guys over there.” Yuri chirped and winked.


“I doubt it.” Jessica muttered.


Yuri sighed out of frustration. “Aish! I don’t know...! Um, Yoona, what are you wearing tonight?” She asked and looked at me with her hands on her hips.


I smiled at her before I put away my make-up and walked towards my bag next to Yuri’s bed. I carefully pulled out a short black dress and placed it in front of me. “Ta-da!” I sang and grinned at my two friends. Both of the stared at me with their jaws dropped.


“Whoa! Yoona, you’re going to wear THAT?!” Yuri asked. Then she pouted and crossed her arms. “I also want to wear something y!” She whined before digging through her wardrobe again.


“Wow, Yoona! That dress is really hot!” Jessica said as she eyed the dress I was holding. “Are you trying to win Taecyeon back?” She then looked me in the eyes intensively.


I frowned. “No? Why would I?”


“Why else would you wear such a dress? Especially when you are going out with your ex-boyfriend.” Jessica looked at me suspiciously.


“Well...” I looked down at the dress. Why did I pick this one out of all the dresses that I own? Perhaps I thought that a certain someone would notice me if I wore it... maybe Ryeowook would like it... I shrugged and looked up at Jessica.


She raised and eyebrow at me and smirked slightly. “Really? I think you want Taecyeon back. And this dress will definitely do it.” She gave me a thumbs up before getting back to her nail filing.


I walked over to the bathroom and changed into my dress. The dress reached halfway to my thighs and revealed the shape of my body well. It was tight, but comfortable. When I walked back into Yuri’s room I saw Yuri wearing a short red dress with a slight cleavage. 


“Who are you trying to impress?” Jessica asked as she frowned at Yuri.


Yuri pouted. “What, it looks bad?”


“You look good.” I blurted out.


“You look too good. The only hot guy going is Taecyeon, and he is taken.” Jessica said and glanced over at me. Yuri pouted and crossed her arms.


“Me and Taecyeon are not getting back together. Ever.” I said sternly while glaring at Jessica. Then I looked at Yuri. “You look nice. Dress however you want. There might be some good looking guys there, but either way you are there for Yesung, right?” I asked in a softer voice. 


Yuri looked unsure as her eyes darted around the room. “I guess...” She mumbled and shrugged. Suddenly, she beamed and clapped her hands once. “It is definitely not cheating if I’m the one being flirted with!” She chirped happily.


I looked over at Jessica and saw her rolling her eyes. “Why are you not going?”


“Huh?” She looked up at me with raised eyebrows. 


“The musical. Ryeowook’s friend, Sungmin, is going. I thought he was your... ‘boyfriend’ at the moment.” 


Jessica grimaced. “Ew! No, of course not. In case you have forgotten, I’m dating Donghae. And I’m not about to put our relationship on hold for Sooyoung’s little project, okay?” She spat.


Me and Yuri looked at each other and then back at Jessica. “So... you’re not doing it at all?” Yuri asked. 


“Nope.” Jessica answered without looking up as she laid on the bed.


I sighed before looking up at the clock on Yuri’s wall. “We should probably leave soon...” 



Ryeowook’s POV



At the musical theatre 


Me, Sungmin and Sooyoung were waiting outside the performance hall. The area we were in was slightly crowded as more and more people started to come.


“Aigoo... I wonder if Yesung is nervous.” Sungmin said as he looked around the slightly crowded place.


“Why don’t you go and check on him?” Sooyoung asked sweetly and fluttered her eyelashes at him.


Sungmin seemed a bit offended. “Um.. okay...” He gave me one last glance before he headed towards the changing rooms for the actors and singers.


Sooyoung let out a deep sigh. I turned to look at her, only to see her grinning at me. It was... kind of cute. “Finally we are alone.” She said and brushed her hand against mine gently.


“Uh... um...” Suddenly I felt nervous and slightly uncomfortable. “Technically not. This room is pretty crowded.” I chuckled nervously as I looked around the room. I could hear Sooyoung’s low groan.


“Ryeowook, you are really something else...” She muttered.


I sighed. “Yeah, I know...”


“Ryeowook,” Sooyoung started.


“Hm?” I raised an eyebrow at her.


“I really like you.” Sooyoung took a hold of my hand after she spoke.


“Huh?” I blurted. I was so taken aback that I took a step away from her and removed my hand from her grip. I gulped as I watched a frown appear on Sooyoung’s face. 


“Sorry...” I muttered and scratched my nape. “You surprised me.” 


“I see...” She muttered and let out a deep breath.


Guilt filled my mind as Sooyoung averted her gaze away from me. “I like you too.” I said before I could catch my tongue.


She looked up at me with wide eyes. “Do you mean that?”


I bit my lower lip. Did I mean that? I nodded and gave a small forced smile. Sooyoung smiled back at me before wrapping her arms around my neck and hugging me lightly. I hesitantly hugged her back. Maybe Sooyoung is not so bad after all...


Suddenly I heard someone clear their throat. “What are you two lovebirds up to?”


Me and Sooyoung broke our hug only to face her friends. Yuri had her arms crossed as she smirked at us. I noticed Taecyeon staring at me; he eyed me up and down disapprovingly. He seems like one of those people who I could never get along with, no matter how hard I tried. Jessica was not there, and neither was Yoona. Where is Yoona?


“We weren’t doing anything!” Sooyoung pushed Yuri lightly while chuckling softly. 


“Seems to me like you two were awfully comfortable with each other’s company.” Taecyeon said and smirked smugly.


“Taecyeon, we were just hugging.” Sooyoung rolled her eyes, though she did grin at Taecyeon.


“Looked like more than a hug to me.” He shrugged.


“Where is Yoona?”


“What?” All three of them asked and stared at me. Taecyeon looked suspicious, way too suspicious. Yuri looked around as if she just noticed Yoona’s absence. And Sooyoung... Sooyoung looked drop dead annoyed. 


“Why are you asking?” Taecyeon asked with a glare locked on me.


“Yes, Ryeowook, why are you asking?” Sooyoung added in a bittersweet voice.


I shrugged and swallowed some of the nervousness I was feeling at the sudden tension. “I thought she was coming here.”


“She was here just now...” Yuri mumbled as she looked around the crowded area. Taecyeon and Sooyoung glanced around, and I guess that is when they realized that Yoona was not present. 


“Where did she go?” Taecyeon asked and looked at Yuri.


“I don’t know.” Yuri shrugged while looking apologetic. Just then, the double doors to the performance hall were opened and people started to walk inside. 


“Well,” Sooyoung started and hooked her arm with mine. “The doors are open now, so me and Ryeowook will go find ourselves some seats. You guys can go look for Yoona in the mean time.” She flashed a toothy grin and waved at both Yuri and Taecyeon before we both walked into the performance hall. 


“Where are we sitting?” Sooyoung asked asked as we entered the huge hall.


“We have front row seats.” I gave her a brief smile before I led her towards our seats. 


I sat in the in between Sungmin and Sooyoung during the musical, with Sungmin being totally engrossed in Yesung’s performances and Sooyoung always asking me random questions about the musical. I flinched lightly when Sooyoung took a hold of my hand. She did not look at me or anything, she just held my hand and, for some reason I felt it was right to give her hand a light squeeze. Soon - probably halfway through the musical - Yuri, Taecyeon and Yoona came and took their seats next to us. I leaned forward to glance at Yoona and we made eye contact, but for some reason she broke our eye contact almost immediately.


“Hm.” I mumbled as I leaned back in my seat.


“Wook-ah,” Sooyoung said cutely while squeezing my hand.


I looked down at her and smiled. “Yeah?”


“Do you like singing?”


My throat felt a bit dry as I tried to swallow. “Well...” The truth is... that I actually love singing! But, unfortunately I am shy. I never sing in front of people, but whenever I am completely by myself I will sing. “I don’t know...” I shrugged.


She eyed me carefully. “You do, don’t you?”


I looked back at the stage again and shook my head frantically. “No, not at all!” I blurted out nervously.


I could hear her chuckle lightly beside me. “OK. If you say so...” 



After the performance me, Sungmin, Sooyoung and Yuri went backstage to congratulate Yesung. ...Well, Sungmin and I congratulated him, Sooyoung gave him small praise and Yuri confronted him about why he had not told her that he was a singer. Afterwards me and Sooyoung went outside the big building, where both Yoona and Taecyeon were. Yoona looked slightly upset as she stood next to Taecyeon while hugging her upper body, and her head hung low. Even though she was standing next to Taecyeon, there was space between them, almost as if she did not want to stand closer to him. And her dress... I had not noticed it until now. Yoona wore a short black dress; it accented her body well and it exposed and accented her curves in a breathtaking way. She looked gorgeous to be quite frank, however at the same time the dress was quite revealing. Yoona was above average when it came to hight, hence her legs where long compared to many other girls. The dress she wore showed off her legs to a degree close to shameless. I cannot recall ever seeing her wear such an outfit. It made me wonder who she was trying to impress. Was it... Taecyeon?


“Hi, guys!” Sooyoung chirped.


“Hey,” Taecyeon gave one of his signature smug smiles. “Are you guys leaving now?”


Sooyoung looked over at me with a small smile. “Are we?”


I shrugged as I returned the smile. “I guess.” I then looked back towards Yoona and Taecyeon - or more specifically, Yoona. “Are you guys staying on, or...?”


“I have no reason to stay here.” Taecyeon muttered before glancing over at Yoona. He draped an arm around Yoona’s shoulder to pull her closer. “Need a ride home?” I felt my heart ache at the sight. Were they back together now? I should have known. 


Yoona used her hand to move Taecyeon’s arm away from her before she took a step away from him. “No, I’m good.”


Taecyeon looked over at Sooyoung as if he was asking for any kind of help. He then looked back at Yoona. “You’re not gonna stay here all night, are you?”


“Yuri is my ride home.” Yoona answered without looking at Taecyeon. She just kept her gaze fixated on the ground.


“Yuri? But she is inside talking to that weird guy.” Taecyeon grimaced. “Let me drive you home instead. It will save you both time.” He grabbed onto Yoona’s arm after finishing his sentence.


Yoona shot a sharp glare at Taecyeon. “Thanks, but no thanks.” She answered as she freed herself from Taecyeon’s grip. “My stuff is at Yuri’s place.”


“I’ll drive you there.” Taecyeon offered and stepped closer to Yoona.


“I would rather you didn’t.” Yoona said before stomping back into the building. 






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Chapter 8: Please update!!! I haven’t read fanfics in a long time but I was just curious and found this fanfic. It is very interesting and cute!! I really want Yoonwook to be together!!!
update please :( this is so interesting
Chapter 5: Great update XD
Chapter 5: OMGGG I totally didn't expect you to update this but gosh <33333333 you have no idea how much I love this fic. ㅠ thank you for updating!!
Chapter 5: Hi dear..I hv just found this fic n I fall in love with it kkkk
Did soo really like wook?
Aihh please update soon...n here we go sub n vote ^^
please update soon , I really miss yoonwook T-T
updateplease #7
nice story ! update sooon pleaze
Chapter 4: Pliz update soon~
Awesome !! tho I was still recovering from a " almost yoonwook moment" from ytd :) love it
Xima_113 #10
Chapter 4: Update soon,please ^ ^. I like it