
The Time Traveller


"That's all thanks to me!" Taemin said proudly, "I had Po come to heal you, he was really really nice!"


"Really? That healing spirit? He came from his house in the forest?" Onew was grateful.


"I brought him here with Rainicorn's help!" Taemin explained.


Onew continued to work his wrist, still quite stunned that it was hurting like hell earlier and now it's perfectly fine!


"I should go thank Po." Onew said, feeling thankful for the healing.


"Boys! Come down now the food is ready!" Key called from downstairs.


The sweet aroma that they both have not noticed came floating under their nose now, tantalizing their taste buds. They quickly scrambled down the steps to answer the call of their grumbling stomach.


"Tae-ah! Where's the rabbit you caught? The fire is ready!" Minho yelled to Taemin from outside the house.


Taemin widened his eyes in horror, "Aniyo, not my tokki, it's my pet now!"


"But but, of all bunnies you caught before..." Minho pressed on, eyeing Onew for answers.


Onew shrugged, meaning that he doesn't know either.


"He just says he likes this one. It's special." Onew told the rest.


"It's special because Onew caught it for you?" Jonghyun was spot on, making Taemin uneasy.


Onew looked at Taemin, secretly hoping that that was the case.


"No! I just really really really like this one." Taemin looked intently at Key, calling for some rescue here.


"Okay okay, stop pushing my baby. He likes that bunny and that's it he can keep it." Key announced to the gang, protecting his precious.


The three took that as the final decree and dare not rebut. They all head outside to have their late afternoon lunch.


"No no! Get that rabbit meat out of my face!" Taemin pushed the plate away that was shoved under his nose.


The four men laughed at Taemin's exaggerated reaction, still puzzled at the maknae's sudden change.


In all's honesty, Onew didn't want to eat rabbits too. He had been told he looks like one so much that he wondered if he was a bunny in his past life. Besides, now that Taemin had a new found affection for white furballs, how could he eat one?


With all the laughing, talking and singing around the campfire, the gang finished their meat and was full and satisfied. Onew used that chance to explain about his broken and now healed wrist. The trio was fascinated by Po and his techniques, Jonghyun had diagnosed it to be on level 4 out of 5, given the way clumsy Onew used his one hand to break the fall.


Key was snuggled all the way into Jonghyun, warming up from the cold night in front of the dying campfire. It was a romantic sight with their backdrop millions of stars twinkling, giving off their own glow.


Taemin couldn’t help but stare at the lovey dovey of the two, deep down inside his heart he longed for such touch and embrace. Of course he had received long warm hugs from his parents, but he didn’t want that kind of hugs. He wanted something else, from someone else, but Taemin didn’t know what and who. He decided he would go see Rainicorn tonight, she’s really smart and intelligent, she’ll know how to explain.


At the corner of Key’s eyes, in between those huddling, he saw the very same set of eyes that appeared the day he adopted Taemin as his son. Where was that sense of longing coming from, and isn’t having Jonghyun and Key enough for Taemin? Key mummy was quite concerned for the young boy and wondered was it because of the incident with Onew today, which Key saw clearly everything that happened, too.


Very soon the evening sky turned to dusk, the yellow moon’s complexion can be seen all too clearly and it wasn’t flattering. Stars winked at anyone that looked up, glistening conceitedly.


Again Jonghyun and Key shared a room next to Taemin’s, Onew and Minho took Taemin’s bed. Though tonight Taemin promised Onew that he would stay in the room even if it means him sleeping on the hard flooring.


But Taemin excused himself, saying that he would be going to meet Rainicorn for a bit and told his hyungs not to stay up for him. He would come back safe and soon.


With that, he took off into the night heading towards the small hill again and sat close to the sturdy tree. There he waited for Rainicorn to appear, just like she would whenever she knew Taemin was troubled.


Onew, on the other hand, could not sleep no matter how long he shut his eyes and tossed in bed. Minho almost kicked him off in annoyance. Clearly he was on pins and needles about the boy. He reminded himself that Taemin was with Rainicorn, which meant a safe and sound boy, yet still he couldn’t help the meaningless worry.


So the leader found his way down the stairs and sat on the large wooden chair. He brought a pen and a book down, in case Taemin came back he could disguise it as him writing, not waiting.


He waited, waited and waited, but Taemin hasn’t come back. Onew struggled to keep his eyes open but he couldn’t, he fell into dreamland.


I usually don't like to put pictures because it'll kind of restrict your imagination, so I tried to put a lot of efforts into describing instead.


Ah, the next chapter Taemin meets up with Lady Rainicorn. What will be the answer to all his questions? 

The next chapter's pretty cool, I thought hehe. Well, I was the one who wrote it! Yes, self-priase is self-disgrace. So y'all will judge for me okay? 


Thanks for reading! 


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Chapter 38: awwww cutness overload; poor Jinki worrying, bless him, Taemin loves you silly; love that Taemin wanted to get the curtains because it felt nice to cuddle Jinki in them keke; so adorable. ;-p and of course Jinki wants to cuddle with nothing in between them keke.
Chapter 38: Ohhh gawd!!! As if I dint die of feels from the story already?!!! This extra just KYAAAAAAAAAA~~~ JSJDJFNJFJFJDNDD taemin is soooo cuteee imma cry T.T I wont reveal much here but the way onew found tae was sooo damn cuteee omgawd jfbfnfjfnfnfnfnfn loved it and the ending awww tae sleeping in the curtains kekkeke cute shiet and he wanted those curtains because it feels nice to hug jinki? *smirks* and y jinki appears ;) XDD LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE THISSSSS <3333333 omygawd *spazzes again* XD luv ya <3 thanks for the extra ^-^
Chapter 38: so cute im crying taem pls
Chapter 37: Lallalaa /swimming in a pool of feels/ gonna go sleep. Byw. Thank you for writing this e u e I cried and feel fluffy~~
Chapter 26: Eve and adam is Taemin's pet names right? XD
Chapter 23: Ah seriously I don't wanna spam that much but umma appa are too cute X"D
Chapter 22: Djgjhfkjthjufhrgb I comment too much but that.. Fake sleep confessions are ther best really xD
Chapter 17: I'm dead.
C.O.D: ontae fluffyness overdose.
Chapter 14: aaahahhhhahhhhhhh jjong appaaaa ♥ ♥ ♥ and inspecting onew without honorifics and twisting everythingg xDD gosh~