We need you

We need you

A light buzzing sound was wandering through your mind, making you stir slightly as you pulled the covers over your head. In your mind the dream made it seem like you were in the middle of the street, a bee buzzing around your head and trying to attract your attention. But you were too busy dancing in circles and blowing bubbles. Yes, your dreams didn’t make sense. So logically, the buzzing wasn’t a reason to feel alarmed. It stayed a constant presence throughout your dreams until the moment you jumped into a pool and gasped for air as you woke up.

The feeling of relief was great as you realized it was only a dream. You sank back onto your fluffy pillows, breathing in deeply. Ah, you loved sleeping in late on a Sunday morning. Of course, that would’ve been better if Himchan had been with you. But you knew that with the upcoming promotions for One Shot, it was imperative he practiced the choreography over and over again. So last night you agreed with him sleeping at the dorm instead of with you. That way you could sleep in and he could get up at 7am.

Reaching out for your phone, a shock came over you as you spotted the enormous amount of missed calls and texts on your screen. “What the..?” you mumbled, feeling instantly alarmed. Opening the several texts, it didn’t get better. —_______, Himchan’s hurt. You need to come—Himchan fell down, please come! — Noona, why aren’t you picking up the phone?— ______ you really really need to get here now, we sort of need you here. —- _______, seriously come to the hospital nearby the dorm. —- Noona please wake up and answer? —- Noona, Himchan-hyung is being…well …. You know. We need you. Please! —- Oh crap.

Never in your life had you felt a rush of adrenaline like this before. Like a jaguar set out to catch its prey, you lunged for the first sweatshirt and jeans you could find and ran out the door. Looks didn’t matter right now… He did.

Stumbling into the hospital, you were directed to the second floor and found the other boys sitting around Himchan’s bed. The tension between all of them was so thick; you could almost cut it with a knife. Though you hardly noticed; since it was already a relief to see him sitting up and smile when you entered. “Jagi!” he brought out happily. It was as if that word, and your obvious presence, was the ‘on-switch’ for a nice atmosphere in this room. And suddenly you realized why they had texted that they ‘needed you’. Taking his face between your hands, you planted a quick kiss on his lips before you spoke. “I’m so so so so soooo sorry I didn’t hear the calls. I slept right through it and I only noticed just now. I’m really sorry. Are you okay? What happened? Is it bad? ” you blurted out all out once. Himchan’s eyes instantly got sadder, making you worry even more.


“When we left for work this morning, they were urging me to go faster. You know them. And of course I did as they asked and I ran over the street without looking. I was super-fast and all of the sudden there was a car I didn’t see.So I ran, but there was this huge frozen puddle right in front of the car…And due to all the hurrying, I fell.” He explained sadly. You were ready to go all ‘aww baby’ on him, right when Yongguk interrupted. “Actually, we were right after him. And he just pulled open the van and indeed slipped on the ice. The rest is his hero-version.” The leader explained, making a huge smile appear on your face. “Yaaa…” your boyfriend mumbled, glaring at the man next to him. You could only chuckle at his try to spice the story up. “Well, it doesn’t matter how it happened anyway.” You started. “Question is, are you okay now? Since you’re here…” you asked straightforwardly. Obviously being in the hospital wasn’t a good sign. Sure, he was an idol and he had to get a check-up to be sure. But since they were still here… You felt something was off. “I’m okay r-“ “He needs to get a surgery done on his fingers. They are broken and if they don’t do it, they might not heal correctly.” Yongguk said as he interrupted Himchan once again. Your mouth fell open at the surprise. Did he plan to not tell you? Did he think it was okay to try and hide that.

“Oh…And when are they doing the surgery?” you added, feeling slightly uneasy at the thought yet still glaring at him for not telling you straight away. “That’s where you come in. We’ve been trying to convince him for hours now. But he won’t do it.” Yongguk explained as Himchan groaned at the new revelation towards you. So that explained a lot of the text messages you received. It sounded a lot like your boyfriend to refuse something like that, because you logically assumed he had something in his mind about it that bothered him, but he didn’t want to say out loud. “Himchan…” you started. Those words were the que for the other boys to get up and instantly leave the room. Even Yongguk politely excused himself and gave you a wink for support; knowing you’d need it.

“Okay, why exactly are you being like this?” you went off straight away. “Jagi…” “Oh no don’t you ‘jagi me’, mister! Not until you give me a perfectly logical explanation why you are saying no to a necessary surgery! Why exactly don’t you want your hand to heal correctly?” you snapped at him. It wasn’t that you were mad with him, more so annoyed at how he seemed to try to make the situation a minor nuisance. Instead of something that could influence his entire future career. Something like this was important, he couldnt’ just brush it off with some jokes. He was silent for a while, a moment in which you only glared at him. But then he spoke. “I’m scared…” he almost whispered, looking down quietly. Your caring nature kicked in and you sat down on the bed, next to him and wrapped your arms around him as much as possible. “For the surgery? Or ..?” “Narcosis mostly. I’m just scared they might mess up, okay? I’ve read things about it before and sometimes…” he took a deep breath, “people don’t wake up…People get paralyzed…” he finished his sentence. Instantly you picked up how he sounded genuinely scared. Of course that also scared you, being surprised by seeing such a vulnerable side of your boyfriend that you weren’t used to. Logically, you only hugged him tighter.

“Sweetheart, I know the thought might be scary. But things like that don’t happen regularly. I promise you. I’m sure it’ll go without troubles. And I’ll be right here, waiting for you.” You said to him, lightly pecking his cheek. He sighed loudly. “I know, I know. I’m being a big baby, right?” he spoke, sadly staring into your eyes. The pain was visible in his dark teary eyes. “No, you’re not. It’s nothing to be ashamed of. I’m sure it must be a scary thing to go under narcosis for the first time.” You comforted, glad to see a smile spread over his face at your words. “I really love you…” he started. “Remember that…Just in case.” He smirked, before kissing you lightly.

Before you knew it doctors came, went and took him with them. You were left with the others, sitting in silence as you wallowed in nervousness and guilt. Mostly guilt, because out of all days; this had to happen today. You couldn’t believe how something like this happened on the only day you decide to sleep late. Normally you would always wake up at the slightest sound, but now… You had missed it and therefore delayed the surgery by a few hours.  You could only pray it wouldn’t affect his healing too much and that he would be fine. The others tried to tell you it was okay, but it was only when the door opened again and they rolled in his bed; you felt at ease again. Everything went well.

His face was nothing short of angelic as he so peacefully slept in his bed. All of you were standing around him, gazing down at him with curiosity. Would he wake up any second now? “Hyung?” Daehyun carefully spoke. Nothing. “Channie?” you now tried and you quickly leaned forward to press a soft kiss to his warm lips. You then all waited in silence until. He moved. “J..Ja..gi.” he brought out; making you relax instantly and watching his eyes flutter open slowly. “Yes, it’s me. I’m here.” You replied, taking his free hand in yours and sitting down on the bed. He was now looking at you. “You kissed me.” He brought out slowly; he still wasn’t fully awake yet. “I did.” You grinned, pushing the hair of his face. “I felt that. I feel this.” He said, sounding as if he was doing a check-up on himself. “Good.” You smirked. Feeling his free hand move against yours, you laughed. “Feel that too?” he nodded as you asked. “And this?” you continued, bringing your free hand to his chest and making it walk down slowly. The sound of the chuckle that escaped his lips warmed your heart. That was your Himchan again, all of the happy him. “So far it seems to work.” He grinned, “But make sure you check everything.” He added happily.

Unfortunately that had been enough for Junhong to act too and hit Himchan’s leg rather harshly. “YA!” your boyfriend yelled, surprising even you with the force of his voice while he tried to kick the maknae. All of you laughed as you tried to keep Himchan in the bed. “Stay, the nurse said you need to wake up calmly.” You urged. “Well, he is preventing that.” Himchan replied as he pointed at Junhong on the other side of the room; smiling sheepishly. “Well at least it confirmed that your body seems to work fine.” You smirked as you continued to push him back down and the others took Junhong out of the room for a bit. “But you haven’t even checked it all!” Himchan instantly protested.  “You just tried to jump out of the bed, why would I.”  You laughed but he suddenly moved his hand to yours and pushed it back to his chest.  “Pick up where you left off!” he suggested, making you both sigh and giggle at his demands. “Junhong already checked your legs, there’s nothing else to check.” You answered, pulling away your hand. Though, he grabbed it again and pushed it down on the covers, slightly lower than where you had left of. Your first move had been innocent but now your hand was right on the place you assumed his crotch was under the covers. As he pushed down your hand, your suspicions were proven to be correct. “Aish, jagi.” You laughed, removing your hand. “Well, okay, you can keep some of the checking for tonight then.” He answered with a laugh as he pulled you closer into a careful embrace.

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crimsonwhirlwind #1
nice story :)
Chapter 1: All the stories are so cute I can't :'(
Mittaa #3
Chapter 1: I love this <3
Get well soon channie :')