Rules And Regulations

Friendship Or Destiny?


Peniel's POV:
"I think you guys can stay ..." She said. A huge smile came across my face, having such hope. "But under one condition" she told me. Oh God. "What's the catch?" I asked.
"There are a few rules that have to be laid down in this house."
"Just get to the point already." I demanded.
"Fine ... Geeze calm your hormones" she said. "First, my room. No one goes in it. I mean NO ONE but me" "Okay I can live with that." I said.
"Second, make sure the guys DO NOT start playing around in the cupboards or in the fridge, I don't want them to screw anything up."
"Okay that's understandable" I told her. 
But after the long amount of rules she finally gets to the last.
Your POV:
"And last, you DO NOT have anyone over without letting me know first." I told him. That one should have at least got him to say something else other than 'okay' and 'I can live with that'. 
 "Who are you to make a rule like that my mother?" I went silent, I felt the sign of depression now thinking about my parents but it's been a while and I have to move on. 
"Oh my God _______ I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to bring them up. Otteoke?" I laughed. 
"Oppa~ you're so stupid." 
"Wae~?" He asked.
"Yeah, I felt hurt for a little bit but seriously. Think a little before you speak." I told him.
"Mian" he said.
After a long moment of silence from us two I decided to ask him a question.
"When are they coming?"
"Oh they should be here tomorrow morning. They still have to get alot of  their stuff ready." 
'That still gives me a lot of time to do whatever ... "YES!" I accidentally said out loud. 
"Uh ... ______?" He said. 
"Why are you so happy that their coming tomorrow morning?" He asked.
"Oh .."  I said. "No reason, am I just not allowed to be in a happy mood for some unknown reason?" He laughed.   
"Alright then, I have to go help the guys and probably won't see you until morning. Goodnight." He said. "I love you."
"I love you too." I said.
As soon as he walked out the door I ran around the house making it as clean as possible. I know they're not supposed to be here until morning but I have to have my house at least presentable, he didn't say exactly when in the morning anyway.
 Time passes, I finished cleaning, tired as ever and decided to take a shower. Having the warmth of the water fall against my body leaves me with a smile on my face not wanting to get out but realizing how long I've been in here I had to get out.
 I sigh and look around my room before I shut my light out and say "It's clean. Just like I want it." I shut off my lights, lay in my bed, look out my window at the stars. "Goodnight." I said.
A/N: Thank you for reading my fanfic, again, it's not that good but I guarantee you it's going to get better. You don't know how happy I was to see I have subscribers. Please try not to be a silent reader and thank you very much. Also I know this chapter is very short but I think the other ideas are better off in the next chapter<3
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nice story ^^
RJayKim96 #2
Chapter 18: Everyone, I'm sorry it's taking so long to update, all of my work for the next chapter is saved on my iPod which is dead, and my charger is busted. I will have it updated this weekend, I promise. I hope you guys understand, saranghaeyo, thank you for supporting me <3
RJayKim96 #3
Chapter 18: I'm sorry for all of these sad parts, it will either a confusing, happy, or angry ending. I hope you all like my story. I love you all <3
Chapter 17: Poor unnie, why did she have to feel this?
Chapter 1: yes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 2: I can't wait for the next chapters! c:
Chapter 1: Haha RJay r u planning on making me breakfast (cause if you do I'm sure there'll be egg shells in the pancakes) HEEHEHEHEHHEHE don't hit me. *flinches* hahaha anyway good start..

Ps. This is Kali ur bestes friend hehehe don't get mad at my comment saranghae....<3 so please don't bead be case I will....... Nevermind.... Hope you like my comment and finish my story called "the dark truth" k saranghae