Loved You First


DongHae's confused about his feelings.


This is an idea I got in a rush. It has a hint of SiHae, a pinch of EunHae and KiHae. I hope you'll read it till the end no matter which pairing you ship more.

~ Poster and background made by mindashii from ◌ des ailes ◌ g r a p h i c s ~


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164 streak #1
Chapter 1: Aaaaaw~~~~~ kibummie~ just go back to SJ. You can still make it up to him. Hehe :)
Hi, this is mindashii from des ailes, I see your using the poster & bg, but there's no credit. Please make sure you add the credit somewhere in your foreword, thank you.
Chapter 1: kihae......!!!!!!!
you must make a sequel, and make this end with happy ending KiHae :D
sashalovesfish #4
Chapter 1: wow, kibum was Hae's lover??cute~!!
hima_kawaii #5
Chapter 1: awwwww kihae ^^