Sing Me to Sleep


Title: “Sing Me to Sleep” — One Shot

Pairing: OnHo (Onew/Minho)

Other Pairings: Ninja!JongTae (Jonghyun/Taemin), Implied!KeyBer (Key/Amber)

Rating: PG / possibly PG-13 for themes

Genre: Merfolk AU, Romance, Comedy, Fluff

Word Count: 3,239

Summary: In which Jonghyun is definitely not a liar, Kibum is passionately obsessed, Minho snags more than a just a few fish, and, in turn, Jinki manages to change his entire life with a dazzling smile.


Minho was never a man of many words, satisfied with just listening and nodding appropriately during conversations. It worked out quite well, especially when his best friend was the talkative Kibum.

“Jonghyun swore to god he saw a mermaid! Said it was the prettiest little thing he’d ever seen,” the older man was saying as he followed Minho around the pier. The taller of the two said nothing to this, not that Kibum was expecting him to—the elder was used to a silent other party by now.

“I seriously doubt he saw one though. Merfolk only show themselves when they want to be seen. Why would Jonghyun get to see one? He’s so lewd and crass.”

Minho shrugs in response, making quick work of gathering his fishing supplies from the dock and climbing aboard his small fishing boat. Kibum scrambled in behind him, still talking.

“I mean, I’ve always wanted see a mermaid. It’s not fair that he would, right?”

“Right hyung,” Minho agrees, deciding not mention that everyone wanted to see a mermaid.

Well, everyone except for Minho.


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Chapter 1: this was cute! i love the little drabble format.
Chapter 1: adorable ><
Chapter 1: adorable ><
flrite #4
Chapter 1: This is so cute and sweet and adorable. I love your stories honestly you write so well and i could see it all happening
Chapter 1: great story! Its amazing hom much feeling we can see from them without too much of words
Chapter 1: Waw they're so should write more OnHo xDD
Chapter 1: this is so sweet! T_________T can this have a continuation? pretty please ^/\^
Chapter 1: That was so sweet! I love all of your fics and this one was no exception. I know you say that this is different from the others but it really isn't. You manage to convey the romantic yet sweet side of OnHo and how beautiful their love is in all of your stories.
grimmjowmylove #9
Chapter 1: really beautiful and romantic! i loved every moment of it =)
Chapter 1: I like the ending....... It was romantic.. :)