Chapter 1: 
Chorong's POV
"OMG!" Was the first thing I screamed when I found out that my sister, Suzy  got into JYPE. I was so happy for her as it was her dream to get into JYPE. Actually it was my dream too but I'm shy and i have stage fright, anyways I'm still happy for her. My family decided for me to go with her to Korea. .
They booked us a flight for next week . I will go to the school there while my sister goes for here training at JYPE. I'm so excited to go back to Korea, it brings back memories every time someone says Korea as I stayed there until the age of 13 as my parents got a job in the stated and our family moved there. On the other side I'm still sad as I'm going to leave all my friends back in the states and I will miss my family too.
One week later
Finally it was the day my sister and I will be going to Korea. Our parents sent us of and in a few hours we reached Korea. We quickly collected our luggages and when we stepped out of the airport, we were wowed by how much Korea has changed since we left. We flagged a taxi and went to the flat our parents helped us rent near the company and near my school. When we reached the flat, my sister were so excited we run around the house like kids exploring each room and we screamed the room we wanted. It was getting dark and tomorrow it will be my first day in my new school I was super hyped and couldn't sleep but my sister sang me song which helped me too sleep. Suzy will not start training in a week or two so she decided to start unpacking first.
It was 7.10 in the morning my alarm clock rang but I ignored it. 5 minutes later Suzy ran into the room shouting " WAKE UP SLEEPY HEAD!" I fell of my bed I finally woke up. I washed up and went to the living room where I found my favorite breakfast Suzy made for me, bacon with eggs.
Sorry for making the first chapter so short , please give me some suggestions and ill make chapter 2 longer thanks(:
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