Dancing to The Rain


I remember the times. It's like old photos in my head. They keep on rolling, and rolling again. I remember everything, like a photo, despite that it has been 4 years since then.


4 years...


And I've never been this thankful for my life before.


Well, since yesterday was April 19, 2011 (well, in Indonesia, that is) I decided to do a little something. it's fictional, though. That's the reason why people called it fanfiction, duh. ^^ LOL


All I can say is......I made it in about, like, 2 hours? Just in 2 hours. So it , yea =)))


Anyway, enjoy!



p.s.: if anything seems similar, or same, please note that it's coincidentally. I'm not plagiarizing. Yet I don't have much time to read each and every fanfic here, right? So, yeah, things must be coincidentally similar or something.


12/09/2011: I got this fic reviewed by  ♥-Pro15se to 13elieve-♥ (Review Corner☺)! They're reaaally good! <3 I suggest you to get their review for your fanfics ^^

Here's the result! Hehehe kyaaaa I'm so glad~ xixixi XD Thank you~


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I love this.. ;___;
shineepants #2
This was beautifully written. ^^ I would have liked the end to be a bit longer and more descriptive, though.<br />
There were some grammatical errors, so maybe get a beta reader for your next fic, but overall it really was amazing.
thankyou babyboo13 <3 hehehe~
babyboo13 #4
awesome ♥ <br />
@sujunme: thank you~ ^^v hehe
sujunme #6
love it....