"Let's Break Up."

ATTRACTION: No Love Involved


“Where is Minhee?” Jaeun asked Gongchan at lunch.

Gongchan just looked at Jaeun and shrugged. But it was obvious that he is pissed, on some matters that Jaeun doesn’t know about.

Jaeun narrowed her eyes on him. “Hey, what is that look all about?” She asked as she stared at him.

Gongchan just sighed hard and ate his burger, totally ignoring Jaeun’s question. He looked at a distance, the way where Minhee walked to see Lee Kikwang. Again.

Kikwang had come begging her again and this weak lady names Minhee had been soft again. With just one word from Kikwang, she would forgive him easily.

Well, no one could blame a hopeless romantic person, would we?

“Is this about Minhee?” Jaeun asked, trying to confirm what she is thinking about Gongchan and Minhee.

Gongchan looked at her, shut his eyes and sighed hard. So he was busted.

Jaeun chuckled. “Why don’t you just tell her? You know. I see that you are pretty obvious. And I can see that she somehow likes you.” She beamed making Gongchan look at her weirdly, in disbelief.

Jaeun blinked. “What? She likes you.” She said straight forward. “Minhee and I have been friends for about some time now and I know if she likes a guy or not.” She explained.

Gongchan just laughed awkwardly. “Then you must know that she went to meet Lee Kikwang again.” He said, sulking while looking at his drink.

Jaeun’s eyes widened, in disbelief. “No frigging way! Why would she still meet that guy?! He hurt her twice.” She beamed, making Gongchan just smile.

“She just did.” Gongchan replied to her remark.

Jaeun just shook her head. “She’s hopeless. She has seen him, with both of her beautiful eyes that that guy was cheating on her with the same girl twice and she still went to him?” She asked still in disbelief. “What is she trying to do? Trying to be a martyr?” She ranted as she raked her fingers through her hair.

Gongchan just shrugged. “She loves him.” He said sadly.

Jaeun looked at Gongchan who is sulking in front of her. She hated how Minhee acted this time. She hated how Minhee had become foolish for love. Is that even love?

“You love her already?” She asked Gongchan. Because seeing how sad Gongchan is right now, it is definitely not something shallower than love. It isn’t just attraction. There is love involved.

Gongchan looked at her, his face questioning her remark. “What?” He asked shocked.

Jaeun looked into Gongchan’s eyes. “You love her, right?” She asked again, but this time, she is more confident about her statement.

“Why would you even ask that?” He asked as he laughed awkwardly.

Jaeun raised her brow at him. “Big fat handsome liar.” She muttered as she rolled her eyes. “You love her and don’t you even deny it.” She rolled her eyes once more.

Gongchan stopped laughing and stared back at her. “How would you know I love her? Do you know what love is?” He asked making Jaeun flinch.

She glared at Gongchan. “Just because I don’t believe in love doesn’t mean that I don’t know what love is.” She replied. “Isn’t believing in something one doesn’t know worse than not believing something one knows?”

Gongchan stared at her again, now contemplating on what to say next. Jaeun has got the right answer. She got the point.

Jaeun looked at him. “What? I’m right?” She asked. “You love her, Gong Chansik. Don’t be a coward there and confess your feelings for her. It doesn’t matter if she is with Kikwang or not. At least let her know how you feel for her. It would lessen your sad feeling about it.” She advised then she glanced at Sunggyu’s way. “You don’t know your rivals to her heart.” She continued.

Gongchan stopped and began to think. Jaeun was right. He has to make a move now. It doesn’t matter if Minhee has Kikwang now. It doesn’t matter if they are back together. He has to make a move.

He laughed weakly and nodded. “Well, I guess you’re a love adviser too, Kwon Jaeun.” He said. Jaeun just smirked. “You’re right. I have to make a move now.” He said more determined.

Jaeun smiled and nodded. “That’s the spirit.” She beamed giving him two thumbs up.

Gongchan nodded and smiled. So he was going to make a move.

Meanwhile, Jaeun accidentally glanced at L who was walking towards them – her and Gongchan.

She stared at him and scrutinized his face.

There he is again, showing his poker face. That one face that Jaeun couldn’t decipher.

She flinched when she noticed that his eyes were on her. *What is happening to him?* She thought as she felt nervous that L is approaching.

She looked down and pretended to be doing something. But hell, she had just finished her food. So what was she going to do? Act asleep.

Yes. Great idea.

She plopped her head on the table and pretended to be asleep. Gongchan who was in front of her, looked at her weirdly.

“Yah, Kwon Jaeun, what is wrong?” Gongchan asked her but Jaeun ignored him. He narrowed his eyes on her. *What is she doing? After advising me, she sleeps? Wow. Unbelievable.* He thought as he shook his head.

Jaeun was biting her lips and extremely shutting her eyes while waiting for L to come closer. She is nervous.

But hey, this is so un-Jaeun-like. When did she start getting scared at L’s poker face and glare again? Isn’t she the one who’s on the lead between the two of them?

Then she felt someone’s presence behind her. She knew it was L.

“Kwon Jaeun.” He said with coldness in his voice.

Jaeun could feel L’s stare at her back. And that did make her tremble.

“Kwon Jaeun.” He said again.

This time, Gongchan stared at the both of them. *What is happening to them?* He asked in his mind while narrowing his eyes on L.

L glared at him. *What is this alien looking at? Why is he looking at me?* He thought as he transferred his stare at Jaeun again.

“Yah, Kwon Jaeun.” He said impatiently. “I know you are acting asleep.” He added. “Get up or I will have to carry you out of the campus.” He threatened.

But Jaeun still didn’t respond.

L sighed hard. “You chose this.” He said as he took Jaeun’s arm and carried her bridal style.

Jaeun’s eyes shot wide open as L stared at her. “YAH! What are you doing?!” She asked hysterically.

“I gave you a choice, Kwon Jaeun. But you did the opposite. So, I am giving you what I told you earlier.” HE said as he carried her out of the cafeteria with all eyes on them.

“Wow.” Gongchan muttered astonished at Jaeun and L. “What relationship do they have?” He asked again.





“YAH! Put me down!!!!” Jaeun yelled at L as she punched his chest.

They were heading towards the parking lot, towards L’s car.

L plopped her in the passenger seat and closed the door harshly making Jaeun startled by the force from the door.

L sat on the driver’s seat and started the engine.

Jaeun looked at him, glaring. “Yah! Where the hell are you taking me, Kim Myungsoo?” She asked him menacingly.

L ignored her and kept on driving.

“YAAAAAH!” Jaeun screamed making L stop the car abruptly. Jaeun, who hadn’t even buckled her seatbelt, hit her head on the windshield. Yes, that’s how strong the impact is.

“OWWWW!” She groaned as she held her head.

L’s eyes widened and immediately checked her head and massaged it. “Jaeun, does it hurt? Do you need me to take you to the hospital?” He asked nervously.

Jaeun looked at him and glared. “You did this! This is all your fault!” She scowled at him as she pried his hands off her.

L was taken aback. Wow, she is strong.

Jaeun glared at him. “Where are you taking me?! Tell me!” She demanded.

L stared back at her. “At my house.” He said as he leaned closer to her. Jaeun was suddenly taken aback at L’s action.

L sighed. “Aish. You should put your seatbelt on, you silly girl.” He said as he buckled her seatbelt.

Jaeun’s eyes widened, her heart thumping fast at L’s close proximity to her. She could smell his scent and it is making her more nervous.

L got back to his seat and started to drive again.

Jaeun turned quiet suddenly as she looked away, controlling her heartbeat.

But yeah, the heart muscles, that make the heart beat fast, work unconsciously that makes up one involuntary function of the hypothalamus gland in the brain. So, no one could control heart beats.

Not even Einstein.

It was a quiet ride until L’s condominium.

L opened Jaeun’s door and pulled her outside, interlacing his fingers into hers.

“Why did you take me here?” Jaeun asked, finally speaking up.

They arrived at L’s condo and he plopped her into the couch.

L went straight to his room and took off his shirt to change.

Jaeun followed him. “Yah. Kim Myungsoo! Answer me!” She demanded as her eyes landed on L’s shirtless body.

Just right then, her heart started to beat faster again. *Damn it, Jaeun. It isn’t like this is your first time seeing his body.* She thought as she exhaled heavily.

L looked back at her, still showing his body. He noticed her flinch seeing his body. He smirked and walked to her.

“What was that?” He asked as he kept walking to her.

Jaeun’s eyes widened and stepped backwards. “W-why did you take me here?” She stuttered as she kept on walking backwards.

L cocked his head. “What?” He asked again as he moved forward.

Jaeun just bit her lip as she found herself reaching the wall.

L smirked and moved closer, to the point where the tips of their noses are touching. He stared into Jaeun’s eyes. “What were you saying?” He asked again, but this time, with a whole new different tone.

Jaeun gulped and looked down. Her heart is thumping even faster than ever. She sighed hard when she finally got the courage to ask him her question again. “Why did you-“

Jaeun’s statement was cut by L’s kiss. He crashed his lips onto hers and started to kiss her passionately. L’s hands were hugging Jaeun’s waist as Jaeun automatically wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling his hair.

L carried Jaeun to his bed without leaving her lips. He positioned himself on top of Jaeun as they continued to kiss torridly, his hands roaming underneath her blouse.

L was kissing Jaeun’s neck when he stopped suddenly. He shut his eyes hard and got up and turned his back on her. (A/N: Sorry. I really don’t know how to write scenes like this well. T_T So, just imagine it well. Better than how I described it. My apologies. >.<)

Jaeun looked at him weirdly. She knows there is something wrong. They have done it a couple of times now and she knows he had the guts to do it again. But why stop now?

“Sorry. I didn’t mean to.” L said with his back still turned at Jaeun.

Jaeun stood up and held L’s shoulder. “What’s wrong?” She asked, worry is evident in her voice. She is not used to this kind of L. And yes, why is he changing moods so sudden?

L sighed and turned to her. He pulled her into his arms hugging her tightly. “I can’t take it, Jaeun.” He said.

Jaeun looked at him, her face showing a confused expression. “What do you mean?” She asked clueless of what L is talking about right now.

L hugged her tighter. “I give up, Kwon Jaeun.” He started. “I give up being your non-exclusive boyfriend.” He continued.

Jaeun looked at him trying to read his expression.

“I can’t pretend that I am not affected by your actions. I can’t anymore. So, I am giving up.” He added, his voice would crack anytime.

“Kwon Jaeun,” He called as he looked into Jaeun’s eyes. “Let’s break up.” He said. “And make this real.” 






I know you were sad about the title. Hehehe. ^^

And sorry for not updating. I was busy with my thesis study. 

Sorry.  :(

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Chapter 31: seems I can't get enough of Myungsoo' story written by you asdfghjkl ;;;;
I like it hehehe
Chapter 31: I like this story!!!
Chapter 31: Wow amazing hahaha . Never thought that gongchan would be one of the character too . Hehehe goodjob authornim
Chapter 9: Gongchan.wow. my pretty boy..............
EXO1127 #5
Chapter 26: PLease invite me to read "Loving the cursed one",really looking forward to it!!! :)
EXO1127 #6
Chapter 13: Do I smell a Gonghee (gongchan&minhee) couple??
Chapter 4: so i'm kinda confused..is L in love with her or just playing with her???
Chapter 31: Eeeeehhh...this is just soo cutteee! Love it!:") myungsoo is the sweetest!❤️
Chapter 31: myungsoo is too cute