Cake Fun

☺EXO Scenarios and LOLs {Click and Drag Game}

Hello my loves! First of all, I know it's been a thousand years since my last update on anything and I am sincerely sorry for the wait T.T (especially for any of my old subbies). I have been on hiatus and I'm afriad I can only update every once in a while.

Also, I know a lot has happened for EXO since the past year, but everyone will still be included in this click and drag game.
Anyways, here is an update!

BTW this chapter is CAKE themed hehehe

1. The one who baked cakes with you

2. The one who shared a piece of cake with you

​3. The one who stole some cake from your plate

4. The one who wiped frosting on your face

5. The one who pushed your face into a cake

6. You pushed his face into a cake

7. The one who frosting off of your face

8. The one who wants you to feed him cake

9. The one who wrote your name with frosting

10. The one who gave you his strawberries


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guccismoochi #1
Chapter 1: 1. Kris
2. Luhan
3. Baekhyun
4. D.O
5. Baekhyun
6. Tao
7. D.O (goes perfectly with 4)
8. Chanyeol (I'm sorry for him..)
9. Chanyeol
10. Baekhyun (That's awkward)
mincupin07 #2
Chapter 6: Chapter 6.
1. Xiumin (seeing as he loves these kinds of things, yep. Cos I'd need someone to hold on for dear life. Mian Seokkiee orabeoni! My screams will be...)
2. Tao
3. Kai (sweeeeeeee...he won't get tattooos)
4. Suho (me? why me?)
5. Chen (this is gonna be a hyper, fun babysit)
6. Chanyeol (why-)
7. Tao (we wouldn't match. I'm too-)
8. D.O (i can see DO as that friend that would be fun to go home with)
9. Suho (what are you doing here-)
10. \SKIP\
mincupin07 #3
Chapter 5: Chapter 5.
1. Sehun (maknae whyyy)
2.-3. Xiumin (@ 2. NO)
4. Suho (wow)
5. Luhan (it could get very awkward or very funny)
6. Suho (i can't act so it's not possible)
7. D.O. (well...does DO like pokemon even? ahahah)
8. Lay (does Zhang Shifu use pick up lines? I think he'd be more direct yet superbly cheesy)
10. Baekhyun
mincupin07 #4
Chapter 4: Chapter 4:
1. Tao (why is this guy always...)
2. Chen (! I can see Chen doing this to his friend! waah! ^_^)
3. Sehun (am not...physically...his ideal. nope)
4. Suho (awee Leader needs rest)
5. D.O. (Yay!!! But it'd be awkward really)
6. Chanyeol (does this mean I can work at Viva Polo?? XD)
7. Lay (I'm safe. This guy is a good boss. Boss Lay.)
8. Kris (well..can be.)
9. Baekhyun (but can he cook??)
10. Sehun
mincupin07 #5
Chapter 3: Chapter 3:
1. D.O. (I feel like ur my adeul or a good lil bro Kyungiee)
2. Tao (unless it's a life and death situation, NO Zitao.)
3. Tao (if it's music composing, it could work)
5. Tao (you again)
6. Chanyeol (@ chan: I can't. millions of your yeobos will kill me. also, no. not you. )
7-8. Luhan (whooooa, Sci-fi thriller genre kind of story! The transferee is actually an alien!
9. Kai (yes. very good match ^0^ i can work with this guys determination)
10. Luhan (this really adds to the sci-fi thriller story in 7-8)
mincupin07 #6
Chapter 2: Chapter 2.
1. Xiumin (not impossible)
2.-3. Tao (what...)
4. Xiumin (probably going to a food house and so no. 1 happened)
5. Chanyeol (this jives in with Chapter 1 where I'm his counterpart if EXO had a girl ver. wow)
6. Chanyeol
7. Tao (what...jives with 2,3...this chapter is setting me up)
8. Baekhyun (naah, I'm too heavy. He won't even)
9. Baekhyun (er...)
10. Baekhyun (the naughty guy he is, yeah possible)
mincupin07 #7
Chapter 1: Chap1:
1. Lay (I'm safe. So no prob)
2-3. Xiumin. (3 offsets 2, so no prob I guess? Accident and just my bro
4. Kris. (Ya..possible if ever our families possibly knew each other. Little, very little possibility)
5. Chanyeol (Could be. Taller than most buds. And when I take selfies, the good ones are those that matches Yeol's facial expressions)
6. Chen (awwweee ahihii)
7. Sehun (well...he's a maknae to me 5ever, soo.....I really dunno. )
8. Chen (I'm heavy. So that's why he got those muscles lol jk XD)
9. Suho (he won't)
10. Lay (ah composer Zhang Shifu. If he was a part of my buds, yeah plausible lol)
jaehyunnie_4824 #8
Chapter 1: hey how to play it
universalkat #9
Chapter 3: 1. Suho
2. Kai
3. Kris
5. D.O
6. Sehun
7. Sehun
8. Kris
9. Suho
10. Kris