**Who am I in your eyes?**


This is my second fanfic :)







And a little bit of: Kyuwook and Zhoury 


In this story I have changed the ages.

Leeteuk – 20

Heechul – 20

Hankyung – 20

Yesung – 19

Kangin - 19

Sungmin – 17

Eunhyuk – 17

Zhou mi –17

Donghae – 17

Siwon – 17

Ryeowook – 16

Kyuhyun – 16

Henry – 16

And the school is class 1-4 (age 16-19) 


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1648 streak 0 points #1
Chapter 64: Oh my these girls XD I understand why Sooyoung drives Donghae nuts. And that Taeyeon just joined her game... think you don't want them to be your enemies. Even more together. Good luck, guys. Thank you for writing ❤️
1648 streak 0 points #2
Chapter 63: This girl is a little devil. Donghae will freak out if he finds out about his lover's conversation with his sister. More, that the little brat thinks they can battle about Hyuk's love. What an annoying person. I was hoping she supportes her brother's secret love, not that she will mess everything up. Thank you for sharing ❤️
1648 streak #3
Chapter 62: Oh my, Sooyoung is a spoiled brat and somehow I was expecting that in the end she'll fall for her brother's boyfriend. She's annoying. Good luck, Donghae. Thank you again ❤️
1648 streak #4
Chapter 61: I tiny bit I'm still hoping that Teuk's dad isn't that horrible like his kids think he is. Maybe it goes better than they thought and they worried for nothing. Or, worse case scenario, Teuk will get locked forever and Kangin will never see him again. Well, I hope not. But I still have mixed feelings thinking about Teuk's and Taeyeon's dad. Thank you as always ❤️
1648 streak #5
Chapter 60: It's cute that Kyumin are official now, but the meeting with the Yewook couple was a bit odd. As if Sungmin asked them to wait at that place. I would prefer a Yewook and Kyumin double date. So the couples can get closer as buddies and Kyu can learn to get along with Yesung, too.
But thank you for writing ❤️
1648 streak #6
Chapter 59: Finally Kyuhyun nailed it. The only thing Minnie needed was singing him a sweet love song ^^ And they get all the support from their friends so they can be happy now and forever. There is no need to be awkward around Yewook anymore. Maybe we get the chance for a double date *fingers crossed* Thank you for sharing that sweet moment ❤️
1648 streak #7
Chapter 58: It's good Kyu and Minnie can restart. But it's a pity for all the cute Wookie pictures. I still think Kyu should have given them to Yesung. Just saying XP
But thank you for this little chapter ❤️
1648 streak #8
Chapter 57: Oh, this sounds serious. The chapter started so nice with Kangin's parents already knowing and welcoming Teuk so warmly. I think I already don't like Teuk's dad. Hope he won't harm the couple and force them to break up...
Thanks for writing ❤️
1648 streak #9
Chapter 56: It's nice to see Heechul being a happy cookie at work. Hankyung should see this, too ^^ It's adorable.
For Kangteuk I hope everything will go fine at the dinner and Teuk will be accepted by Kangin's parents. And I think Teuk is a good influence for their son. So hope there is no need to worry about. Good luck Teukkie.
Thanks for that chapter ❤️
1648 streak #10
Chapter 55: Kyuhyun has to fight this inner battle with himself. I still think it's not fair because he lectured Yesung before. If he thinks the pictures in the book are too nice to threw them away, give it to Sungie then. It could be a peace gift.
But he needs to sort things with Sungmin as well, or else his possible new boyfriend will run away. Don't know how long Sungmin can take this. But I'm impressed about his patience.
Thank you for sharing this ❤️