Awaiting Winter

Awaiting Winter

A/N: Sorry for the wait. my internet broke down last night when i was about to post up the chapter ^^ hope u enjoy it.



There she goes again, walking back and forth in her own rushed pace, while all the other girls sat around doing nothing. Jessica watched lazily from the couch in the living room as Tiffany passed by her with a big while plastic bag in her arms and disappeared into her room. This was all she had been doing all day, in fact for the every single day of the past week. No one had any idea what she was doing, even Jessica had no idea.

Jessica let out a disgruntled sigh and mentally rejoined the other seven girls who were sitting around her, watching a drama on TV. From the ground by her leg, Seohyun caught her eye with a questioning look to which Jessica could only reply with her own confused shrug.

The couch dipped on the right and a warmth attached itself to Jessica’s right arm, a gentle weight falling onto her shoulder. Jessica welcomed her under her arm and shifted to allow the girl to wrap herself around her like a koala. The seven girls glanced back at the newcomer but turned away with a roll of their eyes upon seeing the cheesy grinning faces of the couple. Tiffany let out a self-satisfied smile, happy that all her preparations are nearly complete; all there was left to do is the waiting. Her eyes drooped with sleepiness because of the comfortable makeshift pillow (Jessica’s chest) and the warm secure blanket enveloping her (Jessica’s arm). However, her legs that were curled up against the hand rest of the sofa, exposed by her short pink girl boxer shorts, were getting cold. Tiffany fought down a shiver and moved her whole body closer to her ball of heat, whining a little when Jessica held her legs with her icy fingers to bring them across her lap, making Tiffany sit on top of her.

“Cold?” Soft lips were pressed onto Tiffany’s forehead.

“A little…”

“Want me to increase the temperature of the A/C?”

“No, you keep me warm.” The hushed whisper made its way to the ears of the seven girls who were trying to ignore the scene going on behind their backs. They all shivered, their fingers curled.

“But it’s getting colder these days, hmm?” Tiffany continued into Jessica’s neck.

“It’s winter; it’s supposed to be cold, silly.” Jessica chuckled lightly, ruffling her girl’s hair affectionately.

“It’s not winter without snow.” Tiffany mumbled sleepily while closing her eyes.

“It’s still winter.” Jessica ended the conversation, sleep taking over her being as well.



“Brrrrr… It’s getting really cold.” Jessica shook off the chill that the cold dry wind outside has put inside her bones and felt the numbness of her fingers decrease as she stepped into the warm atmosphere of her home.

“Sooyeon-ah, is that you?” Mrs. Jung drifted into the living room from the kitchen along with the delicious aroma of the dinner that she was cooking.
“Yes umma.” Jessica took off her long coat and handed it to her mother who gladly accepted it and began folding it.

“Soojung said she’s coming home tonight too. Let’s wait for her before we eat dinner ok?”

“Ok—” The ringing phone interrupted her answer. “Sorry umma.”

The mother shook her head, dismissing the apology, and went back into the kitchen.


“JESSI! JESSI! JESSI! Come over right now!”

“What happened?! Why?!” Jessica’s heartbeat sped up at the exclamations. There seemed to be an emergency.

“I missed you.”

The simple calm sentence stopped Jessica in the middle of grabbing her coat and rushing back out the door. She let out a sigh of relief and frowned in irritation but a smile crept up onto her face. She can almost imagine the goofy smile her girlfriend will have on at the moment.

“You scared me Tiff!”

Laughter could be heard from the other end of the line and Tiffany continued talking in a loud excited manner. “But Jessi, come over will you? Stay over at the dorm tonight!”

“Why all of a sudden?”

“I’ll tell you when you get here!”

“Can’t I come after dinner?”

Tiffany hesitated in her reply. “Please Jessi?”

Jessica bit her lip, troubled, stuck between wanting to spend time with her family and complying with her girlfriend’s request.


There was a tap on Jessica’s shoulder. Mrs. Jung was standing by her side with a basket of food containers in her hand. She motioned for her daughter to take food and mouthed the word “Go”. Jessica furrowed her eyebrows, about to deny when Mrs. Jung took Jessica’s hand, placed the basket in it and pushed the girl out of the house with a teasing slap on the .

Mrs. Jung stood by the doorway, looking on as Jessica skipped away, still chatting excitedly with her lover on the phone, and waved back when her daughter turned back to wave goodbye and to send her a flying kiss.

“Love is so beautiful.”



“JESSI!” Tiffany tackled the poor girl as soon as she put a foot across the doorframe.

Jessica dropped her food basket in an attempt to catch the flying Tiffany coming straight at her.

“Hi baby.” She smiled when Tiffany placed a big sloppy kiss on her lips.

“I missed you so much!”

“You just saw me three hours and forty six minutes ago.” Jessica reminded, entwining her fingers with her girlfriend’s as she was led into their dorm.

“It felt like living for three centuries without air.” Tiffany exclaimed dramatically and spread her arms around while twirling around, almost hitting Jessica in the face in the process.

Jessica chuckled at her girlfriend’s antics though she knew that she meant it. “I’m here now, love.”

She wrapped her arms around Tiffany tightly and twirled her around in a circle while kissing her before placing her back onto her feet and involving deeper in the kiss.

“Do you guys think you’re shooting a movie or something?” The sneer and loud snickers broke apart the two lovebirds who jerked out of their own little world.

“Ooh, is that food I see?” Sooyoung’s attention was distracted by the basket lying forgotten on the ground. And all of a sudden, there was a loud commotion caused by seven girls scrambling towards a single destination, the food basket.

“Aunty Jung makes the best food in the world!” “She probably made that for me!” “It’s probably for me!” “Unnies, let’s solve this calmly.” “KIDS, back off!” “BACK OFF EVERYONE! All the food in the world belongs to ME!”

Amidst the uproar, two girls sneakily exited the scene, stopping by Tiffany’s room to grab another basket before heading up the stairs to the rooftop.


The exclamation broke the silence of the cold winter night. The scene in front was just as Jessica exclaimed; it could only be described as W.O.W. Origami stars and cut out snowflakes were scattered beautifully all over the floor, the glitter sparkling underneath the moonlight. A pink pile of cushions were placed in the center with a yellow blanket folded neatly on top of it. And surrounding the seats were little tokens of memories, those specifically shared by Jessica and Tiffany.

Tiffany dragged the awestruck girl down the little pathway marked by little origami cranes and seated her down on one of the pink cushions. Jessica looked around again, eyes lingering on the pieces of memories. There was the movie ticket from their first date, a fallen leaf from the park from the day when we first said our ‘I love you’s, the sleeve of coffee cup from the first caramel coffee that we shared, the pink teddy bear that was the first present I gave her, and even the first ever selca that we took together back in the early days of high school.

“Like it?” Jessica faced Tiffany who was smiling expectantly back at her.

She nodded her head in a daze and pointed at the surroundings. “You did all this?!”

“Yup!” Satisfied with the reaction, Tiffany plopped down beside her girlfriend and began taking out the thermos and container of food from the basket.

“So this is what you have been doing all week?”

“Uh huh.” Tiffany handed Jessica a steaming cup of coffee and excitedly motioned for her to drink it. “Jessi, guess what this is!”

Jessica brought the warm cup up to the nose and sniffed in the calming aroma of coffee, mixed with something that smells… happy; caramel. The thought of the drink, their drink, immediately brought a smile to her face and just a sip of the addicting sweetness made her feel warm all over. She let out a contented sigh, closing her eyes to savor the taste, atmosphere, and time. She heard a giggle from the side, which she knew belonged to Tiffany, and a hand gently fixed her messy fringe, a touch that never fails to melt the insides of the Ice Princess.

“What’s the occasion?” Jessica asked after finally swallowing the heavenly sip of coffee.

“You’ll see.” Tiffany curtly replied with a mischievous smirk.

“What is it? Tell me!” Jessica whined and pouted. She didn’t like not knowing stuff.

Tiffany gulped, and slightly faltered in her determination when she saw that undeniably cute pout. “N-no!”

“Please???” Puppy eyes were added to the deadly combination.

Tiffany closed her eyes, not wanting to give in and ruin the surprise that took the whole week to prepare. “Let’s just drink! Cheers!”

“To what?”

“Eh?” The cups stopped a millimeter away from touching. “To what might be the last night of the world!”

Tiffany grinned goofily at her impromptu cheer.

“We’re drinking to the end of the world?” Jessica cocked her head to one side in confusion with a slight frown pushing her eyebrows down. “Why would we do that?”

Tiffany mentally face-palmed herself. “Then to what might be our last night together?”

“No. Even if this world ends, we will still be together in the next world.”

Tiffany could feel herself tearing up because of the innocent sincerity of Jessica’s words. “Aww baby, then let’s drink to us!”

It was only then that Jessica grinned and nodded in agreement. They reached out to each other with their coffee cups, but once again before they could touch, something distracted the two.

Little white flakes were falling out from the dark black sky as if someone was sprinkling down sugar from heaven.

Jessica and Tiffany both stared up at the sky and looked back at each other simultaneously. They broke into smiles, thinking the same thoughts. First snow.

“And to this. I hope we will be able to see the first snow together for many years to come.” Tiffany continued her sentence and finally touched the other coffee cup with a little clank.

“Together for many years to come.” Jessica repeated.

They drank their coffees and stared into each other’s eyes lovingly for a few moments.

“OK, now let’s eat chicken!” Tiffany excitedly brought up the plastic container containing hot spicy chicken wings.


“So, now, is it winter?” Jessica asked, her eyes following a snowflake as it danced its way down into Tiffany’s open palm. She lazily grinned up at Tiffany while lying her head on the sitting girl’s lap.

Tiffany closed her fingers around the melting snowflake and held it close to her heart as if it was a precious crystal.


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Jeti48 #1
Chapter 1: They're so in love...
Chapter 1: Haha VERY CUUUTE JeTi, love their cheesy love for each other! XD <3
Chapter 1: AAAW SWEEETTTTT~ really! X)
Your story is great, Author. :")
Thank you for the cute firstsnow :")
Chapter 1: omg I love this ^o^ Your stories never fail to bring a smile onto my face c:
19 streak #5
Chapter 1: heyyy, sorry if i'm not commenting on your ssf thread, lol i find it easy to comment here? but i'll try leaving comments there sometimes.

even though it's rushed, it's still cute and jeti + first snow is ALWAYS CUTE, because it's real and i hope they are still together every first snow because it's totally a jeti thing, heheehehe.

well done and more oneshot please~!