Our Sin Is Pride


In a game when two people are too prideful, there cannot be a winner. Pride will be the death of us. 


“Look, I’m working my off. Who do you think that’s for, just myself?” He stood up from his chair and slowly approached the slightly frightened Yoon Mi. “I’m working for us Yoon Mi!”

Through her blurred vision, she could still see the dark bags under his eyes. His once snow white skin was now a dull shade of yellow, almost like he was sick and slowly dying. Maybe it was just her imagination, but he seemed skinnier. He was just a mess.

“I don’t think there’s an ‘us’ anymore Jae Joong.” Emotions poured out. Everything she had kept in for the past months, she just let them loose.

It left Jae Joong speechless.

a/n- one shot! message me if you want me to write you one (:


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Please update as soon as you can!
Aww...why'd it end now? I love your ending for this chapter. It left so much suspense. Please update again soon. :)