About A Drabble- Yesung's Version


In which Yesung gives his thoughts on various topics in thirty words or less.


Its 45 now I think.

I liked the Kyuhyun version of this, and someone suggested that I do a Yesung version. I liked the idea and I just wrote it.



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Chapter 1: Yesung's version is as amazing as Kyu's
They defo belong to each other <3
My favorite are: Broken Hearts, Roses, Proposal, and Sparkle (the same as Yesung's :-D)
Chapter 1: Awww, I actually think I like Yesung's better, cause it's Yesung and I'm biased like that, but they were both really well done. I loved # 8, 9 and 10 <3
lalilula413 #3
My favorites are still he Marriage, Proposal, and Pregancy. But I think I like Yesung's POV more. Maybe I'm jus biased?

Thank you for writing this ^^
MidnightDreamer #4
Chapter 1: Both versions are so good. For this one, i like number 6, number 12, number 23 and number 28. So cute!
Chapter 1: I can't tell if I like Kyuhyun's or Yesung’s version better >.< their both so good. My favorites are 25 & 17 they’re adorable, really can these two get anymore cuter? I like 18 too >.> but I am a _______ for reading that and wondering who was on top. *Sigh* you do write awesome drabbles.
siana-chan #6
Chapter 1: ty so much for making this Yesung ver. ! I was the one requesting it xD

I loved it ;)
fishyyy #7
Chapter 1: adorable!
my favorite is 14. holidays really are overrated. travelling isn't of course (i love visiting random countries) but for me i'd rather spend time with people and new places than take a break
Chapter 1: 17 & 28 ^^
*drumroll* The queen of drabbles: Naz!!!!!
<3 THIS is LOVE!
Alyneko #9
Chapter 1: Aww! That was adorable, just like Kyuhyun's version. I now believe in your drabble skills, although I would be more convinced if you posted some more xD
I can't really tell you which one was my favorite...( I liked them all) But I really like the one at the café with Yesung's birthday or one of the early on with them going to see a sunrise.
Awesome job (^_−)−☆
rhenny #10
Chapter 1: wah! Yesung's ver. of drabbles are wonderful too^^

it's nice seeing both their POV's! hahaha!
Great job again!
Thank you for this Naz^^