Scrooge's Christmas


Kyung and I visit the neighborhood scrooge before Christmas. We're in for a surprise.


Poster by bobo_tokki, thank you <3


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Chapter 9: This was beautiful. Of all of your stories I truly think this may be my favorite. <3
Chapter 8: Holy crap. I am truly crying. ='( So sad...
Chapter 6: You're trying to make me cry, aren't you? ='(
Chapter 4: =D Awwww so cute <3
Chapter 3: HAHAHA nice mood killer there =D
Chapter 2: Awwwww <3 I love making Christmas Cookies for the elderly people of my community. <3
4everus #7
Chapter 5: so nice! :D
This story sounds good xD
Kristine likey xD
And I'm glad that you like my poster xD
Hope that it's worth waiting for xD
omg i love your poster~!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and diz story!!!!
iz diz a happy story or creepy one?