Next Day...

Mr. Arrogant To Mr. Nice

                                             The next day, when you were walking to school, you saw Myungsoo walking too. You

avoided eye contact with him. " Hey dude! " Myungsoo said, trying to showoff his English. " You were crying yesterday

weren't you? Crybaby! Look at your swollen eyes! " Myungsoo said with a annoying voice for the word ' crybaby' and

chuckled. * Wait, he knows? * you thought. " How you know? " you asked. " I was gonna go for a jog yesterday when I

saw you crying in your room. Huhuhu! Crybaby!" Myungsoo said as he ran ahead of you.


                                           During recess, the queenkas came up to you and said " Oh! Look at the teacher's pet! She

has swollen eyes! I bet she cried yesterday! Crybaby! " Then their eyes went to your clothes. " Oh! You're finally

wearing a skirt? Those days when you wore jeans you totally look like a boy from the back. Today you're wearing a skirt

today to make boys see you as a girl and like you right? I tell you, with those ty looks of yours, you'll never ever

attract boys. Look at us! we have many boys waiting to date us while you have none waiting to date, no, let me say even

notice you! Hahahahaha!" the queenkas chortled. Actually, the words just went in and out from your left ear to your right

ear. But the some of the words they said was still locked inside your head.


                                          Classtime was just as usual, Myungsoo bragging and all that stuff, with you only absorbing the 

teacher's words. 

                                        " Okay class! That's all for today! Go home and do the assignments that I just asigned to you

all." Mr Nam, your History teacher, hollered.


                                          A throng of students rushed to the bus stop to wait for the usual green bus to come to bring

them to the interchange while only a few students trekked down the cement walkway. 


                                         Along the way home, you saw a injured kitten beside the cement walkway. The tiny kitten was 

mewing pitifully. You quickly squatted down to take a look at the kitten, seeing where it got hurt. You saw a wound that

was on the kittens limb. You looked around to see if the mother cat was still looking for it. Unfortunately, you did not see

any cats around. Without hesitation, you tore off a bit of your skirt, revealing your fair, smooth, milky skin. You then

wrapped the cloth around the kitten's wound to stop the bleeding. When you were about to go off, you realized the little

kitten was following and looking at you with its eyes filled with pain and sorrow. Looking at kitten's pathetic state, you

picked it up and stoked it on its head. It purred as you it along the way home.


                                       Oblivious to you, when you were helping the kitten, someone had witnessed it.

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Chapter 14: oh my god hannah what did i just read ORZZZZZZZZZZZ I DIDN'T KNOW YOU HAD IT IN YOU OMF-
vanessachuaa #2
Chapter 10: Ohmygosh what a sweet first date :D
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park sora
i am spazzing
park sora
park sora
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Chapter 5: are you kidding me hoemygawd I was joking.
Chapter 4: Omg the kitten is me