16 Chapter

Can you tell me what love exactly is?

No One Pov.:

---@ the rehearsal ----

Mrs.Kim:" Good Job, everyone ! You guys can go now! But LuHan and Aphi, I need to talk to the both of you, so please stay!"

Lu and You: " YES, MRS.KIIIIM!"


Kris:"I wonder what they will be talking about?!"

Tao & Chen:" Us too!"

Lay:" I think, I know what?!"

Xiumin:" WHat....spilled it out already~~!"

Kris,Tao & Chen:" Lay,mind telling?!"



Mrs.Kim:"So the reason why I wanted to talk to you is about your performent!"

You:"Yeah, Yeah ...I know! You want to tell me that my dancing skill is a failure and I'm like a post dancing next to LuHan!!! I Get It! Save your words Miss!"

Mrs.Kim:" No, that wasn't what I wanted to tell you!"

Luhan:"Oh, you wasn't ?!" O.o

You:"YAH~~~, what you mean by that?! So you say she should meant it, Lu boy?!"

Luhan:" YEP!" *stuck out his tongue at you

You: " LuHan , you yahhhh die!"*point at him, Chase after him

Mrs.Kim:"Stop it, you guys! And now Listen to ME!"

You&Luhan rolled your eyes and listened to her.


Luhan Pov.:

3 days before the performent day

"It's all just fate my dear, that we always End up together!",I said to Aphi as we walk out the class together after talking to Mrs.Kim.

Aphi: "Oh, shut up deer boy! It's more like bad luck to me! How the hell I'm gonna learn that lyric in 3 days!Grr-rrr-r~~~"

I:"Chill your bone, Babe!!! You still have me!" *wink at her

Aphi:"GOSH, don't make me wanna puke you COCKY BASTARD! With you,it only makes eveything worsen than it already is, since I have to spend more time with you to practise those two song :(!"

I:"Well I still think it's good, since I got to spend more time with my "qin ai de"( "qin ai de" is chinese and means darling)!"

Aphi makes puke sound and a face at me, so I decided to annoy her abit more kekeke.

I:"Babe,what's wrong? Don't tell me...y-you're pregnant with our baby!!!" *I smiled/smirked at her

Aphi:"Bwoahh,What the-//-!"

"~~~gggrrrwouulll~~~", her stomach groaned loudly and disturbed her.

Aphi's face turnedd to in the shade of pink, because she's embarrassing. * cute~~~~~~ :P


Aphi Pov.:

Kya~~~, you stupid stomach...You make sound at the wrong time!!! Geeeeee, how embarrassoíng now this deer sure gonna laught at me. >.<

"Oh I hear, our baby is hungry! huh?!", I heared Luhan say. But the thing that shocked me the most was when he kneeled down and suddenly leaned his head on to my belly and begun to talk with his so called "baby".

The conversation was like this:

Luhan:"Hello baby, can you hear your papa?! Baby, you're hungry don't you? Mama didn't feed you, right? No problem papa LuHan will take you to eat something delicious!"

At that moment, I could feel my heart make"flip and flop", my body is heating up and there's this feeling in my stomach.I can't describe it. And at the same time I wanted to dig my head into the ground and never come out again! You know the reason for that is, people(student) who were walking by sending us weird looks.

Gahhh~~~, so embrarrassing!

Luhan:"Mama~~~,lets go eating! Our Egi is hungry!"

Me:"W-What did you say?! Nevermind, Take me anywhere you want! I don't want to stay here, after the drama you were playing, just now!"

He grinned at me and dragged to god know where.


(This is the Song,which you also have to sing with Luhan) 


Song trans.:
Our first encounter was nothing but awkward
But for some reason, I didn’t hate it
It feels like I’ve seen your pretty smile somewhere before
You made my heart race and flutter
Is there a reason? If I like you, I just like you
Since when was I like this? Is this love?
Why do I keep getting happy when I see you?
How can everything of you be so pretty? Everything of you is pretty without flaw
Love, love, love, I love you and your everything
I look here and there, I look everywhere but everything is pretty
No matter what anyone says, I’m on your side – let’s have a pretty love
Lalilali lallalla lalilalila
Lalilali lallalla lalila
Without knowing, we walk with synced footsteps
Without knowing, we are holding hands
I don’t know where I got this courage
I am singing my song of confession only for you
I think I have really gone blind in love
Since when was I like this? Is this love?
Why do I keep getting happy when I see you?
How can everything of you be so pretty? Everything of you is pretty without flaw
Love, love, love, I love you and your everything
I look here and there, I look everywhere but everything is pretty
No matter what anyone says, I’m on your side – let’s have a pretty love
Lalilali lallalla lalilalila
Lalilali lallalla lalila

Sorry, I'm so sorry mianae~~~!!! Late update again!! :'( hope you had enjoyed this Chapter !!! ^_^

Kya~~~ EXO Comeback!!! Am I dreaming??! O.o




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Sorry, Story on hiatus again T.T


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I really love this story. Good job!
LuCia13 #2
Chapter 20: I know, I haven`t commented for a while, but now I do. Cool Story. :)
Kristina97only #3
Chapter 20: good one!! kick his precious area!! woo hooo!! LoL
update update update XD
LuCia13 #4
Chapter 17: Don't make it that thrilling:D.
boyfriendlove #5
this story is good!
LuCia98 #6
Chapter 17: For example on the PET, haven't you:)?
LuCia98 #7
Chapter 16: Embarassing situation! I would feel like this, too;).
LuCia98 #8
Chapter 15: Good, that everything is cleared now:).
LuCia98 #9
Chapter 14: Cool story*-*!
New reader^0^