Bookstore Romance

Micky Yoochun one-shots :D
Bag? Check. Coat? Check. Scarf? Check. Wallet? Check. Transport card? Check.
Fixing and looking at herself once more through the mirror, Yeonhee checks for anything misplaced then heads out her room of the apartment that she shares with her best friend. She slips on her comfortable flats and grabs the keys in a ceramic bowl on a little table near the front door.
"Going out?" Her best friend asks as she spots her while passing by to go to the kitchen. Yeonhee smiles and only replies with a simple nod of her head.
"Where to?"
"To the bookstore." Yeonhee answers, fixing her feet into her black comfy flats.
"It's relaxing." Yeonhee explains then waves as she firmly turns the knob with a smile. "See you later, Jiyeon!"
"Alright, have fun!" Jiyeon yells after with a curt wave, disappearing into the kitchen to grab a snack.
With a soft click, the door to their apartment closes and Yeonhee presses the descend button for the nearby elevator. Once open, Yeonhee steps into the elevator and out the apartment building, wrapping her scarf tighter around her neck as the chill breeze swept her chocolate brown medium-length hair. Puffs of warm dew escapes her lips as she breaths out a peaceful sigh. She walks to the nearby bus station, passing by people hurriedly walking by, her feet tapping softly on the hard pavement.
"Let's go to that newly opened mall after this, oppa." Yeonhee overhears a high-pitched voice as she arrives and waits for the next bus to arrive. She glances towards the side, where a bench is situated with a couple sitting on it.
"Another mall?" The man frowns at the thought of going to another mall with his girlfriend. She frowns and clings onto her boyfriend's arm tighter.
"Please, oppa?"
Yeonhee purses her lips. Seeing the many bags that the man is carrying, she wonders just how many malls they've already been to. Is their love really genuine? Yeonhee isn't sure but she doesn't pry any further and blocks out their conversation.
Once the bus arrives to a stop in front of the bus station, the small crowd boards in along with Yeonhee.  She's lucky enough to have a seat by the window. Her stop is only 3 stops away but a seat wouldn't hurt.
"Good afternoon, ma'am!" One of the employees greets Yeonhee happily as she steps into the huge bookstore. Despite the bookstore being so large — 4-storeys high, all packed with shelves and shelves of books, new titles and old — most of the employees know her because she's a regular. If she is lucky enough, she sometimes receives bonus special discounts for some novels that she purchases.
"In for something new to read?" The same employee asks. Yeonhee gives a guilty chuckle and nods in response.
"Hey, Jiwoo-sshi! I'm in for some suspense today. Do you have anything you recommend?" She adds to which Jiwoo quickly turns to the trusted computer system to search for anything worth reading for his favorite customer.
"We actually received some brand new titles yesterday! Let me see if any of them are good." Jiwoo winks and averts his eyes away from her. Yeonhee nods and looks around the familiar bookstore, feeling at home. Surrounded by so many books, she doesn't mind if she gets lost in the haven for hours until closing time. It wouldn't be so bad since today is a Saturday.
"I'll just go have a look at the fiction section over there, Jiwoo-sshi." Yeonhee points to the rows of fiction novels just nearby the counter. Jiwoo smiles and nods as a response.
"Sure! I'll just come by if I find anything of interest to you, Yeonhee-sshi. Take your time browsing!"
Yeonhee smiles and walks away to the fiction area, instantly grabbing a novel with a pretty cover that caught her eye. Although it's bad to judge a book by it's cover, it's a nasty habit of hers that's very hard to break. She does try to read other novels that have weird-looking covers but most of the time, she grabs those with covers that interest her.
For quite some time, she looks through rows and rows of fiction novels, grabbing a novel and reading through the summary at the back of the book. Others, she completely ignores. Her finger sweeps through the spines of books, her eyes quickly scanning through the titles. She doesn't notice someone else doing the same but towards her direction until they both bump into each other by mistake.
"Oh, I'm so sorry!"
"Oops! I didn't see you there! Sorry!"
Yeonhee bows apologetically and gives a nervous smile. The man, about only a few years older than her by the looks of it, smiles apologetically as well and bows in response.
"My apologies. Please, go ahead." The man offers with a kind gesture of his hand and a warm smile. Yeonhee smiles back and steps past him, tucking her hair behind her ear and proceeding to look through the titles once again. A title catches her eye and she proceeds to take it to look at the summary. Out of curiosity though, she glances towards the man next to her and catches him glancing at her too.
She smiles nervously, hiding behind her hair, and continues to browse. For a while, they both browse on their own but on the same shelf of books. Another interesting title intrigues Yeonhee and she reaches out to take a look but her hand collides with the same person's hand, who is also about to get the same book as well.
The man laughs huskily, a sound that oddly sounds like music to Yeonhee's ears. She looks to the man and laughs as well.
"We seem to have our eyes on the same book. You can look at it first." He takes the book off the shelf and hands it to her, smiling that same gentle smile that's oddly making her heart beat wildly.
"Thanks." Yeonhee whispers with a shy smile, taking the book in her hands and turning it around to the back cover to read the summary. Once she's done, she hands the novel back to the young man who receives it with another heart-melting smile.
"Yeonhee-sshi! I found the perfect books for you, come look!" Jiwoo comes running to her excitedly. Yeonhee looks back to Jiwoo then smiles towards the man, whom she bows politely to.
"Enjoy browsing." Yeonhee smiles then walks off with Jiwoo.
Sitting comfortably on a couch at a corner of the bookstore, Yeonhee quietly flips through the book on her lap and reads to her heart's content. Suddenly feeling as if being watched, she looks away from the page she is on for a moment and looks around. Just when she thinks she isn't being watched, there he is.
The same man she met only a few days ago stands just nearby. Now that she thinks about him, she doesn't know his name.
Upon eye contact, the man quickly looks away and pretends to read a book off the shelf; something that Yeonhee immediately giggled to. She shakes her head with a small smile plastered on her face and continues to read her book.
"So we've met again." The same husky voice said, catching Yeonhee's attention.
"I see we have." Yeonhee smiles towards him to which the latter smiles back.
"What are you reading?" The man slightly tilts his head to the side in order to take a glimpse of the book in Yeonhee's hands. Yeonhee gladly tilts the cover to the man's view.
"I'm just reading some beauty tips."
"Beauty tips?"
"Mhmm. How about you?"
"Oh, this? This is..." The man examines the random book in his hands, not quite sure what to say about it. It's only a book that he quickly grabbed just moments ago to cover himself.
"Fifty Shades of Gray...?" Yeonhee reads the title out loud, blinking. Who knew the man was into these sorts of things?
"Y-Yes. Fifty Shades of Gray." The man blushes a little and scratches his cheek with his finger. "It's a good book!"
"I see." Yeonhee smiles, giggling, then looks around their surroundings, not sure what to say next.
"By the way, I didn't catch your name?" The man asks her suddenly, taking a seat on the couch slightly situated across from her. He sets the book down on the coffee table in the middle and rests his elbows on his legs, looking very interested.
"Yeonhee. Cha Yeonhee. And yours?" Yeonhee asks politely, setting the book she was reading down on her lap.
"I'm Park Yoochun." Yoochun grins and pulls out his hand for a shake, to which Yeonhee gladly takes.
"It's nice to meet you, Park-sshi." Yeonhee smiles, shaking his hand firmly.
"It's a pleasure to meet you, as well." Yoochun chuckles. After a brief silence, he stands up off his seat and brushes nothing off his lap. "I guess I'll see you around. You look busy."
"Oh, not really but alright. See you!"
Yoochun chuckles huskily again then waves, taking the book he just took moments ago and walking off. Yeonhee waves back as the figure slowly disappears out of view in the distance, not before sillily placing Fifty Shades of Gray onto a random shelf after speculating it.
Yeonhee steps into the bookstore once again and smiles, finally in her second home. This time though, instead of a little browse, she's in to look for something to help her at work. She quickly heads towards the desired shelves, happily waving and greeting everyone she knows in the bookstore, and scans through the titles in hopes of finding the perfect text to help her.
Too engrossed in finding a book, she doesn't notice Yoochun quietly creeping up behind her and suddenly grabbing onto her shoulders. Yeonhee squeaks and jumps in fear, clearly surprised by the sudden hold, and quickly snaps her head around to catch a glimpse of her -captor-. Thankfully, it is only Yoochun and she sighs in relief but her heart is still jumping against her ribs.
"Park-sshi! Don't scare me like that!" She holds her hand to her chest to calm her heart. Yoochun only grins.
"Sorry, I couldn't help it. The opportunity was open." He shrugs and smiles again. "Looking for something?"
"Oh yes. I'm looking for the right textbook to help me with my work." Yeonhee returns her gaze to the bookshelf. "I'm still currently looking for it. There's just so much to choose from!"
"Let me help you. What are you after?" Yoochun offers with a smile and proceeds to browse through the bookshelf behind the one Yeonhee is currently on. Yeonhee smiles in appreciation.
"Thank you. Any bookkeeping books will do."
The pair starts their search, Yeonhee completely lost in it while Yoochun distracts himself once in a while by glancing towards the beautiful lady next to him, just an arm's reach. Yeonhee doesn't notice this though, which is good for Yoochun.
"Say... Want to have coffee with me after this?" He brings up the question while pretending to be occupied with the task. Yeonhee looks up to the man, confused only for a second.
"Oh, s-sure." Yeonhee inwardly blushes, quickly bowing her head down to hide her smile. Unluckily, Yoochun notices her smile just before she hid it and he mentally hits a jackpot. Could it be that she probably likes him too?

Author's Notes: Ah yes, it surely has been such a long time since I've done any writing for this. This update is not the very best but the time that I was writing this (which was years ago, actually) it felt so perfect with the perfect ending but now that I look back at it, it doesn't look as great as I thought it would. But oh well, I feel that I should post this anyway just to document in everything I've written ^^ I hope you somewhat enjoyed it~ Who knows, I might just edit it and re-write it.
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First one-shot is up! Comment about how you think about it! ^^


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Chapter 5: Thanks for this I enjoy reading this so cute I miss Chunnie so reading anything about him even if it is a fanfics makes me happy
Chapter 4: aaaaaaaa too much cheesy chunnie *dying
i love this kekeke^^
keep posting hahaLOL
Chapter 3: Kyaaaa Jiji I hate you so much right now.... My Yoochun feels are all over the place, thanks to you -pouts-
But besides that, this was an osm chap... as usual :P All of your chaps are osm... at times I am envious of your writing skills
Ah well, I LOVED this and I cant wait to read more ^o^
Keep up the OSM work Jiji, Hwaiting ^^
Chapter 2: kyaaa you updated >.<
And it's not crap pabo... It's rly cute ^o^ and i REALLY liked it ... a lot
And as for the POV thingy xD I think you should do it more often, you nailed it on both POVs ^-^