Always Keep that smile Oppa

Always Keep that smile Oppa



 “I’ve watched the game opening junsu ssi” sunmi started. He kept quiet for her to continue, “I even filed a leave

from my work just to watch you. I thought this will be the start of your comeback to the broadcast world but my

hopes, our hopes came tumbling down when we saw the tv station is already packing up.” A tear fell from her eye

again. she wiped it dry instantly. She bit her lips. “but then you came out, smiling widely like nothing like that

happen, with that our hearts are crushed. You still continue on the show in performance level. We are all sad we,

well I can’t do dance with your song, I just felt heartbroken. Then you tweeted…” sunmi cant continue anymore. She

started crying again. “hey, it’s okay, we are used to it. we can’t do anything about it” “that’s right, we can’t do

anything about it, them power tripping is too much oppa” sunmi was shocked when she realize that she called him

oppa. “I’m sorry junsu ssi” he bowed. He chuckled. “ani, its okay. Oppa is fine, I felt so old when I’m address as junsu

ssi” junsu smiled to her.




They spend time there talking, sunmi finally stopped crying, hearing junsu’s side, even she wanted to cry she stopped

herself, it hurts them to see their fans crying for them. “I’m so lucky, not everyone can have an opportunity like this,

talking to you, The kim Junsu of JYJ. Omo before I forgot, can you sign my ticket? Well at least it got your face”

sunmi tried to joke. And to her surprise he laughed. The sound of his laughter resonates on the whole park. It is

indeed contagious. “wow, I heard it firsthand, the famous Kim Junsu laughter. I am so honored.” Sunmi stood up and

do a curtsy “ayyy, stop that, I’m your junsu oppa tonight.” Junsu pulled her to sit again. he signed the ticket. “can I

ask for another favor?” sunmi said. “what is it?” he asked. “can I have just one photo with you? Just one. I know this

will not happen to me again. but if its not possible I can understand.” Sunmi said fiddling her fingers. “sure.” He

replied smiling genuinely. “really? Omo thank you so much, where did I put my camera?” sunmi looked at her

backpack. “Aish, I lost it” she uttered pouting. Junsu laughed again. “my phone got the worst camera. Well there

goes your luck sunmi” she hit her head. “let’s use my phone, then I’ll send it to you” junsu said.





“1…2…3 click” junsu snapped a selca, “woah, thank you so much junsu ssi” sunmi said. junsu fake couched. “oh, junsu

oppa” sunmi said shyly. “key in your number so I can send it to you” junsu said handling her his phone. “ah okay, don’t

worry I’ll erase your number once I saved the photo” sunmi said eyes focused on the phone. “why would you do

that?” junsu asked. “for your privacy, we’ll never know when can I lost my phone again” sunmi explained seriously.

Junsu can’t help but to chuckle. “omo, is that the time? I better get home. My omma might be furious when I get

there.” sunmi said. she stood up and so as junsu, “I’ll walk you home, you told me you live near here right” “no need.

I can manage. You should call your manager now. I think he’s been so eager to hear from you.” Sunmi said. “thank you

for this wonderful, unexpected and super fun night junsu oppa.” Sunmi bowed to him. “thank you too, for supporting

us, me, for loving us, me” junsu smiled. Sunmi pulled him into a tight hug which surprise junsu. “Always keep that

smile oppa. we are always here for you. For JYJ. Be strong, keep it up. We are one on the road success. Junsu oppa

fighting, JYJ fighting! “ sunmi uttered and pulled away. “anyong and nice meeting you kim junsu ssi.” Sunmi ran

towards her way home leaving junsu standing there. “I will keep smiling for my fans, for our fans. Thank you

sunmi-ah, and believe me this is not the last time we will be talking and hanging out.” Junsu smiled widely and dialed

his phone. “hyung, can you pick me up now?” after that he texted something.





“thank you for the tweet sunmi-ah,

I will hold on to your promise and in return,

I will keep smiling for all of you. Goodnight”




Sunmi smiled on the text she received.



“thank you junsu oppa.

Always keep the faith,

because I do, we cassies do”





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tesshira #1
Chapter 3: so nice~~ i remember crying for hours after that thing happened to junsu oppa.
Chapter 3: And how I wish to be Sunmi~~~
I wish so much that I can be there beside Junsu oppa after the performance..telling him he did a very very very very very good job..i hope there is someone to tell him so,..
But I know junsu will always know that cassie will always be beside him..
and thank you so much author-nim~~I had a bad day yesterday because of the unfair treat to oppa and now I am feeling better after reading your story~~sorry for blabbering so much in the you author-nim...