Chapter Five: The News

Keeper of Time
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"And I believe that it was Mr. Shooting Star’s fault for bringing me here,” Woohyun concluded.

He gave the two resistance members a huge smile as he finished his recounting of everything that happened in the past several hours. He started with his mother’s death, walking home after work, making a wish upon a shooting star to crashing and meeting Leeteuk in his house and eventually meeting Sunggyu and his ‘INFINITE’ group.

The room grew very quiet as Woohyun observed Sunggyu and Sungjong’s reaction.

Sunggyu’s eye twitched as he stared at the slightly younger man in front of him. He couldn’t figure out if Woohyun was telling the truth or if he was just extremely delusional and idiotic. He decided to go with the latter.

The INFINITE leader sighed, massaging his temples. He could feel the beginnings of a migraine take place. “You’ve got to be kidding me,” Sunggyu started. “What makes–”

“That sounds so romantic!” Sungjong interrupted with a dreamy sigh. He couldn’t help but smile, thinking about everything Woohyun just told them.

“Romantic?” Woohyun eyed Sungjong concernedly. “What’s so romantic about falling off a bridge, getting shot by a cop, and getting punched in the face by this psychopathic jerk over here?” He dramatically pointed to Sunggyu. What is wrong with this kid?

“Psychopathic jerk?” Sunggyu grumbled, frowning at the insult.

“Everything,” Sungjong explained. “Your mom just died, you wished to have an exciting life upon a shooting star, and then you end up here, in another world and time. Your wish was granted, and you were able to travel five thousand years into the future. What’s not romantic about that?”

“Everything. I didn’t ask Mr. Shooting Star to send me here. I was just kind of hoping I would win the lottery the next day or something.”

“Hold the phone!” Sunggyu grabbed the younger two’s attention, finally deciding to join the conversation again. “Do you honestly expect me to believe that all that really happened to you?”

“No. I’m kind of having a hard time believing it myself. It still hasn’t completely sunk in yet, but it’s all true,” Woohyun confessed. “It all really did happen.”

“Well, I don’t believe you,” Sunggyu crossed his arms.

“If it makes you feel any better, Leeteuk is the one who came to the conclusion that I time traveled. I never actually said that I did in the first place.”

“Hm,” Sunggyu leaned on the table with his elbows, sitting on the edge of his chair. “Okay, so say that you really did time traveled, how do you plan on getting back to your own time?”

He could relate to Woohyun when it came to Leeteuk. The man always came to the wrong conclusions about certain matters. He decided to give Woohyun the benefit of the doubt and play along with the story to figure out if the younger was truly telling the truth or not or if he really was a spy for BEQP.

“You see, that’s the thing. I don’t know. So much had happened during that quake; I’m not sure exactly what the cause was. I’m not sure if the area I was in was some sort of doorway that connected my universe to yours or if the necklace that the guy dropped was the cause,” Woohyun frowned.

“What makes you think it was the necklace?”

“It started glowing and floating in mid-air during the earthquake.”

“Can I see the necklace?” Sungjong requested.

“I don’t have it anymore,” Woohyun felt his neck where the necklace had once resided. “When I woke up in Leeteuk’s house, it was gone. I’m guessing it fell off or something during the quake...” He trailed off.

The room grew quiet as the occupants journeyed off in to their own thoughts.

Woohyun thought of all the possible locations of the necklace–which wasn’t much in the first place because he doesn’t know a single thing about this world.

Sunggyu was trying to decipher the brunet’s romantic tale and if the younger was truly telling the truth.

Sungjong, on the other hand, decided to voice his thoughts, “What was your world like? Was it as technologically advanced like ours?”

“Of course not, Sungjong,” Sunggyu answered for Woohyun. “There’s no way that the cities from five thousand years ago had the exact same technology as us. If they did, then we would be more advanced than we are now.”

The brunet couldn’t help but released a small sigh as the siblings continued ranting on the possibilities of what Woohyun’s time and world was like. It hasn’t even been a full day since he 'traveled' to this period, yet he was already home sick. He missed his friends, his coworkers, his neighbors, his mother…

His missed Suji.

Woohyun frowned as he thought about Suji. He wondered if this was the same time his mother claimed she was from. Was there a young Suji running around out there? The brunet recalled his mother mentioning that she was part of a resistance faction. What would be the odds that this INFINITE was the same group she was a member of?

“Hey,” he looked to Sunggyu. “By any chance, do you know someone by the name of Su–”

“Sunggyu!” Someone yelled, busting into the interrogation room. “Sungyeol and Hoya are back!” He beckoned for the caramel haired leader to follow.

“Alright, I’ll be there in a second,” Sunggyu assured. The resistance member saluted to his leader, leaving the room afterwards. “What was you asking before he came in?” He looked to Woohyun.

Woohyun shook his head, not wanting to even think about his mother anymore.

“You better not be hiding anything related to the BEQP,” Sunggyu scowled.

The younger sighed again, losing the will to continue fighting with Sunggyu, claiming his innocence when it came to the ‘being a spy for the government matter,’ “How many times do I have to tell you? I’m not a spy for this BEQP. I don’t even know what that is…”

Sunggyu huffed, grabbing Woohyun by the arm, “We’ll continue this discussion later. Let’s go.”

“Go where?” He eyed the hand that was wrapped around his arm as if it was attached to Satan himself.

“We’re going to go see Sungyeol and Hoya.”

“Who said I wanted to go meet your little friends?” Woohyun slightly struggled to break free.

“I didn’t ask. I’m not taking my eyes off of you. You might contact your bosses, letting them know exactly where my headquarters is located.” The resistance leader tightened his grip on the younger.

“You really don’t believe me, do you?”


The bickering couple–well, it was more like the bickering leader since Sunggyu was the only one talking, accusing Woohyun of all the possible things he could have done–left the room with Sungjong following. When they reached the main room where Woohyun was previously knocked out in, the brunet noticed a huge crowd near the generator. Two figures were standing in the middle.

The first one slightly towered over everyone. He had chestnut colored hair with a tint of red to it. His fringe was swept to the side, partially covering his forehead. Rusty red frames were perched up on his nose, giving him an ‘obviously lacks proper social skills’ look.

He adorned a plain, white turtle neck that was worn under a beige weather jacket. The inside of the jacket as well as the area around the collar were a French beige color. His large pocket pants were also French beige while the wide stripes on the sides were a normal shade of beige.

Woohyun didn’t realize that it was cold enough outside to wear such an absurd top.

The other male next to his left was a bit shorter than him. His hair, a dark shade of brown, was spiked up in the front, showing off his flawless forehead and thick eyebrows. His attire greatly contrasted everyone else Woohyun had encountered so far in South Hallow.

He was wearing a gray jumpsuit. Or maybe it was a flight suit? It had two large upper chest pockets, vertical zipper pockets on the side, and a large calf pocket with a covered zipper opening. Several knives were attached to his waist. On the left chest pocket, a clear, transparent pocket could be seen. Inside was a nametag that said, ‘LEE HOYA.’

Woohyun wasn’t sure what to make of his attire. Either this was considered normal apparel in South Hallow or the man shops at clothing stores that sale jumpsuits that people in jail wear.

Both males had air rifles strapped to their backs, semi-automatic rifles in their hands, and handguns tucked into their holsters that Woohyun just realized were wrapped around their thighs.

The two ridiculously dressed men noticed Sunggyu walking towards them. “Captain!” They both saluted. Sunggyu saluted back, releasing his tight grip around Woohyun. However, he made sure that the brunet was still in his sights.

“You two are back much earlier than I expected,” Sunggyu said, lowering his saluted hand. “Did everything go well?”

The resistance members lowered their hands as well. “Yeah, there weren’t a lot of guards on duty this evening. We were easily able to slip in and out of their territory,” the shorter of the two informed.

“It was easy, too easy. It was as if they knew we were there, scouting about,” the tall, chestnut haired male added.

“You think they knew?” Sunggyu frowned, crossing his arms. Voices filled the room as everyone voiced their opinions on the matter.

“Maybe we have a mole in the group… or a spy.”

Sunggyu whipped his head to Woohyun, already deeming the brunet as the one who told the government of their plans.

“Stop right there!” Woohyun scowled at the leader. “I know what you’re thinking! I didn’t do it! How could I have possibly told anyone of what you and your little gang were doing when I was locked up in that room for who knows how long!”

“I don’t believe you!”

“Sunggyu,” Sungjong intervened. “Hoya and Sungyeol left for the mission way before he, Leeteuk, and L got here. It would be impossible for him to have known about it.”

Woohyun nodded his head rapidly, agreeing to everything Sungjong had said. Sunggyu scoffed, knowing his brother was right. He looked away from Woohyun, sighing, and then giving his attention back to Hoya and Sungyeol.

“Any clue as to who it might be?” He wondered.

“I think you owe someone an apology,” Woohyun mention before the two resistance members could answer back.

“Who?” Sunggyu gave Woohyun a puzzled look.

The brunet pointed to himself as his

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Just found out i was featured a few days ago. Sorry I've been MIA but thank you everyone for reading this fic! I am forever grateful. Promise I'll update soon!


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gyutheleader891 32 streak #1
Chapter 37: ㅠㅠㅠㅠ where are you ㅠㅠ are you still out there somewhere supernamu? had been waiting
gyutheleader891 32 streak #2
Chapter 37: Please please comeback and continue this story T__T
Nwh91yuna30 #3
Chapter 37: Please ... Update 😭😭😭😭😭
Chapter 37: This is such a great story. In love with this. Hope everything is okay with you. ❤️
Astrid_ #5
Ekaterina090w #6
Chapter 37: it’s been like 2 years since your last update.... hope you’re fine and looking forward for the next chapter
i burst into tears while reading the 36th chapter rn..... he didn’t deserve it ㅜㅜ but i’m really curious what is going to happen next! is it gonna be a happy end? don’t know if it’s possible tho.. anyway i’m in love with this fic the story is amazing i admire you ? this is literally my favorite fic of all the time ^^
I miss your updates so much... TT TT
dazaasxorm127 #8
Reread becuz i miss this story.Please update soon.