The Secret Acquaintance


The story of an Angel. No not a mythical being linked to an all powerful deity. Angels are beings who live in the alternate world, they were once human until circumstances meant they died before they were meant to. Their souls became displaced and they ended up in another dimension with no recollection of any past memories. They are still alive and are not immortal -they are just a different race to humans.

A certain Angel whose human life ended at the age of six, has been living with his 'umma' peacefully for 10 beautiful long years. Or so his 'umma' thinks. There is something missing . A void in his heart, he needs to know. He wants to know. The truth. The truth of how he died. But to help piece together those lost memories he will need help and a place to start. He decides to meet with a Seer, and that is where all the trouble begins.



Something in the Mist

Welcome to the Amazon Rainforest.

The sky is just visible through the dense canopy, it is dark. The ground is littered with wild shrubbery, dead leaves and the odd tree root. This is where the similarities between the two dimensions ends. Two parallel worlds, the real and the alternate. The real world is where humans live, with their simple lives full of slow mornings, long awaited lunches, mysteries of the evenings and late nights. The alternate world is where the super-naturals live. Super-naturals are beings that were once human or had human blood somewhere in their family trees. Most super-naturals have the ability to slip between the dimensions as both worlds are link. In the real world, the Amazon Rainforest is a large eco-system full of a high biodiversity of animals with a depleting area. Tribes of people who have no or little contact with the wider human population live here. In the alternate world the Amazon Rainforest is the meeting place of magical folk –the wrong kind. The kind which use their powers to mess with the destinies of innocent humans for mere entertainment.

This is where a certain Angel was heading right this minute. To be exact, he is heading to the back swamps of the Amazon floodplains. There is someone he needs to converse with. This person is a Voodoo Queen of the name Nam Jihyun. Even within the darker side of the sorcery community she is special, not only can she dictate pain on her victims without even a slight prick of a pin- she is also a Seer. A rare gift that only a hand full of Magicals are ever blessed with.

It is finally in his sight. He stretches out his wings, the light radiating off them is enough to help him see through the thick darkness plaguing the jungle. At least he can fly the last leg of the journey, it was way too hazardous to open his wings when he was travelling through the forest earlier. You see you can only reach this place by travelling between the trees and not over them. Nam Jihyun doesn’t exactly like to publicize where she lives, you never know who might come calling –she constantly makes sure she isn’t easy to find. He sighs in relief to himself for he has finally found her after 2 years of searching. She who will hopefully help him fill the void in his heart. He is very close. Something in the mist, a white house shining just as brightly as his wings, still just barely visible. The house belonging to the Voodoo Queen.


Why start another fanfiction? Because sometimes you hit a roadblock and the easiest way out is to get out of your car and find another vehicle to drive.-Yes I'm a car thief.

But in all honesty, I got stuck thinking how to make my next chapter for 'The Puppy and His Kitten' flow so I decided to write something else and this is it! It is fun to write, I don't think I ship 2min but I love them lots and lots x3

Even though this is 2min, I haven't mentioned either of the main characters, I've only mention Jihyun unnie from 4minute. Ooops, well I bet you all know who the angel is!- oh and the 'umma'!

Psst: I'm not going to make you wait long for the first chapter...:3



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Chapter 4: This is awesome! So creative and original! Please update soon!!! <3 ^^v
Chapter 4: Once again very interesting. I feel as if I am getting small glimpses about everyone in each chapter. Can't wait for more! ^__^
Chapter 4: Yay!!!! Thank you for the update!!! ^^
Chapter 3: Key the angel baby and Jonghyun the vampire! Ooooooooo. That does seem like an odd couple but I like the sound of it.

Hehe and Taemin being adorable! Can't wait for more!

I hope you are feeling better and awww a kitty?? Are you going to maybe get a kitten or a cat?
Chapter 2: Interesting, interesting. I am very excited to see where this goes!
Chapter 2: OMG I loved it!
It's really cool, and I like Mint a lot. Keep going!

Chapter 1: Wow, this was really good :D
(I have to admit that at first the Angels' things sounded familiar (kekeke) but then I realized that it's only logical to make them loose their memories and stuff xD
Buut whatever, I love this so update soon <3
cake1331 #8
Want to roleplay as 2min? I'm reaaaaalllllyyyyy bored. Inbox me!!!
Chapter 1: OOoooooooooooooooo!!! This is interesting. I quite like it a lot!
This sounds interesting, I can't wait for the first chapter :D