Then Came You


It was covered with expensive black leather. It was at times cool to the touch but its smooth surface never failed to arouse a tingling sensation against his fingertips.

EVP Kim Junmyeon loved the couches at the President's office. He loved them so much that you could always find him early in the morning inside the room, sitting comfortably and maybe running his hands over them. Just like what he was doing that Monday morning.

It was a half an hour more before the work day officially started but Junmyeon was already in Chanyeol's office, enjoying the quiet before the stressful day ahead. When he is asked why he was always in the President's office (he has a perfectly comfortable one himself), people probably thought him crazy when he answers that it was because of the black leather couches there. They thought he was secretly pining for the President's position so he sometimes got pitying glances from some of the employees.

After all he was Kim Junmyeon, eldest of the three cousins, and everyone expected him to succeed the presidency of the company. His grandfather, together with Grandma Park before she was married, was one of the heirs of the Kim family--the owners of KStar. Some thought that the kind EVP should be next in line for the position and Junmyeon very much appreciated their belief in him.

But in truth, he just really loved those couches.

He never begrudged Chanyeol his place; his younger cousin totally deserved it. Honestly, he could have almost any seat he wanted but Junmyeon loved being in charge of Artist and Repertoire because it was his niche--it was where he excelled.

He practically grew up inside KSE. He started to come here back when it was just a small agency with a roster of five artists. He saw how KStar grew, how it made its name as the leading entertainment company in the country, handling the biggest names in the industry. Grandpa Kim, the president before Chanyeol's father, always did bring him along and let him play inside his office--on those same couches. That was why he came to love them.

He watched as important people came and went, how they sat on these comfortable seats while discussing contracts and careers. Grandpa Kim would sit behind his desk and Junmyeon would watch them quietly in his corner, studying their interactions. He decided that he would rather sit beside the artists and the managers than stay behind the heavy mahogany desk. He has always been a people person and the distance between the couches and the president's seat seemed so forbidding. Also as flimsy as his other reason was, there seemed to be a dress code for KSE presidents and he disliked suits. Junmyeon much preferred to wear light colored shirts and knit sweaters. He looked especially good in plaid if he may so himself.

Junmyeon (and his bowties) would have done great as KSE's president but not as much as he was doing now as EVP. He was happy helping Chanyeol out with his term and would gladly cheer him on when his father officially retired.

He looked at the clock. Fifteen minutes more before Chanyeol comes and rolls his eyes at him when he sees his older cousin loitering in his office again. But Chanyeol never did say anything because out of everyone here, his younger cousin was one of the few people who really understood.

He tapped his pen against the paper tablet he was holding whilst he waited. He was working on the possible follow-up single for Kyungsoo and Lu Han after their main track was released and although it wasn't really Chanyeol's area of expertise, he still wanted his cousin's opinion.

He wrote down a list of the pros and cons of the short-listed songs. The piece of paper was now riddled with his curvy handwriting, words almost overlapping as if the flow of ideas were too fast to contain. Will a ballad do for a follow-up? He thought. This one showcases Kyungsoo's soothing low register while highlighting Lu Han's range. He mused. They were looking for a song that could show something new about Do Kyungsoo and at the same time effectively introduce Lu Han into the Korean market.

Junmyeon turned to the next blank page and scribbled the Chinese singer's name. Angel, he wrote below it. Beautiful. Blonde. Junmyeon pursed his lips and thought some more on how they would package Lu Han. Except inevitably, his thoughts drifted to his manager, the abominable Zhang Yixing.  He wrote down the name unconsciously while drawing Xs all around it. Obnoxious, arrogant, smug. A bunch of Xs. Bossy, demanding, evil. Another group of Xs. Dimple, smile, eyes--

"You're here."

Junmyeon looked up when Chanyeol came in looking more irritable than usual. "I'm always here," he replied with a winsome smile. "Also, good morning!"

There went the usual eye roll but Junmyeon could tell something was off with his cousin. "You look tired. Weren't you able to rest?"

Chanyeol sighed. "Let us not talk about rest and weekends, please." He started to go through the papers his secretary handed him earlier. "Do you have business with me or you are just here to ogle my couch as per usual?"

Junmyeon chuckled. "Actually, I do have something to go over with you." He glanced down at the tablet he was holding and had to gasp at what he saw. Since when were there little hearts drawn around Zhang Yixing's name?

He could feel a heated blush climb up his face. He immediately tore off the offending paper and stuffed it inside his pants pocket. Where did those hearts even come from? He groaned inwardly.

"Are you alright?" Chanyeol asked.

"Yes, yes, of course," he said after clearing his suddenly dry throat. "I was just going to consult you about Kyungsoo and Lu Han's follow-up single."

He was correct; Chanyeol was able to point out clearly what they needed in less than ten minutes. His list now down to just two songs, he got up and thanked his cousin. More consultations waited for him outside the office but Junmyeon was excited to get on with his day. "Thanks for the help. See you around then."

"If he gives you trouble with the selection, tell Manager Zhang that we already discussed it and show him a chart of the trends it was based on."

Junmyeon paused by the door, unwillingly realizing that he had to talk to the EM today. "Yes, okay."

He was outside when Junmyeon winced. Now how to face Zhang Yixing without being reminded that he just drew fluffy hearts around his name.






Baekhyun drew a deep breath before he stepped inside the doors of KSE. His first day of work and he was equal parts excited and nervous. He straightened the gray blazer he was wearing--once again from Chanyeol--before walking towards the elevators to get to the fifth floor.

He looked anxiously around while crossing the lobby, a bit apprehensive because somewhere here was Park Chanyeol and even after almost 48 hours they spent together that weekend, he still wasn't able to tell him that he was going to work for KSE. The potato was unbelievably stubborn and didn't want to listen to Baekhyun whenever he tried to start a conversation.

He couldn't even count the number of times he started to speak only to be interrupted. Chanyeol would cover his ears, walk off or shoo him away. He kept on telling Baekhyun that it was the weekend and he wanted to relax so please leave me alone, thank you very much. It wasn't in Baekhyun's nature to be petulant but he was really tempted to maybe poke Chanyeol hard with his lightstick so he would stop and listen. But of course he couldn't do that so he still tried and tried and tried. Honestly, Baekhyun didn't know how he would break the news or how Chanyeol would react but he figured it was important that the president knew. He was practically intruding on the guy's life and he didn't want Chanyeol to think that he planned all this. Baekhyun wanted him to understand that it was all a big (messy) coincidence.

He thought he had his chance yesterday afternoon, when with determined steps he followed Chanyeol out of the apartment, only to end up staring at the younger guy who locked himself inside his car. Chanyeol didn't even drive off. He just sat there in the driver seat with his arms at the back of his head. Baekhyun knocked on the window to get his attention but Chanyeol just ignored him and appeared to take a nap. Therefore all Baekhyun could do was stick his tongue out at him (Chanyeol's eyes were closed anyway) and go back inside.

He tried for the last time this morning while the president was getting his clothes from the closet. "Chanyeol-ssi," Baekhyun started but only got an armful of clothes in reply and was surprised when Chanyeol said that he could keep them. He began to protest but he didn't expect Chanyeol to narrow the distance between them with an unreadable expression on his face. Baekhyun instinctively retreated until he felt the wall behind him and there was nowhere left to go. Chanyeol came nearer, placing his hands against the wall on either side of Baekhyun's head, effectively trapping him there. There were the clothes in between them but that didn't stop the giant to lean ever closer until his face was less than a few inches from Baekhyun's.

"Byun. Baek. Hyun," the taller said, his deep voice emphasizing each syllable.

It wasn't in him to cower but Baekhyun found himself pressing himself further against the wall.

"My house. My laws. Got it?"

All he could do was nod slowly. He wasn't sure how long they stood there with their gazes locked. Baekhyun didn't mean to get distracted from his goal but he soon forgot why he was standing there, trapped by the flecks of gold in Chanyeol's eyes. There was a moment of recognition, when his mind transported him back to a week ago, which made him realize that yes, this was Park Chanyeol and those were the very same eyes he looked into before he leaned in and got his first kiss.

But then the younger guy abruptly pulled back and strode away quickly. Baekhyun felt horrified because what if he saw? What if Chanyeol saw what he was thinking and what he was trying not to want?

There was a ding and the elevator doors opened, pulling Baekhyun from his thoughts just in time for him to get off on the fifth floor. He was directed to a room where the orientation for the new hires was to be held. He took another fortifying breath but before he was able to open the door someone called his name.

Baekhyun turned and saw the guy he met last Friday walking towards him with an easy smile. "Oh, Kim Jongin-ssi!"

"Hello," the other answered.

"You got hired, too!" Baekhyun beamed at him. "I told you you'd get in."

"Um, you know--"

Baekhyun patted him on the shoulder. His nervousness eased up, relieved to find someone he knew. "No, need to thank me. I just knew it when I first saw you that you're smart and you'd pass the interview. Well, I actually thought you should have auditioned to be an artist but this isn't bad either."

Jongin laughed. "So you're saying I could have been an idol?"

Baekhyun's eyes travelled from the soft dark hair, his infinitely appealing face, to the expensive black long-sleeved shirt and pants he wore. "Yes, you're very handsome," Baekhyun answered truthfully. "But can you sing or dance?"

"Is this an audition?" Jongin said with a chuckle.

"Oh, sorry! I'm just really nervous. First day of work and...  And--" Baekhyun leaned close to whisper. "--do I look okay?"

He stepped back to let Kim Jongin see better. He wanted to make a good impression and he was probably confusing Jongin with jumping from one topic to another but he couldn't help it. He waited patiently as the guy looked him over, worried since Chanyeol's clothes were still big on him and he possibly looked more like a kid who was playing dress-up.

"More than okay. You look, um, what's the word... pre--"


"No, pretty."

He doesn't know if he liked to be called pretty, exactly. Jongin laughed lightly and patted him on the head. "You look disappointed. If not pretty, then cute."

Baekhyun thought cute wasn't the word he would've wanted either but he decided to shrug it off. "Oh, okay."

"We should probably go in."

"Gosh, yes. Sorry. Fighting!" he grinned at Jongin before he opened the door for both of them.

Baekhyun went in first and bowed at the people inside before going to one of the seats around the long table in the middle of the room. He pulled the office chair beside him close, intending to reserve it for his new friend, but when he waved at Jongin, the other just smiled at him then proceeded to go to the front.

Baekhyun was confused, more so when a lady came in and shook Jongin's hand. "Mr. Kim, good morning! Now that you're here we can start with the orientation."

She then faced the six other people in the room. "Good morning! I'm Team Leader Shim and welcome to Promotions! Also, please welcome the new head of our department, Mr. Kim Jongin."

New department head? His eyes rounded as he watched Jongin bow and shoot him a brief apologetic look. Baekhyun remembered how informal he was with him earlier and he wanted to sink on the floor. This... this cabbage boy.

The hour passed quickly where Team Leader Shim showed them some slides and discussed KSE--the different branches and its history--along with the people who run it. He felt guilty again when the name Park Chanyeol was mentioned but got distracted when his eyes found Kim Jongin whom he was startled to see was also looking at him.

Baekhyun returned his gaze to the projection, feeling more than a little awkward.

Soon the presentation ended and it was announced that they were going into a company tour for the next hour before being assigned their respective jobs. Baekhyun followed the others outside, careful to keep the distance between him and Jongin for he still hasn't gotten over the knowledge that he practically asked his boss if he could sing or dance.

A step back into the elevator got Baekhyun realizing that oh my god they were going around the company he couldn't let Chanyeol see him and find out this way. He resolved to try telling him again once he got home later and so Baekhyun ended up walking with his head bowed cautiously. He caught Kim Jongin looking curiously at him again but Baekhyun just averted his gaze.

KSE has twenty floors and they were able to look around ten--mostly the admin offices--where their work would revolve around in. There was a sudden flurry when he heard the name Do Kyungsoo being spoken by the new hires. Apparently, they saw the singer crossing the lobby but Baekhyun was too far back to get a glimpse.  They finished the tour with no more incidents and Baekhyun was at last able to breathe a sigh of relief. No sightings of the tall blonde potato. They were all shuffling back inside the elevators when it beeped, indicating that the carriage was full (it was lunch time and the other employees were also on their way out). On instinct, Baekhyun got off to let the others go first. He waved at the team leader and reassured her that he would follow down soon, not noticing that Kim Jongin got off, too.

"Are you angry with me?"

Baekhyun was startled to see the guy beside him.

"Are you?" Jongin asked again.

"I'm not," he mumbled, looking away.

"I'm sorry. I didn't know how to tell you. Okay, this is no excuse but it's my first day of work, too. I was also nervous and you were really easy to talk to."

Baekhyun gave in to Jongin's pleading look. "You don't have to say sorry."

"Really? So I'm forgiven?" Jongin asked, his smile returning.

Baekhyun couldn't help but smile back. "I told you it's nothing. But honestly, you should have told me you were my boss." Remembering again how he acted, Baekhyun blushed. "I can't believe I even gave you advice."

Jongin laughed lightly. "But it was good advice. You already forgave me. So no more avoiding me, okay?"

"Yes, Mr. Kim."

"And no Mr. Kim or boss or whatever. Call me Jongin." A hand was held out to Baekhyun. "Friends?"

Baekhyun thought it might not be appropriate but he couldn't resist Kim Jongin's eager face. "Okay," he said reaching for the hand. He had to admit it felt good to have a new friend.

"This elevator's taking too long. I'm going to send a complaint to my cousin about this," Jongin said laughingly.

"The elevator man taking care of the controls is your cousin?" he asked disbelievingly

"Well, he is in control. Although, I don't think Chanyeol would appreciate being called the elevator man."

"I'm sorry, who?" Baekhyun asked hoarsely. He must be hearing things. Jongin couldn't have said Chanyeol's name.  Because if he did, Baekhyun would be--

"Park Chanyeol, my slightly older but infinitely grumpier cousin."

Baekhyun would be so toast.






In all the days since he started his term as president, Chanyeol didn't think he was ever this anxious to go to work. And he thought it crazy because it wasn't even his schedule for today that made him come early. It was the knowledge of finally escaping from the amazingly stubborn pup he was cooped up with for the past two days.

He knew spending the weekend together with Baekhyun was going to be bad but he never thought how disastrous it would be, at least for his peace of mind. Everywhere he went, he was always there, looking up at him with those droopy eyes and Chanyeol had to force himself to look away or else... He wasn't sure what but he just had to look away. It was really silly how they were inside his own house but he was the one running and hiding from Baekhyun.

The only time he was able to breathe easily was when he was inside his car, free from Baekhyun's voice and away from that disturbing pout of his. Chanyeol sighed. Because when Baekhyun pouted, there would be this strange urge to give in to anything the smaller guy wanted and that would be another level of bad. The thing was, Baekhyun didn't ask for anything at all except for his attention but Chanyeol wasn't willing to give him that because he was already filled with jumbled thoughts of him, damnit, and he didn't need more.

Come to think of it, it was so easy to just drive away and leave the house. One turn of the key and he would have been out of there, away from all the weirdness churning in his gut. But it didn't even cross his mind. He felt like a yoyo held by an invisible string, scurrying away, only to reach a certain distance before inevitably getting pulled back again. Chanyeol had an alarming vision of a string wrapped around a slender finger and he gave his head a hard shake to dispel it.

He was relieved, though, that the meeting with the Production people this morning went well considering he was a bit distracted. Chanyeol bowed and left the room, eager to go back to his office and get another task done. To his surprise, he caught sight of Jongin's profile as his cousin was standing in front of the elevator. He almost forgot that Jongin was supposed to start working there today. Chanyeol had every intention of greeting his cousin but then he noticed the younger guy smiling down at somebody and that's when he saw... No, that couldn't be Byun Baekhyun, right?

But it was. He could probably recognize those lips anywhere, those lips that were smiling prettily at whatever Jongin was saying. And there was a tightening in his chest because why was the puppy smiling like that at Jongin? Why?

His eyes narrowed when his cousin held out his hand to Baekhyun and the latter accepted it almost immediately. It didn't even look like a handshake but if it was, were handshakes supposed to last that long? They both looked entirely too happy about it.

The two disappeared through the elevator doors and Chanyeol was left there unmoving. There were a lot of questions in his head (Why were they together? Were they close?), completely eclipsing the most important one of all which was what Baekhyun was doing inside the company.

Chanyeol felt tense and confused and damn, his head was starting to ache. He didn't like this, whatever this was. He took out his phone and pushed two on his speed dial. A few rings and it was answered. "Hello, Chanyeol?"

"Kyungsoo-yah," he replied hesitantly.

"Hey, is there something wrong?"

Chanyeol closed his eyes briefly, feeling almost better. "No, nothing. I just wanted to hear your voice."






Babe. He really disliked the word.

Kyungsoo couldn't believe it took him twenty-one years before he realized that. It was the shortness of it all. The grating sound of one syllable spread thinly over four letters. He even disliked how it looked on paper (not that he wrote it again and again because he didn't, not at all). He disliked it more when said with a decidedly European accent especially if the said accent came with good looks, silver hair, and a height Kyungsoo could only dream of.

What am I doing? He muttered to himself as he stabbed his pencil on the music sheet he was studying. It was already late but he was still in one of the music rooms, sulking alone for no reason. He should be satisfied that he received praise from the dance instructor earlier. He did give his best, breezed through all the dance routine, that even the Angel of the East had a hard time keeping up. Kyungsoo went as far as to ask for an extension of the practice because for some reason he had so much energy to work off.

He wanted to bury himself in physical activity because thinking... hurts too much. All he did last weekend was to think and think but he was no closer to understanding anything than he was last Friday when that guy called Jongin babe. And it was maddening how he never had trouble like this before.

Kyungsoo liked to believe that he knew himself. He knew distinctively what he wanted and what he didn't want. But ever since Jongin returned the lines became blurred. He wanted for them to go back to what they were before his best friend left for London but then he also wanted something entirely different. He couldn't even define what sort of different that was.

There was a knock on the door and before Kyungsoo could prepare, it opened to let in the object of his frustrations and uncertainties. His day only needed this.

"Do Kyungsoo," Jongin greeted. "You didn't even come to see me on my first day."

"Sorry," he answered coldly.

Jongin looked taken aback by his unexpectedly frosty tone but tried to cover it with a half-smile. "I'm hurt."

I'm hurt, too and I don't even know why. "I was just busy with practice."

His friend walked towards him, slipping his hands inside his pants pocket, and Kyungsoo tried not to get distracted by how handsome Jongin was.

"Are you sure? Or you just didn't want to see me?"

You're right. I didn't want to see you and remember that I am your best friend but you didn't even tell me that you already had a babe. "I'm tired, Jongin-ah."

"Hey, you know I was just kidding." Jongin stopped a few steps away from him. "You're done here, right? Let's go out for dinner. My treat. We could go--"

"I'm sorry. I'm really tired." Kyungsoo stood up to gather his things.

Jongin looked disappointed but forged on. "Come on, Kyungsoo. Just a quick dinner and we could--"

"Why don't you just take your babe with you?" he interrupted, and his tongue felt burned by the word.

"But we already spent the whole weekend together, besides I want to catch up and--and please?"

The whole weekend. Together. Kyungsoo has always been a calm person but at that moment he wanted to punch something. "That's great. Spending the whole weekend together. Yes, that's what couples should do--"

"Wait. What? Couples? You think I... You think Sehun and I--?" Then Jongin burst out laughing and Kyungsoo frowned. His friend looked like he was enjoying himself at his expense.

"What's so funny?"

Jongin laughed a few moments more before he answered. "Oh Sehun isn't my boyfriend!"

"But you call him babe," Kyungsoo said almost accusingly.

"Yes, but it's short for baby. He's the maknae among our friends and they couldn't pronounce it right so everyone called him that." Jongin chuckled some more. “Everyone calls him that. Even you can call him that.”

Now, Kyungsoo didn't know how to react to the knowledge that Jongin was still single and why he was so relieved about it. He still wanted to punch something and he did just that.

"Ouch?" Jongin winced while he rubbed the shoulder that Kyungsoo hit.

"Stop laughing at me." he scolded but there was no real bite in his words.

"But it's funny!" Jongin grinned.

Kyungsoo felt his lips tighten. "Well, what was I to think?"

"Nothing. You were supposed to think nothing of it." There was a sudden shift in Jongin's gaze and Kyungsoo felt his friend turn serious. "Didn't I promise you that if ever I fall for somebody you'll be the first to know?"

Kyungsoo couldn't stop his heart from flipping. "You don't have to."

"Yes, I have to. I already broke some of my promises to you but I don't intend to break more." And there they were again, the fingers that brushed lightly across Kyungsoo's temple. "Alright?"

It was hard to speak past the lump in his throat but he tried. "Alright."

"Now, can my best friend please accompany me to dinner?"

"Yes." How could he resist?

Jongin grinned and, to Kyungsoo's surprise, snatched his hand to pull him out of the room. But the simple touch was electric and there was a pause. And in that second Kyungsoo finally understood.

He also promised Jongin the same thing--that he would be the first to know when Kyungsoo fell in love. But he would have to break that promise.

For how could he even begin to tell Jongin that Kyungsoo already fell for him?






Tao glanced for the fourth time at the rearview mirror just to make sure. True enough, there was a black sedan a discreet distance behind him. The same one that has been tailing him for days. He smirked and continued driving.

He hasn't had this much fun in a long time.






Chanyeol believed that pacing was a sign of a weakness. He would feel nervous or anxious or agitated but he would never lose control of those emotions enough to pace aimlessly. So he sat there in his living room, unmoving for the past hour. It was quiet inside the apartment since Baekhyun wasn't home yet. A glance at the wall clock read half-past seven. The puppy was late.

He thought it was funny--how he was so stupidly eager to come to the office to get away from the guy only to see Baekhyun there at KSE--but Chanyeol couldn't find it in himself to laugh. He was mad and disappointed at Baekhyun and not even talking to Kyungsoo was able to fully ease the weight in his chest.

He closed his eyes but the images that continued to haunt him for the rest of the day were still there. Baekhyun holding an armful of Chanyeol's clothes. Baekhyun walking to the bus stop. Baekhyun smiling at Jongin. Baekhyun talking with Jongin. Baekhyun holding Jongin's hand. Baekhyun with Jongin.

He sighed irritably. He doesn't want to see Baekhyun in KSE. He doesn't like it. It felt wrong. Baekhyun should just stay at Chanyeol's house and he could feed him and clothe him and... Take care of him. There was no need for Baekhyun to work at KStar. There was no need for him to talk to Jongin, either.

What also grated on his nerves was Baekhyun didn’t tell him that he was going to work for KSE. Didn't he think Chanyeol needed to know? Was Chanyeol that insignificant? You could spend time flirting with my cousin and you couldn't even spare me a second? he thought darkly.

Ten minutes and he heard the front door open. Baekhhyun padded towards the living room, unaware of the storm ahead. "Oh, Chanyeol-ssi."

This was confusing the hell out of him. He was supposed to be angry at Baekhyun for not telling him anything but instead he felt relieved that the pup was home safe.

Chanyeol stood up abruptly. Damnit all. "How was your day at work?"

Baekhyun looked up, his eyes full with guilt. "It was great. About my work--"

"When were you planning to tell me? Or did you even intend to tell me?" Before Baekhyun could answer, Chanyeol was speaking again. "I saw you with Jongin earlier," he said, his jaw clenched. "You're working at KSE."

"I am. I'm sorry, Chanyeol. I tried to tell you but--"



"I said quit. I don't want you to work there."

He saw Baekhyun's eyes fill with shock. "You want me to quit?"

"Yes. Or I'll handle it. You don't need to return there."

"Chanyeol," Baekhyun started hesitantly, "I know you must be angry since I wasn't able to tell you but that job is really important to me. Please let me finish my contract and then I'll gladly go."

"It wasn't a suggestion, Baekhyun." Chanyeol turned to leave but felt a hand on his arm, stopping him.

"I did try to tell you all weekend but you kept on running away from me. I'm not making excuses. Please, just... I hope you understand."

"I'm not changing my mind." Chanyeol felt Baekhyun let go.

"Can you--Can you at least tell me the real reason why you're angry?"

I don't know. Don't ask me. Stop confusing me.

"Because the Park Chanyeol I've come to know would have understood." And the note of sadness pushed Chanyeol to stare back at him.

"You want to know?" he was close to shouting but Chanyeol couldn't stop it. "It's you. Byun Baekhyun, you are everywhere. At the bus stop, in the kitchen, in my room. You're here. I'm never without you. For eight days. And you appear, even when I close my eyes. Now I run to the only place left to escape from you and you're there, too. Can you just leave me alone for one second and let me breathe?!"

Baekhyun looked stricken and his lower lip trembled when he whispered, "I'm sorry."

Chanyeol's stomach fell when he saw how his words had hurt the other. Park Chanyeol what did you even do? "Baekhyun--"

"I'm really sorry."

Chanyeol watched helplessly as Baekhyun quickly walked past him towards the bathroom.

Damn it. This wasn't what he wanted. He never asked for any of this. But then Baekhyun didn't ask for this either, did he? Damnit, damnit, damnit.

For the first time in his life Chanyeol paced.

It wasn't long when he heard the bathroom door open. He quickly looked up. Baekhyun was wearing the same yellow hoodie and faded jeans he wore the first time they met and it was with dread that Chanyeol saw the Starling lightstick in the boy's hand. "Where are you going?"

The shorter boy couldn't meet his eyes and Chanyeol could feel panic taking hold of him. "Baekhyun?"

"Park Chanyeol, thank you. I know it hasn't been easy for you taking me in. I'm a stranger and I all I did was bring you trouble. I--I didn't mean to be everywhere." There was a shuddery breath and it felt like a stab to the chest.

"Where are you going?" he asked again.

"I would find another job soon and pay you. Until then, I'll stay as far away as possible. I promise."

"Ya, Byun Baekhhyun I asked where you are going." You can't leave.

But Baekhyun just bowed at him and perhaps that was exactly his answer because Chanyeol knew he didn't have any place to go. "Thanks again, Chanyeol."

And then his stray pup was walking away. Don't go damnit, you can't.

"Byun Baekhyun." Chanyeol sounded like a broken record but he didn't know what else to say. "Damn it, Baekhyun!"

He could see the boy's shoulder tense but he kept on walking. Chanyeol stalked after him and desperately snatched the lightstick from Baekhyun's hand. "I have your lightstick. You can't go."

"I'll come back for it when I have enough to pay you."

You don't even owe me anything. But he couldn't tell Baekhyun that. If he did then he would surely never come back. Not that Chanyeol would really let him leave.

"I don't think you can ever pay me back. You owe me so much you'd have to slave away for life." He was talking bull but what the hell, he was getting desperate. "And is this how you thank people? By leaving them and--and not even giving them a chance to explain?"

But although his footsteps have slowed, Baekhyun was still walking away.

"And what about those who would get angry at me when you leave? How about Halmeoni, my grandmother and Zitao? You don't even care if I die in their hands, do you?"

Just a few steps more and Baekhyun would be out the door.

You can't go. But he screwed up. Chanyeol knew it was hopeless and in defeat unbidden words tumbled out. "Do you want me to lose sleep and get sick with worrying where you are, if you've eaten or if you're even safe? Do you want me to go crazy?"

Then the unexpected happened. Baekhyun turned around and his eyes were a little damp and a whole lot of confused. "I don't understand, Chanyeol. You told me to leave you alone."

I don't understand it, either. Why else would I be acting this way? "For just a second! I told you to leave me for just a second and according to my watch, that second already passed." He sounded ridiculous. But Baekhyun remained standing there so it had to count for something.

And since he was finally giving Chanyeol time, he grabbed it. "I'm the boss. My house. My laws. I say stay, you stay."

Damn it, it was the most perfectly stupid thing to say because Baekhyun was once again looking at the door. "Forget everything I said earlier. Byun Baekhyun, don't go."

Baekhyun looked into his eyes again and maybe he found what he was searching for because he nodded. "Okay."

And Chanyeol could finally breathe again.






It was almost three in the morning yet Baekhyun was still awake and staring at the ceiling.

Byun Baekhyun, you are an idiot, he berated himself while he listened to Chanyeol's even breathing. He sat up and saw the blonde guy sleeping on his side and facing him. It's barely more than a week and see where you got yourself into.

He scooted over to the side of the bed, careful so as not to awaken the giant. You are all kinds of no. His eyes slowly traced Chanyeol's face. You're confusing and looking at you makes my heart run so fast, I'm sure it's unhealthy. He reached his hand out and made his fingers hover over the sleep-softened features. Your words and actions earlier doesn't make sense. Baekhyun leaned closer. But just you, saying you'd worry about me, make me forget and change my mind.

You hurt me as much as seeing a thousand Starling lightsticks being run over by a bulldozer, each crunch of broken plastic breaking my heart. Then his lips were less than an inch from Chanyeol's cheek and Baekhyun gave up pretending. Even if you don't want it, you win. He closed his eyes and kissed him. I'm so in love with you.

He pulled back a little to look at Chanyeol one last time before going to sleep. But to his horror--

"Ya, Byun Baekhyun, what are you doing?"











Im so sorry ;~;
but i dont know if u'll get what i wanted to show in this chap.. i hope so
But thanks to the new subbies.. omg why you even reached more than 500 is beyond me.
And for the upvotes as well.. /cries
ALSO as thanks (?) i would be replying to al the comments
that will be posted for this chap so if u have anything to ask, to rant or spazz about.. fire away :D
to new friends.. I just know it, you’ll brick me and won’t talk to me again after this..
to old friends.. I deactivated my old twitter and moved to a new one
so if ever you still want to talk to me (why wud u ever) just twt me at @pokeito
and yeah, so sorry again. Ugh. /closes eyes as i click on add chapter
PS. ALSO THE BAEKYEOL THESE PAST FEW DAYS. I DIEEEEE. Yeah, just wanted to get it out
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Thank you!
ill be replying to the comments soon.. omg just so many but i will. ilu guys


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Chapter 24: Chapter 24: Oh my gosh at last I FINISHED THISSSSS so yes i really haven’t read this before and I maybe late but oh well better late than never lmao
Eleyeol_614 #2
Chapter 24: Maybe am too late for the party but thissssss...this isssss ssooooooo perfect...
Chapter 1: Chapter 1: Your username’s really familiar so i thought I’ve read this one before huhuhu my mind must have forgot this,, silly me
So I came across a twt about this fic. I don’t remember reading this before so might as well read it now lol
akipop #5
Beau1996 1380 streak #6
Very glad to find and read this story - I try hard to read all Chanbaek!!
Chapter 3: So good 😭
bap_panda #8
Hi author nim! So i decided to read this again for the nth time! I was in hs the moment my friend recommended me your fic, now I have my own child. Oh my god, it's been so long! Your work is still one of the most memorable fics Ive read. It's wonderful and it's actually one of my stress reliever ❤️❤️❤️ thank you for this, author nim
Chanbyun614 #9
Chapter 1: omg idk what i should do?? That was so sweet ahhh
Chanbyun614 #10