Then Came You




One more, he thought. One more wrong turn and he was going to scream. Lu Han's eyes narrowed as he watched Kyungsoo fail to move in the right direction again, disrupting the dance when he stepped on the foot of a back-up dancer. They have been doing fine with the first part of the choreography even if, admittedly, it was one of the most difficult routines Lu Han has ever encountered. It was literally breathtaking in its complexity that he was sure it was going to be a big hit.

At least it would be if Kyungsoo managed to get rid of whatever it was that suddenly made him dance like a slug. He was annoyed because every mistake meant that they have to start all over again and Lu Han was really getting too tired of this. He was baffled for most of the time Kyungsoo picked up the steps more easily than he does.

In his four years in the business, Lu Han learned not to suffer fools, slackers or anyone unprofessional for he knew that it would impact him one way or another. The road to stardom was by no means easy but Lu Han managed to get to the top because of his talent and hard work. He had learned to be demanding because he figured he was doing his best, giving his all, so why shouldn't the people around him do the same? Upon meeting Kyungsoo, his manager had warned him to be nice to the singer. Lu Han was prepared to do that but just to a certain extent. It was okay to be marginally friendly with Kyungsoo but nobody could force Lu Han to like a person unless he felt he deserved it.

And after a week of rehearsals and schedules together, Lu Han recognized Kyungsoo as a hard worker, too. He was a professional like Lu Han was--always on time, attentive to instructions, and open to criticism. (Not that Lu Han accepted criticisms graciously. He may throw some tantrums, and rant at Yixing a little but in the end he always did something about it so he would never receive a negative critique twice). Truthfully, he liked Kyungsoo a bit. He was younger than him but Lu Han recognized a star when he saw one. So he was really irritated that Kyungsoo was botching this rehearsal up. He was clearly distracted and it was unacceptable in Lu Han's book.

The instructor raised a hand for a repeat of the dance, and the blonde singer breathed deeply to ease his annoyance. The music started again and Lu Han was lost in the beat, his mind concentrating on the steps. A left turn, a change in position to the right. Three steps back and... Argh, Kyungsoo did it again.

He was about to snarl (which was bad for his angelic reputation but God, this really was frustrating) when the instructor thankfully called a halt to the session. He wanted to collapse right there and then, maybe flail his arms and throw one hell of an outburst, but of course he couldn't do that so he opted to go outside and get a drink. The other dancers were shuffling towards the doors so he had to smile sweetly and wait for his damned turn. Where was that vending machine again?

He glanced to the right and saw the vendo at the end of the corridor, huffing because it was farther than he expected. He was about to go it when he noticed a tall guy walking towards him. The corridor was quite dim so he wasn't able to see the man's face clearly but Lu Han saw a flash of an ID clipped on the guy's red jacket. At last, a prod assistant.

"Hey," he called out. "Bring me a bottle of water. And be quick, okay?"

The guy paused in his stride, glanced back and then turned to look at Lu Han again. "Me?" he asked.

"Yeah, you. Do you see anyone else here? Hurry up and bring it in," Lu Han said impatiently before returning inside the practice room. The place was almost empty save for Kyungsoo, the main choreographer and his assistant, Yixing and Mr. Kim--what those two were doing for the past hour is anyone's guess--and a guy in a white blazer... oh wait that's President Park's cousin, right? What was he doing here?

Lu Han sighed. Even if he was tired, he had to put on his disgustingly smiley face again and chummy up to the guy. Well, not before he said something to Kyungsoo first.

The other singer was bending down, his shoulders slumped and Lu Han took pity on him. He was exasperated but he figured he could let this one slide since it was the first time Kyungsoo screwed up. Just make sure it's the last, he thought.

Lu Han came closer and patted Kyungsoo's back. "Great job today, Kyungsoo-yah."

The shorter boy looked up with widened eyes which were instantly remorseful. Seeing Kyungsoo contrite was enough to appease Lu Han's ire so he turned his back on him and proceeded to go to that Kim Jongin. Best he got all the pleasantries over so he could go home and rest.

He was a few steps away when he noticed the furtive glances Park Chanyeol's cousin was throwing at Kyungsoo while slowly sidling away to the door. He looked back at Kyungsoo and he saw him start to march determinedly towards him and Kim Jongin. He returned his gaze to Jongin. What was going on? Well, this was weird... this was... Oh.


This is fun.

"Hello, Jongin-ssi!" Lu Han greeted loudly, making the guy wince and stop on his tracks. But Jongin's face was carefully devoid of expression when he faced Lu Han.

"Lu Han-ssi," he answered with a small nod.

Lu Han could see the guy's eyes shift from him to a spot just behind him. Knowing full well that it was the other singer Jongin was watching out for and seeing the increasing panicky look in the taller guy's eyes, Lu Han decided to chat with him to buy Kyungsoo some time. He told himself that he was just doing a good deed and that it was definitely not his intention to enjoy the exchange between the two. Of course not. He smirked.

"I heard you were going to handle Promotions and our single would be your first project," Lu Han said.

"Yes to both," Jongin replied distractedly.

"Oh, that's nice." Lu Han started his countdown. In three, two and

He saw Jongin's eyes round as he felt Kyungsoo stand beside him. Lu Han shifted his gaze between the two. One look and it was clear what was happening--President Park was in love with Do Kyungsoo while Kyungsoo was in love with the President's cousin and judging from Jongin's sudden intake of breath, the cousin also felt the same way for the singer. What a circus, Lu Han thought.

"I--" Kyungsoo started, "I--"

But Kyungsoo wasn't able to finish because another guy suddenly appeared beside them, slung his arm around Kim Jongin's shoulder and said, "Hey, Babe."

Babe? Lu Han's eyebrow lifted.

"Babe!" Jongin said, startled.

"Babe?" Kyungsoo asked, clearly taken aback.

Then before anyone could say anything more the other singer was out the door. Lu Han thought Jongin looked ready to bolt after Kyungsoo while the other guy was... looking at him?

Why is he looking at me?

Suddenly, a bottle of water was thrown his way. Lu Han was so surprised, he almost didn't catch it.

"There's your water," the silver-haired guy said, his face as blank as ever.

Lu Han's gaze caught on the ID pinned on other's jacket... the same red jacket the assistant earlier was wearing. GUEST the laminated card said in bold letters. Oh, .

The taller guy must have sensed his discomfiture because he just kept on staring at Lu Han, his expressionless brown eyes boring into his. What?

Jongin broke the moment when he sighed deeply.

"What's with the sigh?" silver-haired guy asked.

"I... don't know," Jongin answered. "But babe, what are you even doing here?"

Lu Han's eyebrow shot up again. Did he read Jongin wrong? Was Kim Jongin really not into Do Kyungsoo? But Lu Han thought the two guys just looked like very good friends while Jongin and Kyungsoo... the scene earlier—

"Hey, is that how you greet your best friend?" the taller of the two said blandly.

"Sorry. I was just," Jongin shrugged. "Anyway, I'm glad to see you."

"Uh--?" Lu Han doesn't like getting ignored.

Jongin looked as if he just remembered that Lu Han was there. "Oh, sorry. Lu Han-ssi, I want you to meet my good friend from London, Oh Sehun. Sehun, this is Lu Han the--"

"Angel of the East, I know of him." And once again, Lu Han felt Sehun's piercing gaze.

Why does it feel like he was being judged? Lu Han felt annoyed. He was supposed to be the one judging and calculating, not the other way around. He was still embarrassed about what he did earlier--, somebody now knew he wasn't as angelic as he was reputed to be--nevertheless, he held out his hand and smiled sweetly. "Nice to meet you."

Oh Sehun glanced at his hand before reaching for it, a tiny smirk grazing his thin lips. Lu Han blinked, quite disbelieving that this obnoxious person was smirking at him. But then it was gone and the face was back to its original blank state.

"Same here," Sehun replied with as much enthusiasm as a brick.

"Lu Han, let's go," Yixing called out to him from the door. Lu Han barely noticed that Mr. Kim was gone.

"Yeah, okay," he answered his manager then bowed at the two friends. "See you around."

Lu Han picked up his backpack and met Yixing outside the room. Thank God they were alone there because his cheeks were already aching from all the smiling.

"Who was that young guy with Kim Jongin?" Yixing asked.

"That was--" the guy I mistook for an assistant who probably realized I'm a primadonna within three seconds of us meeting and I don't know if that's bad but I sincerely don't care, let him eat cake. "--Kim Jongin's friend, Oh Sehun."

"Is he one of the higher ups or--?" Give it to Yixing to ask that sort of question upon meeting a person.

"I'm not sure. He's probably not," he answered. "I think he's too young to be one."

Lu Han had replied disinterestedly but Yixing gazed at him sharply before giving him a questioning look. "What?"

"Nothing," his manager shrugged. "Let's go."

Lu Han was puzzled but he let it go. The two of them could read each other like a book but there were times Lu Han felt that his manager and long-time friend was always one step ahead of him. But that was not to say that Lu Han doesn't have a few tricks under his belt. They were walking towards the lobby when Lu Han said casually, "So that Mr. Kim--"

"What?" Yixing abruptly asked, a bit tensed.

Lu Han gave him a slow half-smile before shrugging. "Nothing."

Yixing rolled his eyes at him but Lu Han could see the other smile, too. It was rare for them to be able to tease each other like this ever since they got here about three weeks ago. It was work, work, and work most of the time. There was that hell of a first week where Lu Han had to fight homesickness while adjusting to his life in Seoul. The week after where they were in countless number of meetings with different companies, talking about contracts and record deals. Then this week where his skills were put to the test as he rehearsed alongside Do Kyungsoo. The younger singer wasn't Korea's superstar for nothing and Lu Han had to prove that he was at par if not greater than him.

It has been three weeks and Lu Han knew that this was just the beginning and that there would be a lot of weeks more before he could go back to China. His life there wasn't the most perfect and it was exhausting most of the time as well but it was home. Everything he loved was there. Everyone who loved him was also there. He thought of his fan club and their constant support. Curse Yixing for his official color--Why did it have to be bubblegum pink?--and he cringes every time he hears the word Sweetest but Lu Han genuinely adored every one of them. He loved how they were always there in his every schedule, be it rain or shine, holding up their lollipop-shaped lightsticks (Again Yixing's fault) and waving their banners with his name.

He sighed. He missed them because in Seoul, although most of the people recognize him, nobody asks him if he was okay and nobody sends him flowers with hand written letters of encouragement that never fail to lift his spirit.

His fan club was also fond of throwing surprises. He remembered when they, headed by their dear president Minseok, rented all the LED screens in Beijing to send him a We Love You message right after his first major concert. He was pretty sure he botched up a song or two and was even close to losing his voice by the encore part but the message still read You're the Best. That was why he promised himself to work extra hard for his next one.

He wondered what his fan club was doing for he hasn't received an email from Minseok recently and—

What the hell was that noise?

They were nearing the lobby when he noticed a number of people looking curiously outside. There were extra guards at the company entrance, too. "What is it?" Lu Han asked.

"I'm not sure but I think--" then Yixing paused.

Lu Han was too impatient to wait for his manager's answer so he marched towards the doors and his jaw promptly dropped at the sight that welcomed him. At least fifty people were outside, wearing bubblegum pink shirts and waving bubblegum pink lightsticks.

"Surprise!" they shouted.

My God, he thought. Fifty fans all the way from China.

He hated the fan club color. He hated the fan club name.

But screw it.

They really are the sweetest.





Skip, skip, skip. A jump, a step. Skip, skip, skip.

Baekhyun was quite aware that he probably looked like an idiot, happily skipping on the sidewalk and wearing a really big grin on his face. He could barely stop himself from twirling about. He was just so happy. He now had a job and it felt amazing.

The sun has already set and the streets were almost empty as people were inside enjoying home-cooked meals or restaurant-bought dinners. Baekhyun's stomach rumbled in protest for being empty since lunchtime but even that couldn't take away the spring from his footsteps. I'll feed you, he thought as he softly patted his tummy, as soon as we get home. He wanted to laugh at himself for talking to his own stomach but then his mind got tangled with the last word. Home.

It was strange how he already thought of Chanyeol's apartment as home. It wasn't even a full week since he started staying there. He slept on the floor of Chanyeol's bedroom which, although carpeted, was a far cry from his own comfortable queen-sized bed. He didn't have anything there that he could call his own, no sign that he was living there right now. There were no framed photographs lining the white walls which documented his first step, his first medal, his first dance. There were no posters of Do Kyungsoo, no shelf of books about clothing and design, no stack of old magazines he stubs his foot into whenever he goes out of the bedroom door.

And there was no corner... no space where he could stay inside for hours on end and dream.

There were a lot of things that wasn't in Chanyeol's apartment but then Park Chanyeol was there. And as confusing as it was, with him, Baekhyun felt safe. He had been so used to watching over his back for the past months, a sliver of fear has lodged itself almost permanently into his spine which made him wary of everything around him. But when he was with Chanyeol, he forgets his problems for a time and he finds his mind lingering on the thought that Park Chanyeol was—

Beep! Beep!

Baekhyun jumped, startled by the loud honks of a black car that passed by him. The streetlights were clearly reflected on the vehicle's sleek finish. The car stopped a few feet ahead of him and Baekhyun momentarily froze. Were those thugs after him again?

He was getting ready to run when he saw a familiar sandy blonde head through the window along with an arm that waved at him. Wait... Was that Chanyeol?

Baekhyun walked tentatively towards the parked car. "Park Chanyeol?" he asked as he peered through the passenger door. Baekhyun saw the young president smile smugly at him.

The window lowered. "So Byun Baekhyun, how's it going?"

"Uh, fine?" Baekhyun was puzzled over the question, though.

"That's good. You must be wondering whose car this is."

Not particularly. Baekhyun was more curious as to where Tao was since he always drove Chanyeol around, doesn't he? "Yes?"

"This beauty is mine. The name's Joey. She looks amazing, right?" Chanyeol said proudly and Baekhyun had to hold his laughter in as an image of a peacock showing off his feathers entered his mind. He realized Chanyeol stopped to show off his car. This boy, he thought.

"Yes, amazing."

"Well, isn't it cold outside?" Chanyeol asked, leaning closer to the window. "And it's two more blocks to my apartment."

Baekhyun was surprised. Was Chanyeol concerned about him?

"Also, the streets are quite dark," he continued, his hand absently patting the passenger seat. "I was thinking--"

Is he going to ask me to ride with him? Baekhyun thought, his face warming up. Why was he feeling so strange? Baekhyun's heart began to beat fast and he felt his insides start to melt.

"--you should walk faster."

Baekhyun was about to say yes to the invitation only to realize there was none. Walk faster?

"So yeah, see you." Chanyeol said before driving off, leaving Baekhyun alone again.

He didn't know exactly whether to laugh or cry at himself. What was he expecting anyway? Park Chanyeol was Park Chanyeol. Why would he be concerned about Baekhyun?

It was about fifteen minutes more before Baekhyun arrived outside the apartment building, having walked slower than usual just to be contrary. He didn't expect to see Chanyeol by the entrance, though, scowling at him.

"I thought I told you to walk faster," he said before turning his back and entering the building.

Baekhyun had to run a bit to catch up with him. "I'm sorry? I didn't know you waited for me."

"Who--who said I waited for you?" Chanyeol said before frowning again.

Then what were you doing outside? Baekhyun wanted to ask but thought better of it. He remembered the cocky smile the guy threw at him before leaving him behind. Baekhyun believed he should be annoyed at least for being misled like that and he really was.

But inside the elevator, looking up at Chanyeol's profile, his insides continued to melt anyway.





He couldn't believe he just spent ten minutes staring at Byun Baekhyun's sleeping face.

Chanyeol leaned his head back on the couch, his eyes closed. It was too early to be up that Saturday morning but he realized he couldn't stay inside his own bedroom.

He didn't know what woke him up. He just found his eyes open and he could see the bright sunlight streaming through the slits between the curtains. He turned his back from it to shield his eyes only to have them rest on the sleeping pup on the floor. Baekhyun was lying on his side, facing Chanyeol. He was frowning, his brows knitted and his lips gathered into a small pout. His arms and legs were wrapped around a pillow, holding it tightly against him. Baekhyun's long lashes casted delicate shadows across his cheeks and for some reason, Chanyeol couldn't look away.

Unconsciously, Chanyeol bent forward, extending his finger towards the other's forehead. He traced the space between Baekhyun's brows and watched as it flattened underneath his fingertips. The frown was gone. That was better, he thought. He was about to retract his hand when his gaze drifted to Baekhyun's cheek and he knew he shouldn't have but it looked so soft and it became somewhat imperative that he feel that softness for himself... just to make sure... just to... just...

Then Chanyeol was touching Baekhyun's face and it was what he thought it would be but it was also much more. He wondered vaguely when he even started to get curious about the feel of Baekhyun's cheeks. His finger travelled lower towards the smaller boy's jaw and he traced its sharp slant down to Baekhyun's chin. The boy's lips were so close, slightly parted with his even breathing, a small shift and Chanyeol could touch even more softness there. His finger started to hover and it was insane how much he wanted to feel them. But then Baekhyun whimpered and Chanyeol snatched his hand back so fast, he fell back on his bed.

Chanyeol groaned with the recollection, covering his face with his hand. And now he was still in his plain white t-shirt and dark pajama bottom. He went out the room so fast he didn't even get a change of clothes. He just wanted to be out of there. Not even washing his face was able to chase away the strangeness he was feeling. What was he even doing back there?

He could feel his shoulder muscles tense. Damn. It was the weekend and he was supposed to relax but he wasn't close to doing that. Now he was feeling stressed and confused. He told himself it was okay to be curious, right? He'd been living alone for so long so it was just normal that he wanted to know how touching Baekhyun's face felt like. Of course.

Chanyeol heard footsteps padding on the carpeted floor of the living room and he braced himself. He felt Baekhyun stop about three feet in front of him but a minute passed and there was still no sound from the boy. Chanyeol straightened and opened his eyes to find the shorter guy studying him curiously. His hair was still a bit mussed from sleep and a spot of toothpaste was visible on the left edge of his lips. Baekhyun was still wearing the pink pajamas and his pale shoulder was still playing peek-a-boo with the loose collar. Chanyeol could feel the weirdness seep in again. Damn.

"Uh, if you're not busy... I do have something to tell you, " Baekhyun said a bit hesitantly.

"It's the weekend and I'm trying to rest."

"Oh, but this will just take like a thirty seconds and--"

"Byun Baekhyun, whatever it is, please spare me," Chanyeol replied as he slumped against the couch again.

"But it's really important. You see--"

Chanyeol rolled his eyes. "Play dead."

"--I want to... What?" Baekhyun looked at him incredulously.

"I said play dead."

The other pouted. "I am not a dog. I am--"

"This is my house. If I say you are a puppy then you are a puppy. So. Play. Dead."

Baekhyun looked like he wanted to argue but then he closed his mouth in a pout. "Fine."

Chanyeol recalled the image of the sleeping Baekhyun and he didn't like it one bit. It hasn't even been five minutes and he was already exhausted talking with the stray pup. He was about to close his eyes once more when his cell phone rang. Chanyeol remembered he left it last night on the kitchen table. He moved to get up but then he looked at Baekhyun and thought it was payback time for all the mess the boy was doing to his head. "Go fetch my cellphone," he ordered.

But Baekhyun just stood there looking at him.

"I said get me my cell phone," Chanyeol repeated with exasperation.

"But I'm dead."

He wanted to hit his own head on the coffee table. Of course he'd lose. Again. "You really think you're being cute, huh?"

Baekhyun shrugged at him innocently and even had the nerve to bat those long lashes at him before bursting into a short laugh. Chanyeol scrambled to his feet and walked towards the kitchen quickly. Stop being cute, damnit.

Chanyeol read the name flashing on the screen. Kill me now, he thought. "Hello, Grandma?"

"Where are you?" the old woman asked.

"Why?" Chanyeol answered cautiously.

"What do you mean why? Your grandmother asked you where you are and you answer me with why? And you had me wait until my ear was bleeding from the rings before answering the phone!"

It wasn't that he didn't want to see his grandmother. It was just that every time he comes to visit, she always pries into his life and Chanyeol wasn't comfortable with that. This weekend was really not going the way he wanted it to. He just wanted some peace and quiet and maybe lock himself inside his room all day. You know what? He'd do exactly that.

"I'm sorry, grandma. I'm actually at an emergency meeting." Chanyeol congratulated himself for his quick thinking.

"What emergency meeting? It's the weekend and you promised--"

"Grandma, you know how hectic my job is right now. And I did promise you to come by the mansion but I don't think I could make it."

The doorbell rang, interrupting him. Chanyeol began to walk towards the doorway when he caught a glimpse of Baekhyun standing by the coffee table. He was about to tell him to see who was at the door since when he thought better of it. He'd probably get another "But I'm dead" from the guy. Seriously, what has become of his peaceful life?

He continued on towards the door, still holding the cell phone to his ear. "Hang on, grandma. There' someone at the door and--grandmama?!"

Chanyeol was surprised to see his surly grandmother on his doorstep with a harried looking Nonna. "Park Chanyeol, since when does the company president hold meetings in his pajamas?"

"Uh, since... ouch!" Chanyeol winced as Grandma Park hit him in the arm with her purse.

"Who do you think you're fooling? I talked with your secretary yesterday!" The old lady was aiming her purse again.

Chanyeol thought rapidly of how to save himself from his grandmother's ire. "Grandma, the truth is... I'm sick," he coughed a bit for good measure, "so I really couldn't go today. I'm concerened about you and I didn't want you to get sick, too, so I lied." A few more coughs.

It worked. Thank God.

"You're sick? Why didn't you say anything? I'll have Nonna make you soup," she said worriedly.

Chanyeol felt a bit guilty for lying to his grandmother but it was for his own sanity so he said, "There's no need, really. I just need to sleep the rest of the day off--"

"No, I will take care of my grandson, move aside." The old woman tried to enter and Chanyeol panicked. If his grandmother saw Baekhyun... He wasn't sure what would happen if she found out he was living with another person without telling her. He threw a quick glance over his shoulder hoping against hope that Baekhyun has decided to remove himself from the living room (where he could be easily seen) and went somewhere far away, preferably to Jupiter.

"Grandma, wait! You can't come in!"

"Stop shouting, Chanyeol. I'm not deaf!" his grandmother said indignantly.

"I'm sorry. Grandma, but you can't come in. I'm sick and... And I think it's contagious." Chanyeol made a show of covering his mouth, making his voice a little muffled. "I don't want you to be infected. I know you don't like doctors and hospitals, remember when you were confined for a week because you caught the flu? Remember how irritated you were when you couldn't go out of the room? Remember when you missed out on your weekly tea parties?" Chanyeol threw a pleading look at Nonna over his grandmother's head. Help me!

Thankfully, Nonna nodded in understanding. "Chanyeollie's right, Mrs. Park. You wouldn't want to stay cooped up inside a room for five days," she said.

"Alright, you two." Grandma Park sighed. "The weekend I want to spend with my grandson and you turn out sick. You should take care of yourself better. Call Dr. Jung and have yourself checked and then call me so I'll know you're okay. Understand?"

"Yes, grandmama. I will," Chanyeol said in relief.

His grandmother patted his shoulder. "I'll go but you better be well by next weekend so you can come and see me."

Chanyeol said yes. He would've promised his grandma everything if it meant she would leave soon. "Bye, grandma. See you, halmeoni."

The two old ladies were about to walk away when—

"Halmeoni?" a voice behind Chanyeol said. He stood there frozen as he saw his grandmother turn back to him with a raised brow. Byun Baekhyun, you're dead.

And as if he wasn't already screwed, Chanyeol heard Baekhyun step closer to peek over his shoulder. "Oh."

His grandmother shoved him aside, (How was she even that strong for her age?) and stepped inside the doorway with Nonna close behind. Damnit.

Chanyeol watched in dread as the old lady walk towards Baekhyun. "Who are you?"





Baekhyun took a step back when the old woman came closer. He sneaked a worried glance at Chanyeol who looked resigned as he leaned on the doorway.

"I'm asking who you are," the lady said.

"I'm sorry." He bowed quickly. "I'm Byun Baekhyun."

He was a little nervous as the woman studied him from head to foot. A thought struck him though. The old lady looked like Chanyeol. A lot. She was about three inches shorter than Baekhyun's 174cm. She appeared to be around the same age as Nonna-halmeoni but there the similarity ended. She was dressed smartly in a silk trouser suit of a deep purple color, her slender neck and ears adorned by pearls. Her hair was up in a simple coiffure and her eyes, well, they were currently boring holes into Baekhyun's... chest?

He alternately looked between the old lady and where the woman's gaze was focused on. She reached out her hand and traced the embroidered Channie on the pajama pocket.

"I know who made this," she said as she leaned in closer. "Nonna, didn't I make this?"

"Yes, Mrs. Park. You did." Nonna answered.

"I made this for my grandson. Why are you wearing it?"

Grandson? This was Chanyeol's grandmother?

Mrs. Park's brow arched up as she looked up at Baekhyun's face. Baekhyun gulped. Her scowl was similar to Chanyeol's to be honest but a whole lot scarier.

"Um, I can explain--"

"I'll explain, grandma--"

Baekhyun and Chanyeol spoke at the same time. But the woman didn't seem to mind because her eyes suddenly rounded and she squealed.

Baekhyun was startled when Chanyeol's grandmother suddenly enveloped him into a hug. His eyes went to Chanyeol whose jaw dropped at the scene. How does one exactly react to this?

The woman squeezed him tight for a second then let him go. And it was now his jaw's turn to drop because before Baekhyun could even blink, Mrs. Park swatted the tall president with her purple purse.

"Park Chanyeol, why didn't you tell me?" she hit his arm again. Baekhyun would have laughed if he wasn't still reeling from the confusion.

"Grandma, stop. I'm sick, remember?" Chanyeol held out his hands. "And I didn't tell you what?"

"I've waited and waited and waited for you. I thought I was going to die without ever seeing you get married and now I find out that you already have a boyfriend!" The woman ended her tirade with another swat on Chanyeol's bum.

Baekhyun could see Nonna standing by a corner, holding her laughter. It was really kind of funny especially when Mrs. Park started to hit Chanyeol while she was scolding him about Baekhyun being Chanyeol's boyfr-- Oh, my god. Not again.

"Um, excuse me? Mrs. Park?" Baekhyun wanted to explain and get everything straight once and for all.

"Yes, my dear? Baekhyun, isn't it?" Baekhyun nodded. "Baekhyunnie, you can call me grandmama."

He could hear Chanyeol choke and Baekhyun cleared his throat. "Um, yes... but Mrs. Park there's--"

"Grandmama," the woman interrupted.

Baekhyun could feel his face heat up. How to do this? "Grand--mama? There has been a misunderstanding. I'm not Chanyeol's, uh, I'm not his b-boy--" He wanted to hit himself. His tongue kept on tripping on the word. "Not his b-boyf--"

"Oh, shush. Don't bother denying, darling. I'm not blind. You're just my grandson's type." Mrs. Park nodded. She reminded Baekhyun of Nonna, actually, minus the roundness.

"How do you even know my type?" Chanyeol butted in.

Grandma Park walked over to Baekhyun once again and cupped his face with her hands then pinching his cheeks right after. "I just do. Awww, look at our Baekhyunnie so so pretty."

By that point, Baekhyun honestly didn't know what to think, or feel, anymore. "Uh?"

"Yes, so pretty." She then noticed the pajamas Baekhyun was wearing again. "You look cute in my little Channie's jammies but they're entirely too big for you, aren't they? Don't worry. Grandmama will make you your own pairs to match! What do you think, Nonna?"

The plump lady clapped in glee. "I think that's a great idea!"

It really isn't, Baekhyun mentally sighed. His eyes found Chanyeol's, who stood frowning at them. One look and he could see that Chanyeol didn't like where everything was heading. Clearly, he doesn’t want to be mistaken for Baekhyun's boyfriend, who would? Baekhyun felt an unexpectedly painful twinge in his heart. He shook his head. He had no right to feel anything, none at all.

"--but now at least I know why my grandson doesn't come visit me anymore. And why he dodges those dates I set up. Alright. Chanyeol, I won't require you to come to the mansion every weekend since being with Baekhyun is certainly more important. As the elders used to say, always being together makes the relationship stronger. But I expect you to still drop by once in a while."

Grandma Park turned to Baekhyun. "And I also expect you to be with my grandson when he visits. Since he tells me he's sick, you take care of him, alright?"

Baekhyun could only nod.

"Well, then Nonna, let's go. Do you still remember where we bought the fabric for the pajamas? I think yellow suits Baekhyun--" the old woman went on and on as she walked to the doorway. Nonna gave them a wide grin and a wave before following Grandma Park. Chanyeol saw them out and Baekhyun immediately went back to the living room.

What to do? What to do? He was pretty sure Chanyeol would be angry with him. He shouldn't have come out. Byun Baekhyun, you and your nosy nose. He fidgeted with the hem of the pajama top. He swore he would be as unobtrusive as possible but look at him getting deeper and deeper into Park Chanyeol's world.

Baekhyun heard Chanyeol's footsteps behind him. "Baekhyun--"

"I'm sorry!" he practically squeaked. He turned and knelt down with his hands clasped against his chest. Closing his eyes tightly, he repeated, "I'm sorry!"

"I really didn't mean to, I just thought I heard halmeoni's voice and I wanted to greet her and I just, well, I'm sorry. I'll play dead for as long as you want! Or I'll do all your laundry! I don't know how to but... Or I'll wash the dishes! I'll, um, I'll--" he bowed and thought of what else he could do.

He didn't notice Chanyeol squatting in front of him until he felt hands frame his face and lift it up. Baekhyun opened an eye and was surprised to see Chanyeol's face just a few inches from his own.

"Shut up," the taller boy said.

"But... I'm really sorry. I know you're angry. If I had known your grandma was there I would have--" He was cut off though when Chanyeol squished his cheeks together and Baekhyun could only imagine how horrible he must look with his face distorted. Why was he even worried about that now?

Chanyeol leaned in closer. And Baekhyun could barely breathe.

"Byun Baekhyun, I said shut up. I'm not angry."

Well, that shut him up. "You're not?"

"No," Chanyeol answered. And maybe Baekhyun was dreaming because were those dimples on his cheeks? Was Chanyeol actually smiling at him?

"Why not?" He wanted to wince at how breathless he sounded. Fortunately, Chanyeol's hold on his cheeks slackened and was not squishing him any longer. But Chanyeol's hands were still cupping his face and Baekhyun had a fleeting thought that he felt the caress of those same fingers before. Which was impossible.

"Because now, I'm free!" Chanyeol laughed and his deep voice spread across Baekhyun, warming him. He couldn't help his lips from smiling, too.

"I actually don't have to go back to the mansion every weekend now and my grandma's going to stop setting up those stupid dates!" the taller boy said gleefully.

"O-kay." What else was he to say?

"Damnit, I never thought I'd say this but," Chanyeol leaned in much closer, their noses almost touching, "thank you."

Baekhyun could barely hear what the other was saying over the pounding of his heart. This shouldn't be happening. Come on, Byun Baekhyun, stop it. He is just saying thank you, he scolded himself. Just think of him as a potato. He was just a potato.

But then Baekhyun thought this particular potato has the most peculiar smile he has ever seen. It wasn't the most beautiful but it was just perfectly imperfect and it made his heart beat that much harder. I like you.

Baekhyun jerked back, his mind shying away from that thought. Because he couldn't like Chanyeol. The guy was in love with Kyungsoo, he was the president of KSE, and there's a gazillion other reasons he couldn't. His brain scrambled for something, anything, to stop this unwelcomed feelings stirring inside of him.

"You don't have to look so shocked. I am capable of expressing gratitude you know," Chanyeol grumbled and he mercifully let go of Baekhyun.

"I--I know." The air was a bit too heavy for him so he forced his mouth to open and make a joke of everything. Because in reality, this was all just an unfortunate joke. Chanyeol wasn't in love with Baekhyun. "To--to show your gratitude, can I sleep in your closet now?"

Chanyeol rolled his eyes at him and flicked on his forehead before standing up and stretching his arms above his head. "Nope. Never."

Never. Baekhyun watched Chanyeol strode away. He should never know.

"Oh, and yes, play dead," the taller guy said before completely disappearing through the bedroom door.

He knew liking Chanyeol was just a heartache waiting to happen. Baekhyun could enumerate all the reasons why he shouldn't, again and again and again. But that imperfect smile of his... could he just fall for him a bit? Just a teeny tiny bit, he promised.

Although, he was afraid it wouldn't stop at that. Not at all.





It was summer and the sun was warm against the skin but the gray expanse of water gave the illusion of a cold Saturday morning. Jongin took a sip of his latte, smiling a bit when he caught a glimpse of the word "Babe" written on the side of the Styrofoam cup.

"You're right. It's really different here. Not a rain cloud in sight," Sehun said as he sat down beside Jongin on the grassy slope overlooking the river. Jongin looked at his friend. His face never gave away much but Jongin has learned to read the taller boy's eyes to know what the other was thinking.

"What brought you here anyway?" he asked Sehun. They last saw each other the day Jongin left London. That was just under a week ago. He didn't expect to see Sehun so soon. Not that he doesn't want to see his best friend of three years, it was just unexpected.

Sehun placed his own coffee between them and lifted the camera to his face from its perch around his neck. He adjusted the focus and took a shot before answering. "Competition.. And work. Maybe."

Jongin guessed he really shouldn't be surprised. Sehun graduated with top honors from his Photography course. Back in London, all over Europe actually, you could always see the name Oh Sehun in photo exhibits and national photography competitions. He was famous for his simplistic style, his subjects mostly au naturel. Sehun was fascinated with studying faces and various facial expressions and he made them the center of his pieces.

In direct contrast, Oh Sehun was not too expressive himself. He wasn't a social person and preferred to spend his time alone. That was how Jongin found him in the club he used to work for. Sehun was sitting alone in the bar, looking bored. But on closer inspection, Jongin realized he was actually studying the people around him with a sharp eye. Sehun was a bit stunned when Jongin approached him and stuttered a little when he engaged him in conversation. His hair was hazelnut back then and it fit Sehun's porcelain white skin. He has this habit of his lips and for the most part he looked detached from the world.

Jongin was glad though that he talked to him because he found out that Sehun went to the same university and their dorms were just a few blocks apart. Night after night, Jongin would find his new friend sitting by the bar until they became close enough for Jongin to introduce him to his own group of friends. Sehun was the youngest in his group and being the only two Koreans, Jongin started to call him Maknae. Their other buddies started to do the same but they weren't able to pronounce it right so they just resorted to calling Sehun baby which then evolved to just babe.

"I cracked up when the server called out your name 'coffee for babe'" Jongin chuckled.

Sehun just looked at him blankly. "I don't remember you laughing when I called you that yesterday."

Jongin groaned. "You shouldn't have done that."

"It was a joke, though."

"Yeah, but... aish, forget it." He recalled how Kyungsoo looked before he ran out of the room. He couldn't have thought that he and Sehun were a couple, right? Why would he even run?

"The shorty in the practice room was Kyungsoo?" Sehun asked, his attention completely on Jongin.

"Yes," Kyungsoo who makes me crazy just thinking about him, Jongin silently added.

Sehun shook his silver fringe away from his eyes. "How's that going?"

"What do you mean how's that going?"

"Kyungsoo and You."

Jongin sputtered. "There's no Kyungsoo and me!"

"Shouldn't there be?" Sehun asked with a hint of mischief in his brown eyes.

Jongin was about to say no but then it wouldn't come out. He ended up just staring at his friend as he grappled for the answers that were evading him.

Sehun patted his shoulder. "Keep me posted, okay?"

Jongin nodded absently. Shouldn't there be?





Tao was standing on one foot, his left leg folded against his middle, while his hands were stretched above his head. What better way to spend the weekend than doing yoga and relaxing his mind? His firm arm muscles were exposed through the black wife beater he was wearing to fight the heat of summer. The kicks and the slides he would have to do later were made easy by the loose cotton pants he wore.

He was bending down and reaching for his toes when his computer beeped, making him look up. Finally.

Tao straightened and walked to his work desk. MATCH the computer screen read. He opened the file found by the software his friend installed for him. Contrary to Baekhyun's belief, Tao didn't stop inquiring about him. He knew that Baekhyun wouldn't answer any more of his questions and he could feel Chanyeol was somehow hiding something from him so he decided to handle it on his own.

He just wanted to help because Baekhyun looked lost and if there was anything Tao's heart softened for, it was for those who are looking for a place to belong. Tao clicked the show button and a window opened to show a newspaper article dated August 5, 2009. Why was that date familiar?

He read on and his small eyes widened. Car accident? Incheon... three vehicles... Drunk driver... Five killed... Tao's mind whirred. It was the same accident. Three years ago. What the--?

He was still processing that information when there was a short beep again. A new file came up and Tao opened it to find a picture of a younger Byun Baekhyun and his profile from Hanyang University.

Yes, he thought. It wasn't complete but it was a start.







AN: okay once again, first of all I’m sorry for this chapter. There.
This turned out to be quite different from what I thought it would be
and I had to rewrite this and take out a big chunk because if I didn’t you’ll all brick me lol
But yes, I apologize again for delayed updtes..
I didn’t know how to get back from the high of seeing EXO in person. I died. Literally. XD
But as always I’ll try to update soon and I really want to hear from you, guys /wink wink wiggle wiggle
AND also, I just checked on AWYIH bc I’ve been getting more subs for that and I cry..
bc the number of view is around 27k and it’s finished along time ago and people are still reading..
and I was surprised cause it was not even featured ever..
so THANKS GUYS..i don’t know why u even read my stuff but lemme give everyone my love.
WTH this AN is super long..LOL
Tty people soon! :D


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ill be replying to the comments soon.. omg just so many but i will. ilu guys


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Chapter 24: Chapter 24: Oh my gosh at last I FINISHED THISSSSS so yes i really haven’t read this before and I maybe late but oh well better late than never lmao
Eleyeol_614 #2
Chapter 24: Maybe am too late for the party but thissssss...this isssss ssooooooo perfect...
Chapter 1: Chapter 1: Your username’s really familiar so i thought I’ve read this one before huhuhu my mind must have forgot this,, silly me
So I came across a twt about this fic. I don’t remember reading this before so might as well read it now lol
akipop #5
Beau1996 1379 streak #6
Very glad to find and read this story - I try hard to read all Chanbaek!!
Chapter 3: So good 😭
bap_panda #8
Hi author nim! So i decided to read this again for the nth time! I was in hs the moment my friend recommended me your fic, now I have my own child. Oh my god, it's been so long! Your work is still one of the most memorable fics Ive read. It's wonderful and it's actually one of my stress reliever ❤️❤️❤️ thank you for this, author nim
Chanbyun614 #9
Chapter 1: omg idk what i should do?? That was so sweet ahhh
Chanbyun614 #10