No cookies. No ice creams. It's not an update either.

A Hazy Shade of Winter


Ah yeah. Been quite stressed with work and school and my non-existent lovelife so yeah, plot bunnies are haunting me.

So i decided to make a poll, because I can. *insert troll face*






If you have any suggestions, violent reactions, allergic symptoms... anything. Just keep it to yourself okaay. Naaah. Kidding! :D *no one, laughs.* Just scream those and hope for the best.. :D :D



Much love,

Maude :D

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Poster update! I'm sooo excited! thanks shineecrazed! -maud-


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why123you #1
Chapter 6: Although I don't quite understand some parts of the story, I can tell that this story is written by a highly experienced author. It' very professional. The plot is very unique and original. This story totally have it's own color. Love it !
YoshikuniKumiko #2
Chapter 6: this fic was beautiful like butterfly!!
love this fic!!
My name is Sarah too and I really like her character you describe her as Butterfly...And Eunhyuk is so nice..too bad it ends that way... :(
Chapter 5: kay,i just finished! o_O english is not ur first language?? u write better than native speakers..ermmm anyway,ur an amazing author!! now i'll just go read ur other stories and keep stalking u for more updates lol :p gud luck ;)
woooohooo ^o^ my name is SARAH and thnx for writing this story about meh!! *justkidding*
kay,i guess i'm gonna start reading now...
Made a poster!

Hope you like it even though it's really simple >.<
lahdeedah000 #7
Chapter 5: :'( Beautiful, yet tragic ending. Thanks for writing this story. <3
lahdeedah000 #8
Chapter 4: Noooooooooooo!!!!!!! ~wails and cries and throws a tantrum~ NO! Just no, don't die Hyukkie..... :'( I feel so sorry for Sarah still tho, no one should have to go through what she did, but NOOOOOOOO HYUKKIE!! :''( Dang you Maud for torturing us like this... >.<

...okay I didn't mean that danging part, this is way too beautifully written for me to actually mean that. But stilllll! >.<