[OH! My, Me!] ✖ Hello, My Kitten ▬ {Apply Closed}


❝Welcome to Neko World.❞
This is a story about six girls with six different lives yet combined together through
their hardships and challenges of trying gto live like a normal girl.


story title: [OH! My, Me!] ✖ Hello, My Kitten

✖ author: -yixingki

✖ date created: 16 september 2012

✖ apply deadline: 24 seeptember 2012

✖ date ended: n/a

✖ genre: romance, fluff, comedy, drama

✖ warning: swearing, , content

✖ credits: banner(poster) & background are mine. all other pictures found on we♥it.

✖ disclaimer: all ideas, concepts, and layout where created by, me, myself, and i. [-yixingki]
                             all other similiar concepts or ideas or creations where not copied by me, myself, and i.




[Application Soure | Application Preview | My App]


✖ you must subscribe that way if i make changes to the application or something and you aren't there to reply then your application is not accepted.
✖ i expect at least a reply every two chapters from those who apply that way i know you're still alive&interested
✖ i will be choosing five girls since my character will be included in this story.
✖ all applications should be done in a blog post and you should comment below or PM your link.
✖ there is no password. if you don't follow the rules i'll notice anyways.
✖ if you would like to you may apply as a male OC; just pm me in advanced to let me know.
✖ questions, comments, suggestions, or concerns may be below or in PM.
✖ you may NOT use a model or actor or some unknown ulzzang as your character. I need people well known so I can find more pictures if necessary.
✖ if you make any changes to your application tell me what you changed and send me the link once again.


tips to catch my eye 

✖ having bright neon colors for your information will not catch my eyes only burn them orz. i perfer you stick to the colors i chose for the application.
✖ lots of detail will take time, yes, but it'll also give me ideas. 
✖ being creative with the girl's background, how she met her lover, and having rivals with give me ideas and make me choose your application.
✖ the more you comment the more i can see who is really excited for this story and who just applied to apply.
✖ DO NOT copy and paste an old application to this one. if your characters name is bob and in the background it says tim i'll know its a copy.
✖ neat, clean, grammar correct, and a non-chaos application will catch my eye.
✖ PLEASE hyperlink any information needed such as your profile link, your ulzzang pictures, your style pictures, etc. if you don't know how PM me.
✖ be original. be creative. be optimistic. 
✖ if you add suggestions, comments, and ideas to the bottom of the application i will probably love you to death and again, it'll catch my attention!

✖ chapter one ; roles to take
✖ chapter two ; the applicants
✖ chapter three ; frequently asked questions
✖ chapter four ; updates and information

authors corner

▶ herro! this is -yixingki with another apply fanfiction. I'm obessesed with them, okay? don't judge me! anyways i've had this idea in my head for the longest time and soo... i decided to write it. only issue is this is pretty common, a neko  apply story, which is why i'm so iffy on it but meh >< hope you all enjoy and apply and have fun! :D


candypop your application has been added on chapter 2. please check my comments.


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Chapter 9: don't worry i have not forgotten and am eagerly waiting for the rest of the story :D
ps: hope your grandma feels better ^^
Chapter 9: I'm still here..
BTW,I know how you feel when you have so many applicants for one role..
>>Hope your grandma get well soon..
Chapter 9: -poofs in-
I didn't disappear^^

Good luck with school and I hope your grandma gets better~
Chapter 9: dont worry. no one dissapeared . We're all here^^

hope your grandma get well soon :)
Chapter 9: Oh, hello there! :'D I'm glad that you haven't given up on this yet...
LOL With the sheer amount of apps you have, I thought you might have gotten intimidated or something. :c good luck!

ah, I hope your grandma gets better soon. ; 3 ; <3
nunmuri08 #6
Chapter 9: ill pray for your grandmas quick recovery ^^ and dont rush for update... ^^
Chapter 9: I'll be hoping that your grandma'll get well, you have my prayers~ c:

I haven't forgotten about this story at all, in fact, I check it daily~ o u o
I'm looking foreword to an update!
Chapter 9: omg your grandma is in the hospital? :'c
i hope everything's alright ♥

i'll be looking forward to an update ^^
gosh, i'm so fudging excited :3
Chapter 9: I hope your grandma is okay! Can't wait to se the characters that you pick.
Chapter 9: I hope your grandma will feel better! Take your time reviewing the apps!^^ i'll wait for your updates!:D