Difficult Confession


KangYe / with YeWon friendship;

Rated- PG, k? ^^

Yesung had finally fallen in love with Kangin and he talks about this feeling, with the only person who can understand him; his best friend Siwon. This isn’t gonna be an easy thing to talk about, especially if there’s a past involved.

My first attempt at drabbles. LOL it's not really a drabble cuz I turned it to a monster!


The practice room was almost empty. Everyone had left to find some form of relaxation. Everyone except Yesung. He couldn’t help but feel like staying there, alone, forever. The recent events have created a huge wave of confusion and for him, it is too much to bear. He would love nothing more than to say that he had nothing to do with it. But here he was, stricken with guilt, unable to move, unable to think. His thoughts were interrupted by a man who came looking for him.
         “Hyung?” It was Siwon, his best friend, almost like a real brother. “Hyung, you said you’d be downstairs in a minute, but 15 minutes have gone! What are you doing here?” His tone full of concern.
-“No-nothing Siwon-ah, just…*biting his lips*…nothing”

-*again asking concerned* “Hyung, you ok?” *Yesung nodded* “Come downstairs. Everyone’s having Gelatin! Kyu and I got Black current and he wants you to try it with us!” *Siwon smiled like a 5yr old*
After a long pause, Yesung looked at his best friend, the man who has shared his every emotions with him; The man who trusts so much in his ‘hyung’. It’s time, the hyung trusted in him too. “Is Kangin there, Siwon-ah?”

-“Of course he’s there! He’s been trying to tell me to sit away from Kyu!” He added darkly, “even though he says he meant it jokingly, I don’t think so”, he pouted, gaining a small chuckle from his hyung. All became quite, while Yesung stared at the floor and Siwon couldn’t help but look at the older man, who seemed to be in a mess. “Hyung, is everything alright?”


Um...I know I've said that there'll be another one...but..um...I'm kinda flooded at the moment...O_O


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399 streak #1
Chapter 1: Um... Not sure if it's already completed or not
Chapter 1: 2woon 💙
399 streak #3
Chapter 1: it's 2022 now T^T and you're still not here~ T^T
399 streak #4
Chapter 1: I love Yewon friendship here, though I prefer Kyusung or Yewon in romantic way XD but still, this is really goood!!! But, there is no update? Why author why??? T^T
Wah that was so cute~
Now you got me all curious what happened afterwards >__<
I really don't know what came over me, I'm usually a very committed Kyusung shipper, but from time to time I suddenly have those 2woon phases XD (Well maybe because my bias is Yesung and my best friend's bias is Kangin XD)
mitralisa #6
“Siwon…ah! Thanks!”

thank u 4 sharing
I'm hoping for a follow up story to this actually, where there will be Kangin and lots of 2woon! Thanks so much for reading! :)
KcuLL22 #8
Aaah this one is looking good actualy :D
I hope u'll update it soon~