What is R, What is W

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Thus the devil played at chess with me, and yielding a pawn, thought to gain a queen of me, taking advantage of my honest endeavours.


The chess-board is the world; the pieces are the phenomena of the universe; the rules of the game are what we call the laws of Nature. The player on the other side is hidden from us. We know that his play is always fair, just, and patient. But also we know, to our cost, that he never overlooks a mistake, or makes the smallest allowance for ignorance.


The chess-board is our world; the pieces are the phenomena of what inside me, the controller of this universe; the rules of the game are what I call his laws. The player on the other side has always been him. I know that his play is always fair, just, and patient. But I also know, to my cost, that he will never overlooks a mistake, or make the smallest allowance for ignorance.


Yeah, this is my chess-board. This is my game. I won't let you rule it for me.




Siv: Inspired by BigBang song 'What is Right, What is Wrong' and one of my dream fic. And someone requested this but I do not know if I turn it out well.


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Chapter 1: I loved this!!! All the chess references and their jabs at each other were fun to read. Though, I had a tiny wish she could beat him in the end…I guess we’ll see~
Shiela76 #2
Chapter 1: Sequel pls?!
bienbonita #3
Chapter 1: Oh this is good! I know chess but I at it. Boo :(
sequeeeeeeeeel please? hehehe.
nice storrryyy <3
callmesivoneshots #5
Thank you, guys! I feel like giving this story a chance to be an ongoing fic! ^^ I love rereading this over and over again ^^
twaejitokki18 #6
The story was written really well! Thanks for sharing!!!
waaaah! im definitely not into chess, but i love how it goes with your stowy. ^^ super love this Siv unnie!! hahaha. i'll sure be remembering this fic whenever i get a chance to play chess again. haha! and, yea~ what is R and what is W is also my fave track from the album. haha :D
Love this...love this Siv!!! that's all I can say Queen...:D (maybe i shud stop calling you that, you proved me youre also good in this kinds of fics...)
jiayixdubu #9
woah! Amazing story. Are you a chess player ?