The Dark Blood


The Dark Blood


Kim Jaejoong:

-direct descendent of white clan

-the time traveler (wind ability)

-most powerful vampire

-sweet man when it comes to his sweetheart

-can be cunning at times


Jung Yunho:

-leader of white clan

-the destroyer (fire ability)


-as powerful as Jaejoong are


Park Yoochun:

-the “calmer” of white clan

-the healer (earth ability)

-calm, wise man

-have a special pendant

-have a great instinct


Kim Junsu:

-the half blood vampire-warewolf

-the hunter (fire ability)

-emotion leads more than rational

-in a relationship with Kim Haneul (Jaejoong’s sister)

-have a great desire to be powerful


Shim Changmin:

-the warewolf


-unrequited love

-wise man

-doubted to Kim Jaejoong


Yoon Jina:

-lady’s of butterfly

-Jaejoong’s sweetheart

-the teller (7th sense foreseen)

-beautiful flawless women

-Jaejoong’s  protecter

-kind, generous, love to smile


Kim Haneul:

-Tohoshinki’s sister

-the half blood vampire-human

-the shader

-love travelling

-high curiosity



Han Mae Ri:

-lady’s of dark clan

-looks cunning

-have a glimpse of light in heart


-the only lady against the destroyer







more characters to be revealed soon as chapters go on....


awaits for:









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2034 streak #1
Chapter 31: Wow! Glad to see an update after so long. Although, my memory of the story is a bit fuzzy now and so, I can't exactly remember how JJ messed things up. Anyway, can't wait to read more and find out what happens. Hope to see an update soon ^^
2034 streak #2
Chapter 30: Somehow I'm not feeling sorry for Yongguk here. and I wonder how Yunho is gonna react to all this when he returns. Can't wait to read more. Will be back later ^^
2034 streak #3
Chapter 29: I knew it! I mean I was right about Sanghee's identity. Anyway, I would like to see the Demons and Werewolves going against each other. Hahaha just kidding. But wonder what would happen next. Will be back later to read more ^^
2034 streak #4
Chapter 28: Well, I'm glad Song Jae Rim and his group of nomads got what they deserved. But at the same time, I'm not sure why she's thinking she's betraying Yunho. I mean it's not like she's doing anything with Yongguk. she's just relying on someone she considers as a friend. In fact, it makes sense if she's feeling bad for Yongguk himself since she's kinda taking advantage of his feelings. Anyway, will be back later to read more.
2034 streak #5
Chapter 27: Tbh, I was pretty confused in the beginning of this chapter. You said Yongguk had carried her to his room and had already tucked her in. And then he comes out, he again carries her and tucked her in. But also, you frequently called her Kaylene in this chapter. Guess you forgot to edit it before uploading. Anyway, I will be back later to read more ^^
2034 streak #6
Chapter 26: Hmmm... I assume it was just a trick from Vian's side. But still wonder what's up with Yunho. Anyway, will be back later to read more ^^

PS Korean women retain their maiden name (their surname from birth) even after marriage. Just thought would let you know.
2034 streak #7
Chapter 25: Wow! Junsu went into hibernation? I didn't even realise that until it was mentioned here. And I think I'm becoming more and more sure of who Sanghee is. Anyway, will be back later to read more ^^
2034 streak #8
Chapter 24: I'm a little confused about a few things in this chapter but I'm sure they will all become clear in the further chapters. Can't wait to read more. Will be back later ^^

PS I just thought I would point out a few corrections that can be done in the chapter. Hope you don't mind. One is, it was said Kangta is Yunho's uncle but Yunho calls him hyung (which means brother).
The other thing is, you called Mae Ri as "immortal" in this chapter. But immortal means never dying/living forever. She is a mortal now, meaning she's a normal human like you and I. Anyway, that's all and hope you didn't mind me saying these things.
2034 streak #9
Chapter 23: So Yongguk is from another clan/tribe? I mean, he's not a part of the Vian? Wonder what CL is up to now. Anyway, will be back later to read more ^^
2034 streak #10
Chapter 22: So BAP are part of the Vian? Wait! Don't tell me. I don't like spoilers. So I'll find out in the further chapters by myself :) and also, I think I'm getting more confident of my guess on who Sang Hee really is. Anyway, can't wait to read more. Will be back later ^^