who's that girl? (park)

come here my darling!



heard the sound of a very loud bell marking time studying is over.

myungsoo and hyungsik walk home together. they were the best friend ever. wherever there myungsoo, hyungsik concentrated there. so also with hyungsik.

on a sunny afternoon, they walk while chatting somethings.

"tomorrow holidays right?" hyungsik asked suddenly.

"it feels so" replied myungsoo simply.

"to do anything tomorrow?" hyungsik ask again.

"I do not know. maybe just practice dancing at home or relaxing at home or bring carlos walking the path." myungsoo replied calmly.

carlos is myungsoo pet dog. it is very cute and myungsoo loved carlos. hyungsik also very fond.

"boring! everyday you practice dancing. occasionally let out." hyungsik said.

"I'm lazy." myungsoo replied simply.

"Arghh! with friends also do not want to., if the girl you fast." hyungsik joke.

"Eh! I was rarely out of the house because i'm lazy. Besides, I never go out with a girl." myungsoo said firmly.

"Do not get mad bro. I joked earlier." hyungsik said with a worried face.

"ok, forget it. tomorrow where are you going?" myungsoo ask.

"ok good. emm .. we went to a movie. after that, we went to karaoke. you want?" ask hyungsik to myungsoo.

"erm .. whatever you want." myungsoo said.

"yeay .. you are the best of friends." hyungsik said happily.

all the way back to the house, they did not stop telling about school holidays tomorrow. hyungsik who is trying hard to persuade myungsoo to accompany him out finally managed well.

when arrived at the front of the house myungsoo, they say goodbye...

"bye! Don't forget tomorrow." said hyungsik to persuade face.

"ok." myungsoo said sighing.

"okay good." hyungsik said.

"wait .. after we finished out tomorrow, I want to brings carlos out. pity him." this time myungsoo being persuaded.

"err .. so we have to leave early? emm okay lah." hyungsik answer.

"thank you friends." myungsoo said with a smile.

"welcome." hyungsik answer.

after finished chatting, they both returned to their respective homes. as hyungsik home not far from there.


the next day ...

ting tong!

"must be the hyungsik." myungsoo said.

"hye! how today?" hyungsik ask.

"good. let go." myungsoo said.

"let's spend the day with excitement. we also need to find a girlfriend." hyungsik said with a laugh.

they both can not always go out with the character myungsoo does not like out. he would prefer to sit his house.

myungsoo and hyungsik heading to the cinema. nearly three hours after the completion of the story that they watch, them out of the movie and go to karaoke.

"what are you going to sing?" ask hyungsik to myungsoo.

"ascribe anything. I do not want to sing." myungsoo replied.

"singing is. never best if like this" said hyungsik.

"I'm too lazy to sing. you go sing. I will hear." myungsoo said.

"I will buy you today. instead there are others who hear your voice if not good range of my voice." hyungsik said with a loud laugh.

after being forced by hyungsik, myungsoo also sings slowly and eventually he can sing as strong and crazy like hyungsik.


two hours after they're done karaoke, they walk for home.

while in the bus ...

"fun, right?" hyungsik said.

"can be." myungsoo said softly.

"Other times can go again." hyungsik said with a chuckle.

"Yup., if I had the time." myungsoo said again.

"but I was disappointed because it was able to take any phone number girls. everything is not interesting." hyungsik said with a laugh.

"very hokey. while you view all women who have just now, right?" myungsoo said with a laugh crazy.

"That is not!" hyungsik yelled.

"okay okay .. eh, come to my house before. I want to take carlos. then, we just go to the park." myungsoo said calmly.

"okay boss!" hyungsik said with a laugh.

they go to the park is not far from their homes. Upon reaching the park, they both walked to bring carlos.

"we used to be sitting here." myungsoo said.

"let me take carlos way street." hyungsik said.

"all right." myungsoo said.

a few minutes after hyungsik bring carlos go, came a dog approaching myungsoo. dog his head at the foot myungsoo. then, myungsoo take and put it on his lap.

"where is your guardian?" myungsoo said to the dog.

"excuse me. I go buy ice cream and overlooked this dog." a female voice is heard.

"oh. these cute pet dog are you?" myungsoo asked with a smile.

"yup. again I want to apologize. I go first." she said, and quickly went from myungsoo view.

"who's that girl? ask hyungsik after arriving from bringing carlos street.

"I do not know. she took her dog is missing and go just like that." myungsoo said.

"ish .. there are people who like that. never know want to thank you. said hyungsik burning.

"never mind. maybe he's going fast." myungsoo said while holding carlos.

"why did you this very well." hyungsik said with a laugh.

increasing day afternoon, they return home. all the way back, myungsoo not stop thinking about last dog owners.

"why she went away?" myungsoo wondering.

"Arghh ..! forget it." myungsoo sighed.

in the afternoon, hyungsik and myungsoo home safely. day is the happiest day for them.






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it's my first fic.. sorry for not very good grammar.. thanks for supporting.. ^^


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Chapter 5: Poor yoong :( felt so bad :(
Chapter 1: just wait till the end nae~ hehe..
waiting for the next chapter..
no. it's about you and myungsoo ^^.. please support my fic okay?..
Snowyhappy #5
Myungyoon fic?