Anonymous Friend (친구) - Advice Column


Anonymous: having no identity, withheld name, author, etc.

Nobody wants to put a label on themselves and walk around announcing to the entire world their problems and mishaps. We all break down every once in a while whether it be family issues or the bully that just doesn’t seem to want to leave you alone at school. Everything you tell me here, no one will know your identity unless you want them to.

Friend/Chingu/친구: someone who listens, who’s always there for you when you need them most, someone you can rely on, and someone who helps you whenever you need it.

It’s rare to come across a perfect friend and someone who is always there for you. I may not be perfect, but I’m willing to at least be a friend.

I’m no doctor or professional therapist. I’m simply human (aren’t we all?). But I’m willing to lend an ear to listen to your problems. I’m willing to be the one who you just want to share a simple story with, whether it be good or bad. Having a bad day? Go ahead and write to me and vent out your feelings. I’ll patiently listen until you’re done and tell you that it’s going to be ok. You just had an awesome day where you just want to share the news with someone? Go ahead and cut loose, write it out and I’ll be sure to congratulate you or say good job. I’m willing to share my own piece of advice or say in the matter based on my point of view. Feel free to share anything that’s on your mind and I’ll give you a response whenever I can.


1.) You don't have to subscribe but it'll help you to know when I update and whether I answered your question or not.

2.) Please no bashing. This advice column was written for people who I want to help in my own opinion.

3.) I might not answer your letters right away (I'm not online 24/7) so please be patient(:

4.) If I answer your letter, please write back to me if I've helped or done anything to help you. You don't have to comment below, you can inbox me. A simple "thank you" would be more than enough to let me know you've read it(:

5.) I accept foul language (those chapters will be marked rated) but if you're mad and you're basically cursing at me every other word, I will kindly deny you.

6.) Please don't laugh at any one elses problems. You don't know their life and I don't see it fit that you judge them if they do not do the same to you.


How to Apply:

1.) You guys can PM (private message) me

2.) You can comment below

3.) Write on my wall

4.) Or fill out this form

Either of the four options is fine(:

Side Note: With your permission - chapters will be posted of the letters/questions you guys will be sending me but (again) your identities will be hidden and you will be known as anonymous (or w.e you guys prefer). I’ll only be posting them up because someone might have the same problem/situation as you. In the end, it’s to help everyone and one another :)

It is completely up to you whether to take my advice or not.

Do not plagiarize! All right belong to AverageCupOfTea.

No printing or redistribution allowed.

Do not post anywhere else. Do not plagiarize.


Ever since my friends have been breaking down, I’ve always been the shoulder to cry on. I’m no professional at these sort of things but I want to do my very best in helping others, even if it’s something small.

This fic wasn’t created to gain a bunch of subscribers or any of the sort (although you might want to subscribe to know whether I've answered your question or not, however it is not forced). I’ve just noticed there’s a lack of advice columns and I thought I’d be the one to hold out a welcoming hand and open up my own advice column x]

You can ask away from things like fashion to boy/girl troubles. I’m willing to provide everything that I can to help answer your questions and give you some advice of my own.

This isn’t just an advice column, it’s a share fic. Feel free to write to me what’s been going on about your day. Tell me if your crush just admitted they like you back, how you just beat another round of L.o.L, or how you just passed your finals with flying colors. If you really need someone to listen, I’m all ears…literally I got these massive ears that just won’t do me any good LOL I kid I kid :P

About Me:

You’re probably wondering, “Who is this weird creepy stranger that wants to know all my problems?!” Haha well don’t worry, I don’t expect you guys to open up to me just like that. I’m only here if you really need to talk to someone. So here’s a little bit about me, in return I hope you guys tell me some things about yourself too:

  • High School Student
  • Lives in USA
  • I’m full Korean (but before you guys get all hype and bombard me with hangul:)
  • I don’t speak Korean :P (fail of a Korean I know OTL)
  • Usually the umma/mom of her group of friends x]
  • Likes to dance (hip-hop/bgirl/kpop covers, u name it)
  • Pretty smart, you guys can use big words and such LOL but if you start talking about politics or the economy and it’s inflation I’m just gonna go: huh? @_@
  • Name: AverageCupOfTea/ friend/ chingu - feel free to call me any of those :P 

I’m here to provide advice and be a listener.

Also a big thanks to --angst for making the poster and background(:

So, -opens laptop to a new chapter- shall we get started? :)

thank you so much to all of the 95 subscribers, 7 voters, 41 commentators, and endless friends for your support C:


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Jia_Yi #1
Chapter 87: Aww you closed :(
Thank you for creaing this advice column !
You have helped me a lot with my problems ~
Once again, thank you very much <3
Chapter 87: I haven't been on AFF for a long time!
You're finally closing? I understand. I'm actually impressed that youbhelped more than 80+ people with this story. I applaud you :)
I'm sure others can learn by reading your advices to other people. I know I did ^^
You're a wonderful person and friend just wanted to let you know that :)
Thank you again for this. <3
Chapter 5: wow. i learned a LOT reading this advice column and i'm just in Chapter 5. XD
Chapter 87: thankyou for the advice.
it really helped me alot! c:
it's really sad that you're closing down though. but we'll all understand your difficulties.
e u e
hope we could be friends!
once again, thankyou so much! ;n;
-esque #5
Chapter 87: Omg, I'm so late to see this. This advice column is amazing. ^^; You've helped me more than twice in here actually. >//< There are so many situations that I've come across and mine is almost the exact and your advice has helped so much. To me and many others. Seriously, people need to see this. Why are there only 5 votes? You are, like, seriously the worlds kindest person I've ever come across. You took the time to actually write advice to all of us and help us in our darkest situations. I'll keep those quotes in mind. Thank you so, so much. (: Wish you the best of the best.
2490 streak #6
Chapter 87: Thank you for having this amazing advice column! ^-^ I'll admit that I've asked two questions on here under different names, but I'd like to be discreet for now. Your advice has helped me so much and I cannot express how grateful I am to you for being here. You've helped so many people who were down in the dumps and needed someone to talk to. I'll miss this column so much, but I understand that you have other things to deal with. Once again, thank you so much! :)
Chapter 87: You've helped so many people, including myself. thanks so much for this! you're an amazing person
Chapter 87: Awww. Too bad you're closing this but thank you for all the good advices when they lasted. You have no idea of how much people you've helped and thank you for taking your time to do this ^^
Chapter 87: Oh my gee. I'm so sad that you're ending the advice column. You helped me so much!