
The Return of the Gods..

Junsu had just woke up from his sleep.The dreams about Yunho and Changmin is still bugging him for the past years since their splitup.Without realising,tears pouring down on his beautiful face.Dreaming about them being together again,singing at the A-Nation made the tears poured more.He looked around him.Jaejoong and Yoochun are still sleeping.He's still lucky that he's still got both of them.

"Hyung,hyung...ireonna.I want to go to the kitchen" .He's still not used to go around in the dark.Darkness still scares him and yeah,Kim Junsu is still a child in heart.He poked both of his hyungs and urged them to wake up.

"Yah,can't you go alone.You're not a child anymore" Jaejoong covered his head with his blanket and continued his sleep.

"Junsu,just go to the kitchen.There are nothing there".Yoochun lazily pushed him away.Junsu just stared at the dark for a while and urged himself to go to the kitchen alone.Junsu lighted up the living room and reached his baseball bat.

"Nothing could go wrong right? Ghost don't exist..Ghost don't exist" He chanted over and over again trying to brave himself.

( aigoo so cute. Isn't he?)

Suddenly, the window behind him opened widely.The wind come gushing into the living room making everthing went messy.Just when he was about to lost his shock...

" Warghhh!!" Junsu shouted as a white figure come from the window and fly toward the kitchen.

"Junsu yah,keep your voice down a bit. We're trying to take our beauty sleep here."Jaejoong shouted from the bedroom.

"Hyung,there's a ghost in the kitchen." Junsu eyed the kitchen scarily.The scary light still lingers in the kitchen and it makes his adrenaline rush faster.

Junsu waited for his hyungs but as time ticking by there are no response from his hyung.

" I am a man now,there are no such thing as ghost".

He bravely walked to the kitchen's door with his baseball bat.The lights were on as he pushed the switch.The kitchen was a mess.The cupboard is on the floor.Then he looked beside the cupboard.A girl with black hair and white dress can trying to lift the cupboard.

"Yah,who are you?"Junsu was surprised because that girl really doesn't look like the ghost in all the movies that he had seen.She has this serene and angelic face that makes him awed.

"For a start,can you remove this cupboard from my legs first?"The girl pleaded and it startled Junsu.She was obviously in pain and makes Junsu felt guilty for not taking the action quicker.So he immediately lift the cupboard,

"That cupboard is sooo heavy." Junsu smiled at the girl but then he realized the girl was crouching over her feet.It was bleeding badly.

"Omoo,is it really that bad? Sorry about that" He went to get the First Aid Kit.

"Junsu,you don't need to take it.I'm fine.You need more help than me.And it concern about your dream just then." It stopped Junsu's step.

"How do you know my dream?Even Jaejoong and Yoochun hyung doesn't know about it."He looked at her weirdly.The girl walked around the kitchen,opened the fridge and take a bottle of banana milk.Her feet magically went better as if that accident never happen.

"I want the 5 stars of Cassiopeia to shine brightly once more.I miss her brightness."

"But it is not our fault it went dimmer.We don't have any power to control its brightness."Junsu waited for her response.For him,she is talking jibberish.A mere human like him couldn't be the cause of Cassiopeia losing its shine.

"Since you guys choose the name Cassiopeia as your fan club's name,the star's brightness depend on you guys.It is your guys fault that she lost her shine." Her accusing throws spears straight to his heart and that made Junsu went speechless.

"But that can be changed right?.I'll help you to revive the star's brightness.So what should I do?."His honest answer makes the girl smile and Junsu felt his heart melted with the sight.The smile is so heartwarming and coming from her makes it warmer.Junsu looked at the skiesand shockingly it is brighter than usual.

"Just wait and see.But you have to believe me. Arasso?"" She smiled and poked his cheek. His head and face was full of question.But then its now or never.

"Yes, I'll believe in you." Junsu puts all his hope and trust into that one line.He really want this one dream to become true and by that he'll try anything even with believing a stranger.The girl smiled cheerfully.

"Then don't tell anyone about our meeting here okay? Even to Jaejoong and Yoochun too." She hold out her pinky finger and waited for his reaction.Junsu eyed it and then smiled brightly before locking his pinky fingers to her's.And just by that small thing,a small contract happens between these two special being,connected by one dream. 

"Well,I think that's enought for today.Remember our promise okay?" She winked at him and flew away in a second without giving Junsu a chance to say goodbye.

 "Whoever you are,I believe in you.With all my heart."Junsu stared at the sky and prayed to the stars that everything will go back as before.



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ariena84 #1
Chapter 1: Like this fic already..keep updating dear ^^
prince4 #2
Chapter 1: hmmm could the girl actually be taemin? and junsu just though he was a girl coz he looks like one? (im guessing coz this is entirely based on taemins love of banana milk?)
Chapter 1: an angel comes?
I'm curious!! Pls update! :D
Please updateee ♥
pls update!
pls update! waiting for the fic!
please read and comment what you feel