tell me goodbye


first time ever writing fanfiction im a crazy fan girl of bigbang so therefore i took my time to write this bigbang fans enjoy and sorry for spelling mistakes. 




(y pictures of bigbang and of the story)
"Hey TOP the movies over lets go", humm informes TOP the guy who she has been dating for a few years now. "But your forgetting one thing humm", TOP leans in to humm and does eye contact with her, he can see her dark brown eyes and his reflection in them, he looks down to her rouged lips and their lips come closer and then "hyung hyung wake up" he can hear daesung forcing him to wake up in an everyday fashioned tone, daesung is shaking TOP in order to wake him. TOP opens his eyes and angrily shouts "!
I was so close but then this dope awoke me argh!" He turns round to get his soft white pillow that looks slept on and he grabs hold of it and throws it on daesung who is sitting far aside on the bed daesung tries to dodge it but fails and it messes his brown perfectly smooth fringed hair. "hey i just combed them now, seriously TOP hyung, i do you a favour by waking you up in time for the grande party and you hit me rather then being grateful that i help you wake up in time, i know youve just come back from a film shooting and are tired, so your sleeping at 9pm but come on you have to wake up."TOP mutters under his breath "i was so close to kissing her". 
 (daesung cute faces with TOP sleeping)
TOP stares at daesung in a stern way daesung gets scared so tries to make cute faces so TOP will feel for him and wake up in time for the grande celebrity party to celebrate 50 years anniversary of YG entertainment. daesung makes a cute puppy face stiking his tounge out then he smiles until his eyes dissapear he even tries acting like a y girl to make TOP laugh and wake up. TOP just gets his other pillow laying on the side of the bed and puts it in place he lays down on it and cuddles himself into bed. Then daesung has another idea he isnt the one to give up on things and is sure this idea will work he says in an interesting way "you know hyung there are gonna be a lot of celebrities there in the party you can meet, even female ones." TOP just ignores him." i heard L round are coming with the leader your girlfriend humm." TOP suddenly sounds interested and asks in a excited way "oh my god really is humm gonna be there" he has a very cute and loving expression on his face and then sees daesung staring at him thinking he has a big crush on her and cant live a day without his girlfriend so then TOP quickly changes his mood and looks serious and pretends not to be too interested he says in a very fake way "not that its a big deal or something, i just wanna celebrate with fun and famous celebrities thats all" he tries to change the topic by saying "anyway daesung why are you just sitting there come and get ready." they both go to freshen up and get ready. 
(L-round meaning library round for the girl group)
Over at L rounds apartment its caothic and everyone is in a rush. zee is shouting in the toilet "hey NT give me the toilet roll wheres the toilet roll i need it now! ive been waiting for a full 5 minutes now where are you" zee is relentless and impatient she is shouting at the top of her voice until she hears NT. "wait im coming zee" NT gets the toilet roll which she finds after a long 10 minute search and goes into the toilet to hand it over to zee. "hey you took long and dont look at me" zee is still shouting. NT gets angry because she took the time to find it and zee is still shouting at her, so she looks at zee sitting on the toilet to annoy her she even tries staring in a very eted way so zee gets angry and then NT says "ill stop staring if you stop shouting" then finally  zee says "stop it! stop looking at me hey close your eyes, fine i wont shout at you for the rest of the day fine!" NT looks away and says in a uncontent way "fine!" over at the other room scarlett is helping miky fit into her mini dress which is really short and bright pink a very girly coulor miky is the style queen of the group. "just a bit more scarlett zip it up from the back" miky is gone red and looks sqeeezed in the dress. "well its not my fault, you should have gotten a bigger dress it doesnt fit you wear something else" scarlett lookes hopelessly at the dress as if its going to rip and she knows it doesnt fit her its too short and tight "i give up im getting ready do it yourself" scarlett sounds like shes had enough and wants to get ready herself so she leaves miky on her own. "but......but...this dress was bought to match with my shoes awww and i love them shoes thats not fair i dont have anything else that matches my expensive bright pink heels what should i do!" miky looks angry then humm saves the day "here you can wear mine i have a dress that is the same coulor and prettier then that short dress o.k now lets get going." the girls in L round set off  just a bit later than bigbang the girls hotel is closer to the YG mansion so they all reach there at the same time but they are a bit late then the set time. They were meant to be there at 9:15 but they arrive at 9:45 half an hour late and they could even get fired for arriving late because mr YG is a very strict man especially with punctuality. (AWW! humm gave a cute dress to miky its down there) 
All the members of both groups rush and get out of the car waiting for mr YG to give them a stern shouting at, they  park their cars at the parking lot and get out. They can see the big garden with beautiful grass the mini multi-coulored solar powered lights are on the ground looking very fancy in the dark. Its a 3 minute walk to the enterance ahead of the large lawn the mansion is huge its almost as big as a palace. They all run to the entrance zee is ahead of everyone she is running very fast and looks back at the other group members with a smug smile on her face because she is beating everyone to the entrance then suddenly.....THUD! she slips on the grass her clothes go muddy because it was  raining outside a while ago and the grass is muddy zee gets really embarassed she just lays there on the floor hoping someone will pick her up the others just run to the entrance and ignore her. Zee hears humm say "she was wearing the highest heels out of all of us so i was excpecting that" daesung nods his head in agreement and laughs. Zee gets up and walks towards the entrance they all enter its a huge door it opens itself amazingly and its kinda wierd beacuse all the light are of inside the mansion therefore seungri says "why are all the lights of" in a timid voice. "erm, is anyone here because its a bit too dark in here'' mensions teayang. The members look around the doors are all shut "why are the doors shut im scared" G-dragon rushes to the entrance door he nudges it a little and then trys pushing it he even tries a powerful kick after a few minutes of trying he gives up "it wont open its locked." daesung is frightened of the thought of being in the dark its his biggest fear " what really G-dragon we are stuck in the dark, but why? this is freaky you know your maknea daesung is scared of the dark." he hugs G-dragon tight. gdragon is annoyed and wants this over with. He has an annoying pale expression on his face whilst saying "youve got to be kidding me."  
(save me gdragon)                                               (leave me alone)
Everyones confused about whats going on. "so what do we do now were stuck?" exclaims NT. "erm, how about we all make out" replies seungri thinking its funny. Then daesung butts in with seungri looking unsatisfied with no answer or laughter to his phrase "oh wait i have no credit in my phone but it will give us light to see were we go" daesung gets his phone and turns around to look behind he still has his cell phone and it is shining on the two love birds deeply in love not knowing that everyone is staring at them, TOP has his hands around humms waist, humm has her arms around TOPs neck they are gazing at each other in the dark and dont notice they have the light shining on them and all the members staring at them theyre looking deep into each others eyes and are smitten by each others beauty, all they can think about is each other and no other trouble in the world would bother them, then in an instance the silence is broken by seungri "T. O. P got it going on ohhhhh." humm and TOP suddenly let go off each other and try to act normal, humm looks at the ground and is really embarassed. TOP tries acting like nothings happen. No ones knows what to say there is an awkward silence then the charismatic taeyang says "im tired of being alone, im sick of being single, i think i need me a girl" those where words from taeyangs hit single `i need a girl`, he says them to break the silence. seungri says in agreement "i know you have never ever dated someone you are right you really do need a girl." 
Scarlett the not so clever members of the group is really worried she imagines herself scream and running out waving her hands about in the air. She is deperate to do so but the doors are closed. Seungri and NT have their backs to each other and are in slow motion walking backwards looking from side to side but not back and forth they both take little steps at a time very carefully and with extremly frightened expressions on their faces, unknowingly they bump into each other and turn around when they look at each other they scream coming face to face. The scream startles everyone but when they see seungri and NT sigh at each other because it wasnt really something to be frigthened about they go quiet and start looking around for a way out of this mess. If it was a scam like last time the reports did that made a good scandal out of a fake story. The members would be very dissapointed and angry because last time the internet went wild with stories and had some fans going crazy which is very hard to resolve when you have a load of scheduels to do. After a few minutes of silence and looking around in the dark with just a little phone to rely on they hear a scream from upstairs daesung gets his phone and tells the members "hey guys did you hear that, lets go up to see whats wrong". Finally after a few stumbles and hardship of reaching upstairs in a panick and trying not to fall over with the big rush of all members running up at once, on the marble stairs that where curved in a snake type shape they all look shocked when the.......the cell phone starts to dimmer and ...........suddenly the .........the .............battery goes its completely dark they hear another scream a really loud one this time! 
Unexcpectedly the lights come back on, the members look around they notice something odd that zee points out "wheres miky" G-dragon continues "she was here a while ago, oh my god shes gone, but she couldnt have dissapeared into thin air".  Amy has an idea she has the same expression on when she has thought of new lyrics to compose for a new song "lets find her we will all split into twos because its a huge mansion and will take ages if we all try finding her at once" she then walks over to G-dragon and holds his arm "im with GD". G-dragon doesnt seem to care who he is with and then taeyang and daesung run to scarlett both hold her arms and pull them to their side both saying "im with her!, no im with her!" scarlett looks confused and doesnt know who to choose then daesung has a killer smile on his face (the one when his y eyes dissapear) and scarlett shouts "daesung hyung, your so cute" them to cuties are in a team. Taeyang then runs to zee hes been single all his life so zee says in pity "ok fine". 
 (daesung cute smile)
Humm and TOP are definately together but theres 2 people left seungri and NT they both say at the same time say "who am i with" then look at each other and agian at the same time say "hah! what a coincidence" then again at the same time say (this time gone a bit annoyed of saying the same things) "stop copying me" then again say "urgh". NT glares at seungri not in a dirty way though and seungri says "hubba bubba" NT shakes her head in disbelief saying "not you again". NT whispers to scarlett in a unhappy and annoyed way "save me! i dont wanna be with him he wanted to make out in the dark." But scarlett looks hopeless and replies "sorry". They split up to search for miky and then they can hopefully try to find a way out of the mansion and reach to their hotel appartments and ask mr YG why the party wasnt on and make sure theyre not fired for reaching there too late or the party never started because they where not there (they where meant to be the highlight of the evening) or even worse they could have the silent treatment done to them when mr YG gets angry because he is a very sensitive man he is so sensitive he cried when cinderella couldnt go to the ball! when mr YG gets angry he has this thing called the... the.....SILENT TREATMENT (DUM DUM DUMMMMM!, scary music in the background) he ignores the members for a full week until they come begging at his feet for forgiveness. Not much but he thinks its torture he thinks that bigbang and L round love him so much they get annoyed if he doesnt talk but its more like heaven to them not hearing mr YG nagging all the time, they dont even know hes doing a punishment on them. 
"na ah im not talking"
Seungri and NT go to search upstairs and the flirt seungri says "im loving this". NT not so sure about everything exclaims "erm.....yes" in a very uncertain way. They first look for micheala in the grande honeymoon suite they both know its a grande honeymoon suite because it says so in golden letters on the door like it does in 5 star hotels, NT thinks to herself mr YG owns a wierd mansion why does it include a honeymoon suite i thought it was for celebrity parties not for making out. They both enter as if a newly wed couple would when theyre excited to see the bedroom and how it will look. The grande bedroom looked really elegant and the bed has pink rose petals layed out onto it and the bed was a love heart shape. There are candles on the desk beside the bed all firey and fluttering it is kind of hot in the room as well therefore seungri takes his white shirt off and NT can see his abs they are looking really y even NT couldnt deny that but its kinda wierd and awkard as to why he took his shirt off its not too hot in here its not unbearable heat that you cant stand. Seungri then does calender poses on the bed in a very seductive way and continues and sings out loud to NT "lets make love tonight baby". He is extremely hot and no lady could refuse his offer NT gulps and thinks for a second without letting go of her eyes which are staring at seungri, she then makes her mind up and looks at him, he has a really cute face on she mumbles under her breath "why does he have to be so so y". 
 NT is overwhelmed with his manly attractiveness. she knows its not the right time to but she cant help herself and turns around she locks the door from the inside and seungris expression looks shocked, she slowly walks towards seungri who is on the bed she gets on in a very enticing way, her hands feel throught his black smooth hair she leans in closer to him he comes in even closer seungris heart is suddenly beating faster and he puts his hands around her waist. NT goes even more close she has her lips near his ears theyre about to be up to something then she whispers "smooth moves," he looks chuffed and then she says "nice try! but no" aww seungri is devastated and he looks very, very dissapointed so dissapointed he wants to cry because its been long since he had and he is a man, they have special needs they both get off the bed and he puts his white shirt back on they then start walking towards the toilets to check if miky could be there by any chance and NT mentions to seungri "by the way its so sad you used words from your strong baby song  `lets make love tonight baby` ha funny". seungri is getting angrier and angrier by the minute. 
(seungris angry expression because he wants to have it)
 NT continues teasing seungri about what happened then seungri cant take it anymore he grabs NT by the shoulders and bangs her against the wall he quickly leans in and NT looks away she looks scared he puts his hands on the wall NT is still leaning on the wall and looks at seungri. Then seungri goes closer to her so close as if the phrase personal space doesnt exist. He kisses her very intensly, so intense it was more like a snog she tries to back off and pushes him away with all her strenght and wipes "hey what the hell"...then seungri buts in "at least i didnt force it on you so shut up or else i might". Seungri storms off leaving NT looking shocked and she doesnt talk to him for a moment, shes gob smacked and speechless she doesnt move from her position and seungri walks away he turns around to look at her and has a grin on his face then he says "ha! i was joking no need to get so worked up about it, now how do you like being made a fool of, revenge is sweet". NT has a very angry look on her face and just follows him because she has just been made a fool of by seungri and she has had enough of jokes. 
Over with taeyang and zee things arent going great either, when there is another high pitched and very girly scream is heard everyone runs to see whats wrong they head over and then see zee and taeyang in the middle of the mansion which is the place where the members were at when the lights were off. Zee shouts "oh my god, oh my god that was well loud whats wrong taeyang" oh yes you never guessed it but the high pitched girly scream was from taeyang. All the members look at at taeyang he is frozen in one position like a statue he isnt moving. G-dragon is worried "whats wrong tae hyung why arent you moving". Then in the slowest motion in the world that youve ever seen, taeyang moves his arm that is trembling in fear he points at the bright rouged wall, all scared faces turn to look and is that its scary and .......huge and..........hairy its a ...... a ........ big big..........TRANCHULA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (in my opinion scarier than a ghost). Then daesung bursts out laughing like a drunkard "HA!HA!HA!HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!" moving about from side to side that makes everyone else laugh (you guessed it is the classic nayaab type laugh from when she moves side to side and hits her fists on her legs uncontrollably because she cant take the laughter). The other thing is perdictable too everyone starts laughing and still no ones found miky yet. Its getting late and its raining heavily with thunder outside when everyone hears the big thunder sound, they all stop and go back to finding miky. 
(aaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!! tranchula)
Things start going wierd when the clock strikes twelve and starts and making noises THING! THING! THING! humm and TOP are at the grande art gallery area they have a art gallery because mr YG has a passion for art, singing and drama. TOP sees some roses on one of the desks near the art gallery he picks one and goes on his knees, humm turns around and he speaks in the olden day language like the shakespeare times "thou shall never stop loving thee lady" humm looks overwhelmed and glad that she has found a right person who truly loves her and would never dare to cheat on her, he cares so much for her, her cheeks go red she starts to blush and she takes the rose from his hands. But something kind of distracts TOP when he quickly gets up and says "what was that". humm doesnt know what hes talking about and asks in confusion "what did you see?". TOP says i think i saw something quickly move but it was kind of blurry so im not sure. humm just thinks "maybe it was a figment of your imagintation" in agreement TOP says "maybe". They carry on the search, its been 25 minutes theyve been searching for miky they cant find her "where could she have gone" says daesung to scarlett. "i really dont know" scarlett replies looking unsure. Theyre both in the toilets "i think she needed the loo" exclaims daesung "lets check in here then". They search in the cubicals and scarlett calls out "daesung you can come out now ive checked shes not here no need to check again" she hears no reply "daesung" scarlett calls out "come out daesung" she is very scared she checks all the cubicals again she cant find him then she repeatedly checks. This is her third time she thinks to herself where could he have gone. 
Someone from behind the door of the bathroom grabs scarlett from behind and starts to strangle her she calls out for help but no voice comes out she frees herself and then turns around no ones there. She notices somthing on the mirrors suddenly in a screeched voice there is someone writing on the mirrors but you cant see anybody. Its in blood the writing. She calls out to humm and TOP because theyre the closest to her, they where both on the second floor. humm and TOP run to the bathroom when they enter they ask "whats wrong scarlett". she looks horrified they turn to look at the mirror and can see `get out of here your next` written in blood on the mirrors. They all look at the mirror in disbelief its completely silent in the room now its quiet shocking first miky dissapears then daesung and now this writing on the mirrors. Out of nowhere scarlett sees daesungs reflection in the mirror and points "guys did you see that" TOP and humm look at each other "see what". 
(i dont see daesungs reflection,do you?)
Scarlett is frightened out of her witts and want to get out she says "im not sure about you guys but im getting out of here. I dont even know where daesungs dissapeared to and i just saw his reflection on the mirror" she turns to get out and puts her hands on the door handle then she starts to be strangled again but no one is strangling her its more like a ghost is strangling her. She puts her hands on her neck and screams at humm and TOP "help me, please" they dont know what to do after a few seconds of struggle scarletts face goes red and she cant breathe humm shouts "stop it leave her alone" until she sees scarlett colapse to the floor. TOP and humm look at each other and TOP says " stop the search we have to get out of here theres something not right in this house and we could be next as it said so on the mirrors". humm nods in agreement and takes a deep breath she looks at where scarlett was lying and sees scarlett isnt there anymore shes dissapeared too. 
(i dont see scarlett, do you?)
Both the couple run out of the bathroom and search to tell the others to get out of here. They first hear some noises "are you looking for us we are in here" it sounds like taeyang and zee but not quiet right they sound robot like and scary to be honest. TOP and humm hear it again "are you looking for us we are in here" TOP and humm turn to look for them, they can see zee and taeyang. The two have their arms up facing straight at TOP and humm and continue to repeat the same words theyve been saying for a few minutes now, even thought TOP and humm have already found them "are you looking for us were in her". TOP says "hey stop it now maknae tae and zee we have already found you" TOP looks scared because taeyang and zee look zombie like theyre acting like zombies and then taeyang comes close to humm and opens his mouth as if hes going to feed on her. Humm pushes him and TOP and humm run off, the two zombies chase them zee trips over (like last time because shes kind of clumsy) and taeyang keeps on chasing them, TOP pushes taeyang into a store room and locks him up. TOP and humm look tierd of running they take deep breaths in and out. "wow it gets stranger and stranger by the second" humm admits. TOP who is to tierd to speak just nods until they see zee she pops out of nowhere and is still saying "are you looking for us were in here" she opens up and comes close to them both, but TOP grabs her and puts her in the store room as well. The two zombies still saying the same phrase in a robot like and scary way "are you looking for us were in here" and this time banging on the door to let free. Their voices go angrier and louder by the minute. Frightened TOP and humm run off until their voice is not heard. They try and find the other members. Amy and G-dragon who see humm and TOP running with frightened expressions on their face both ask "whats wrong". Humm tells them, after they have recieved information on whats going on they run to find seungri and NT. 
(taeyangs zombie crew the girl in there is zara)
 After finding NT and seungri all the members get together and are all talking on top of each other wondering whats going on until they see taeyang and zee who have somehow escaped and are chasing the other memebers. Amy is the fastes so she looks behind at the others and doesnt see that zee is in front of her so zee grabs amy and tries to bite her but NT catches up and throws zee away from amy they run and run. The members arrive at this wierd room after a lot of trouble which is full of dolls and puppets and manikins, they hide in there from zombie zee and taeyang, that they unkowingly lost. The members can hear the zombies banging on the door but after a few minutes everything goes quiet. Its strangly silent for a while then the members look around the room. Amy looks at this really pretty doll with ginger curls in her hair and rosy pink cheeks with really pretty lips, she is such a beautiful doll that amy leans in to take a closer look and looks in her eyes for a while she admires the dolls beauty and amy shockingly looks away and jumps back she says to herself "wow! that was creepy" the dolls eyes turned red when amy looked staight into the her eyes to see what colour they where, they looked blue then they suddenly turned red wierd. G-dragon is annoyed and says "stop it will you amy youve been playing that joke on me all day tapping me on my shoulder and pretending its not you and turning away when i look back, im not stupid you know". Amy is confused "but im way over here GD how could it possibly be me". G-dragon feels the tap on his shoulder again he feels a shudder down his spine he turns around after a moment to take it all in and shouts "AAAAHH!!!!!!" when he sees a manikin moving over to him it was the thing tapping him on his shoulder all that time. 
All the members are then crowded all the muppets, puppets, dolls and manikins are slowly moving in closer and closer to them. Then suddenly just in time the zombies break open the door and the muppets, puppets, dolls and manikins look at the door. The members make a run to the door where the zombies are standing, the zombies zee and taeyang grab the first 2 memebers seungri and NT, the zombies bite them meaning now seungri, NT, taeyang and zee are all zombies. They chase after G-dragon, amy, humm and TOP repeating the words "are you looking for us were in here." The 4 frightened members run out around the back of the YG mansion they keep on running, the zombie words fade away into the distance when they run far away from the zombies. The members come to a stop when they noticed theyve lost humm and theyve come to a dead end of a deep cliff. TOP is worried about where humm could have gone, they shout her name "humm where are you" the echoed voices have no reply. G-dragon spots miky near the end of the cliff "oh miky we were looking all over for you where did you go" miky says "forget that im trying to help humm up the cliff" G-dragon is shocked to hear that he calls amy and TOP "hey guys help humm" the members all run.  
(G-dragon is shocked and asking for help)
They hear miky say "i cant hold on any longer" TOP reaches there he can hear humm crying and begging miky "please dont let go" TOP reaches there and miky lets go she cant hold on any longer humm falls down the cliff TOP shouts "NNNNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!" miky how could you let go so quick!" miky quickly replies in an instant, "i never let go TOP humm let go off me i told her to hold on humms hands got tired of holding on. I was trying to pull her up im so sorry" after the response TOP falls to the floor on his knees he weeps and weeps, all the memories of him and humm are going throught his head when he dreamt of her and when he gave her roses and when they first met and he spilt drink on her and she forgave him because she was in a hurry. The memories dont stop, the zombies reach there they stop and freeze after they hear the news even scarlett and daesung reach there everyone is in misery and stop everything. G-dragon says in a deep tone of voice "it all went wrong, not how we planned". 
(TOP is hurt very hurt his memories of them two together are whizzing fast throught his head)
The members all look very guilty. They are all in bigbangs apppartement they tell TOP everything. G-dragon tells TOP "we all knew it was bigbang and L rounds 5 year anniversary today so we wanted to do a surprise party for the leaders of our groups wich is you and humm, everything that happened in the mansion was a joke so we could frighten you and humm, then make you run to the back of YG mansion and we was going to say surprise altogether. We even had a cake that scarlett and daesung were about to bring until we heard the bad news." Amy continues "we didnt know it would all go horribly wrong, we never even knew there was a dead end behind the mansion, we knew nothing about the cliff, everything was acting and planned, even the dolls were remote controled by taeyang from outside." zee continues in a very sad expression "i cant believe how it ended it was all a joke too far and we are feeling so guilty for this" she bursts into tears "humm was the best leader and more impotantly a good friend, how will the fans be able to take this news and i just cant believe it". TOP gets the glass vase on the tabletop he smashes it into pieces he has very teary eyes and slams the door behind him, G-dragon follows after him. 
3 years later all the bigbang members and L-round are at the graveyard its been three years since humm died, the members never forgot that night when all those terrible events happened zee remembers back to a year ago a tear rolls down her eyes. it was awful what hapenned.................. 
Taeyang enters the room. TOP is staring at an image of humm and remebers that terrible night he the photo frame of humm that he still keeps close to his heart, he is wearing a suit a smart black one and taeyang is wearing wedding attire as well. He says to TOP "you dont need to do this for me it was my mistake i will pay for it" TOP replies "we are bigbang we are all a team, im your leader and your hyung so its my responisbility to have your back i will do this for you." TOP walks out of the room taeyang looks devastated and annoyed. Back at L- rounds appartement theyre all dressed up too and miky is at the beauty parlour. All the girls set off but zee says "wait you guys go, ill come later, i cant find my silver diamond shoes i bought, specially for this wedding." The other girls leave her. zee searches all the room and finds her shoes in the cupboard in mikys room. Something hits her head its a book she gets it, zee looks in it she has the most shocking expression on her face that you could have ever seen in your life, is wide open and she shakes her head. she quickly puts her shoes on and runs to get a taxi. 
(zee is running without falling, shes in a hurry for some reason)
Whilst she is rushing her way to the marriage miky comes out of the beauty parlour the rest of L-round is there and are awed at how pretty miky is looking in the white wedding dress that TOP picked out for her. miky says aloud to the rest of the members "i never thought TOP would get over humm but when he asked me to marry him and gave me this dress i knew he would be a true life partner, humm was his past im his future and present and..." scarlett butts in "can we not talk about humm right now she was our leader and a best mate we shouldnt be saying such things about her on this joyous occassion". miky frowns and in a moody way gets into the car with the rest of the decked up pretty looking members. the beauty parlour is right next to the wedding venue so they reach there in 10 minutes.(dont tell miky lolz her facebook pic) 
(miky in a wedding attire gifted by TOP)
Miky walks down the isle with her bridesmaids amy and NT. NT whispers to amy "why isnt zee here yet, shes running late" amy sighs and adds "she better come this is an important day for miky she has to be here by now, i wonder what shes up to". zee is stuck in traffic shes been waiting there for a few minutes and cant just stay there. So she pays the driver and gets out the cab she runs on to the street and carries on runnning when she has past the traffic jam she gets into another cab "driver hurry up this is important very important take me to this venue" she shows the wedding card he reads the venue and sets off. zee is impatient "speed up driver i need to reach there quick". 
(the secret diary)
Miky is still walking down the isle, TOP turns to look at her and imagines humm wearing that beautiful laced white wedding dress he specially picked it out for her. He doesnt look happy and adds a fake grin on his face, miky and TOP are now standing and the vows are being said by the priest. The priest then reads "does anyone object to this marriage" zee runs in just in time "STOP THIS MARRIAGE!!!" she shouts at the top of her lungs even thought she is tired of running half way there, she goes to TOP and shows him mikys diary. There are some pictures of humm and TOP in her diary which have been marked with a red marker pen. TOP can see miky has drawn a heart around his face and crosses around humms face. He is shocked and looks up at miky who has a very suspicious looking face on. 
(the suspicious looking face)
Zee turns over some pages here read this TOP reads it out loud `dear diary, today i did the best thing in the world, the plan our team made for YG mansion actually paid off. Humm was about to fall of a cliff and i was at the right place at the right time, holding her hand. I had the desicion to make of life and death, she told me not to let go but come on, how stupid do you think i am! would i save her and let her prance around with the guy i truely love (TOP). I dont think so. I let go of her hand and the others didnt suspect a thing they thought she got tired and let go of my hand but that was the lie i told them and they believed. This is the best day of my life.` TOP is so raged he rips the page out of mikys book and rips it into tiny pieces then zee gets the book of TOP and she turns it over to another page "here read this and stop this marriage. Hey miky guess you wont forget to put private things like this in a safer place next time. Not lying around on top of a cupboard that itll hit anyones head and theyll look at it!" she says it out loud so miky can hear her and she glares at miky whos eyes are now starting to go teary. 
TOP reads it out loud `hey presto! poor old taeyang never knew anything and blamed himself for it and now TOP will take the blame. funny isnt it. I found the right time to frame taeyang he was drunk with TOP that day when they heard humm died, it was going to be TOP who i framed but he dissapeared somewhere so i used tayang instead. I slept with him and when he woke up he never remebered anything obviously he had a hangover and i told him he me in his drunken state, that fool believed me and i threatened him if you dont tell TOP to marry me ill expose this incident to the whole world, including your fans that you me. So then obviously he asked help from TOP and his hyung agreed to marry me. What fools now i can marry the love of my life TOP who i couldnt get because of humm. But humms dead now and no one can stop me from having TOP all to myself.` 
TOP throws the book on the floor and taeyang shouts "miky you how dare you frame me" he comes over to TOP and says "end this marriage right now and let her live without you, she is a evil selfish witch" then TOP continues "who killed the love of my life" he has a stern look on his face and goes over to miky he has no self control over himself and his eyes are thirsting for revenge. TOP grabs a big knife near the table on where the wedding cake was and goes over to miky. Taeyang says "no stop it, the police can handle this issue". TOP completely ignores him and stabs miky everyone runs to stop him but its too late he stabs her 3 times in a row and whoever came in his way he pushed them to the side like he did to seungri who hits his head on the wall because TOP pushed him to the side with too much power. 
(TOPs stern look on his face and eyes full of revenge)
Matters get out of hand. The preist calls the police. TOP surrenders to the police they put hand cuffs around his hands and take him. A few days later the court is full of people including the celebrity band memebers. The news is going wild and the fans are crazy about this big celebrty murder, everything is out of control. The court is silent for a few minutes the memebrs are awaiting for the results to see if their leader is guilty or not, they all have seriuos looks on their faces, then the judge hits the the desk and says after a short pause.......with a stern look on his face..........................he stares at the group memebers awaiting for the result................................GUILTY! 
(TOP in court)
Seungri and daesung the maknaes of the group cry and hug each other, taeyang rests his head on his two hands he looks down and deeply hurt NT reassures G-dragon but fails to do so. L-round are devastated scarlett is very hurt and zee has the most teary eyes. Its all ended very wrong there are four memebrs left in the groups they area at the urge of splitting up. 
(the memorie is finished, back at the graveyard)
Amy opens her teary eyes and wipes her nose NT rests her hands on amys shoulder, zee stares at the graveyard of humm with humms name letters carved on the rigid stone. scarlett is gone for some fresh air after crying non-stop for a few hours). The bigbang memebrs are there too. All wearing black just like the girls in L-round. There are always bad times between groups but thats what makes them stronger the remaining eight members in bigbang and L-round all joined to form a band called eternity and carried on with their lives. yes they had bad memories and visited TOP once in a while for his life sentence, but it could have been worse they all could have gone their seperate ways and all that tragic story was the start of a new successful group who have been toghether for 3 years and are now on world tour, with moments to chersih and some to remember, to look back at this incident and think all because of that we are who we are today and will be for eternity. 2 members died and one has a life sentence in jail they all have been told goodbye. Like the new hit single eternity made up from their old bands bad experiences called "tell me goodbye". 
go on this link to watch their hit single called tell me goodbye: 

which is a song to do with this fanfic you should seriuosly listen to its by bigbang and is amazingly the same as my fanfic story . i got my inspiration for this story from big bangs 2 major incidents daesungs car crash and accidental murder and G-dragons marjuana drug scandal that happened a while ago wich made bigbang go stronger as a group. they said so in an interview. sorry micheala i needed a villian in the story and it had to be you i truely regrett this and wont do you as a villian in the future.thnkx for taking your time to read this it is much appreciated.


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bigbang4evaNT #1
please comment on my work no bad critism please good ones will do thnkx