The Effect of Indulgence


In which Yesung prepares to read his comic book and begrudingly makes ramen for a rather insistent Kyuhyun, who seemingly decided to exhibit the perks of being a spoilt maknae.


This is my 31st story...I even checked my profile...hard to believe it is that many...but Yayy!!!

I am back!! Lol...NO...Just kidding. Lets just say I am visiting for a bit. I missed Kyusung too much, so had to write a bit. This is actually a really late Birthday present to nytslyer03, a very dear chingu of mine. It is based on this prompt :  "If I cook this ramen, will you leave me alone then?" <-- Kyuhyun whining to Yesung about food or something. 

I did it in my own style as to be expected, looking at it from my own crazy angle. The story is meant as a drabble...if drabbles can be 15K+....I guess it is a ficlet? Maybe a one shot? just don't know. Its sort of fun, or fun for me anyway, dealing with a very childish Kyuhyun and a slightly annoyed Yesung who is distracted ...even Heechul makes an appearance. I hope I am able to do her prompt justice. It is part of the continuum I guess, but can't pinpoint an exact time location, but I am guessing somewhere in the middle of the whole thing? I am so sorry that the timeline is such a mess. That is what happens when you leave things like that to someone like not really important anyway...atleast not right now anyway.

I am basically finished with the story, so it will be posted either later tonight or sometime tomorrow. Don't worry...this one is short, even if it is slightly awkward and weird....Anticipate it!

Comments are Adorned :)



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Chapter 1: I don't remember how many times I've read this one-shot. I love it so much! It has all my biases from SUJU, pretty much... there's Yesungie, his lovely friendship with my beloved Heenim (AB-line is the best!)... of course, my addiction KYUSUNG hahahaha... then a little bit of cute Hae in the end LOL because I love YeHae so much too ;)
Chapter 1: LOL he is such a spoilt brat, but I love it when they cuddle so I don't care. Kyu and his starcraft *sigh* I wonder if he'll ever get over that game, but I think we all agree he'd give it up to play a game with Yesung ; ). Heechul and his implications on innocent Donghae lol, truly living up to reputation. No matter how long your fics seem to be I always want more, more kisses, bickering and endless blushes. Spectacular, you continue to astound me with these wonderful Kyusung fics.
Chapter 1: Awww Heechul and Yesung and then there is Kyuhyun being his usual self XD nicely written Midnight
What a long fic. A very cute one too. Good job dear! :)))
This is what I've been wanting to read. I know you've been conveying it in the other stories but this story, this just made it all so perfect now. Finally I feel that immense caring, protective, possessive, endearing, sweet love mirrored back to Kyuhyun. I wanted to see him be like this. To dwell more into his inner thoughts and heart concerning Kyuhyun. My heart just about burst from the perfection that this was. I never doubted he liked him a lot but this.......I just absolutely loved this. Ahhhhhh if you were here I'd be squeezing you in a hug a little to tight to show how happy this made me. I loved it a lot!!!!!!!! Thank you!
WOW *.* Longer as usually! Thank you sweety! <3
awww I always feel like waiting for a new day, a new adorable KyuSung moments whenever I end this! It's killing me!!!! é.è
You are really so amazing when to come to express KyuSung feelings! *o* They are so so cute! :D And this Jealous Kyunie (not really HAHAHA He always deny it) is the best ever! :p
Plus I really like When Yesungie always defend his Hyungs and dongsaengs xDDDD (that make Kyunie more 'NOT JEALOUS' xDDD)! Oh and between, Chulie was EPIC like always! :D he is forever the true Evil-Devil! OMG! I love him so much! Thanks a lot for introducing him here! :p
Kyunie, you spoil brat xD You are really lucky to have Yesungie as a lover! :p
awww truly love my KyuSung! >.<

Fighting! <3<3<3
can't wait for the next update! xDDD Good luck! :D
because one comment is not enough. lol.

he thinks yesung would date siwon or ryeowook or maybe him if yesung would date a man but never in his mind that kyuhyun became part of the option. it really made me laugh. lololol. and him being scared of yesung when he glared at him while chastising the both of them form their childish rants against each other. ahhh~ loving it.

if i didn't ask for a kyusung, would you do a YeChul fic? you know, without any romance in it. just pure brotherly love. i just love them like that. AB brothers. they don't look awkward at all. sad that they don't interact much on stage. they should do something about it and make me a happy shipper. (or maybe i'm just him around but that's just me of course).

heechul... dear, stop making double meaning on everything. please. because that's just wrong. in every way possible. harhar.

you had donghae there... you're making me the happiest girl on Earth. really. *sobs*lovely fic. really lovely. thank you for writing this for me naz. i know you're busy and all but you still wrote this for me. i love you. i love this. this is just perfect! thank you! thank you so much for this! i love you! mwah!

lol. two comments coming from me. but hey... this is just a continuation because commenting like this is really long. i have to spazz on this like a maniac. i really have to you know. again, THANK YOU for this fic. I LOVE YOU!

oh. oh~ why not be Bianca and Leann's sister? so you can be my aunt and we'll forever be happy? lololol.

wait.. i need some sanity from the fridge. i think mine left me before i even started reading. lol.

this is funny honey! (ooh~ it rhymes)
but seriously, you made me smile like an idiot (that i actually am) while reading this. kyu being a spoiled brat which he really is and yesung being the one who spoiled him. perfect combination. perfect indeed. kyu being a possessive idiot of yesung. ahhh~ look at what love does.

what is that manga yesung was dying to read? i wanna read it too. lol. it sounds like it's really good by the way you describe it and now i'm dying to read it even though it's non existent. it's weird... weird i tell you. i love how yesung waits for the right moment to read the book. i mean, i'm like him when it comes to books. i don't want to be disturbed whenever i read my precious story. my parents know that so they best leave me alone when i have a book at hand.

i find kyu baby sweet here. he doesn't want to leave yesung alone so he decided to go back to the dorm with him. or at least that's how i saw it/imagined it. am i right or am i right? of course i'm wrong. (that didn't make sense. don't mind me. i had coffee earlier) anyways, i love how you made kyu a childish, possessive brat. that's just how i pictured him in my mind when i gave you my prompt a month ago. (don't ask how i still remember it. i find it weird as well)

and HEECHUL!!! i spotted heechul! YeChul ftw! i (not so) secretly ship them. i love them as brothers really. when he entered the kitchen and he called yesung "Rabid Dog"... ahh~ m y life. and they almost kissed. i mean, heechul almost kissed yesung. and... and... kyu being possessive and jealous of heechul because the said guy just invaded his perfect time with his yesung. OMG! i'm not making any sense here. but hey, spazz alert here.

heechul asking yesung why he dated kyuhyun made me laugh out loud. (not really. i'm currently in the library and i don't want people to think i'm from the mental asylum).
ice420 #9
This is really sweet!!! I love it!!! And Heechul, nice. I like when he and Heechul banter so thanks for that. Kyu IS spoiled but he is an adorable spoiled brat.

I'm glad you managed to find the time to write a 'drabble' *lol*. Dear, 20K is not a drabble. Never ever learn to write a drabble. Please.

KyuSung is such a heartwarming pair and I am glad to have you write such fictions which are 'sometimes' quite close to the real thing ^^ At least we know that Kyu does enjoy teasing Yesung so much. *lol* Oh well, thanks for this. I needed a KyuSung fix today and well.. just, thanks ^^
kazerii #10
always love your story author-nim,
