
Kris Wu must die.



“What?” Kris asked dumbfounded. Was Tao being serious?

“Can I sleep at your house? Just for today. I won’t do anything stupid, I promise” Tao pleaded as he gave him a goofy smile.

And Kris just wanted to rip his head off. This was not happening.

What, was he supposed to let a stranger sleep at his house? He didn’t even know the kid that well! They just met today!

He really wanted to just scream at Tao and run off but Tao was giving him his puppy eyes, and well everyone knew Kris had this sweet spot for cutie pies.

Not fair!

He signed and tried to breathe steadily.

“If you insist.” He replied through his teeth.

He tried to smile, he really did but he was pretty sure he looked like a retarded seal.

“Yeah! I knew you would agree!”  Tao chirped and quickly gave Kris a small hug.

He smiled from tooth to tooth and gave him a ‘v’ sign.

“Should we go?” Kris asked freeing himself from Tao’s grip, it was so awkward! He didn’t like being touched. Well, at least not from men.

Tao nodded enthusiastically as he jumped up and down like a little kid.

Okay Kris had to admit, Tao was a ball of pure cuteness.

He let a small smile take place on his face, which Tao unfortunately couldn’t see as Kris was walking ahead.

He opened the door and let Tao enter behind him.

Kris opened the lights and took off his jacket.

“So where am I gonna sleep?” Tao questioned as he sat down.

“On the couch?” Kris replied unsure. He hadn’t thought about that at all.

“Can’t I sleep with you?” Tao asked innocently, biting slightly his upper lip

Kris wanted to burst out laughing. Tao had no idea how much suggestive he sounded, in all the wrong ways.

“Why would you want to sleep with me?” Kris asked back, he felt like teasing the younger.

Tao’s eyes slightly widened and he looked the other way.

He touched his cheek, wondering why in hell he felt so hot.

“W-Well, because I’ll feel more safe with you around. Plus, the couch isn’t as comfy as your bed. And lastly I have a problem with my back and I am not allowed to sleep in anything but a bed.”


“How do you know my bed is comfier?”

Tao signed. “It’s a bed. It’s supposed to be comfy. Dhah.” He replied sarcastically while laughing.

Kris wondered why Tao’s laugh sounded like a melody.

Well, legit enough.

“So, are you gonna let me sleep in your bed?” Tao asked again

“You can have the bed. I’ll sleep on the couch.” Kris replied in defeat. He would let the kid sleep in his house but no way would he sleep in the same bed with him.

“No, it’s your house after all. I’ll sleep on the couch.” Tao said and pouted. He hoped his pout would be enough to make Kris sleep with him!

Kris scratched his head. He didn’t want to sleep with Tao, but they are both guys right? What could possibly go wrong?

Also Tao’s pout was making him want to bang his head on the wall.

“Fine. You can sleep with me.” Kris replied as he looked down, boiling.

Tao giggled and gave him an eye smile.

The 2 said boys headed upstairs, one smiling happily and the other one sulking.

“I’ll go in the bathroom to change. There are pajamas in my wardrobe if you want to change. I’ll be back in 5 minutes.” Kris said as he headed to the bathroom in his room.

Not 5 minutes had passed when Kris came out wearing his blue pajamas.

But when he came out he really wanted to just go back in.

Tao had obviously taken off his clothes and had tossed them on the floor leaving him in his glorious boxers again.

He was lying on his stomach, head the right, eyes closed and lips parted slightly. He had his legs opened in the most sensual way anyone could imagine, hands hugging the pillow.

And Kris froze, standing there like a statue.

“Want a photo? It’ll last longer.” Tao said smirking, bringing back Kris to earth. But still Tao hadn’t opened his eyes.

“W-What do you mean?” Kris mumbled trying to sound relaxed, as if nothing happened.

He walked to the other side of the bed complementing if he should just go and sleep in the living room.

Tao sat up and ruffled his hair tiredly.

“You know exactly what I mean. You were standing there for 10 minutes.” Tao replied trying to fix his hair after messing them up.

“Anyways we should sleep. Come” Tao said as he patted the spot next to him.

Kris gulped hard.

They were both men for god’s sake! This was supposed to be easy, not nerve wracking!

Kris sat down awkwardly as Tao smiled at him.

“You always sleep like this?” Kris asked him.

“Like what? Oh you mean half ? Yes, since forever actually. Anyways, goodnight Kris. And thanks for letting me sleep with you. You won’t regret it, I promise.” Tao said as he turned his back to Kris and let his eyelids close, but not before giving Kris a side dirty look.

Well Kris was already regretting it.

But that moment as he was staring at Tao, he realized something.

Something very interesting.

He smirked before he fell asleep.

It was clear now that Tao was just messing with him.










Tao watched Kris sleep soundlessly.

No, Tao couldn’t sleep. He kept wondering why Kris had let him sleep in his house.

He kept twirling in the bed signing but Kris didn’t even budge.

How could a person sleep so heavily anyways?

Tao got out of bed to get some water for himself. He was getting thirsty.

He tip-toed to the kitchen, trying to be as silent as possible.

Sehun on the other hand, was ready to scream as he saw a dark figure coming his way. His hand tightened the grip on the glass he was holding as his eyes popped out.

Before Sehun had time to react, Tao was quick enough to cover the latter’s mouth.

“It’s me, Tao.” Tao said as he took the glass Sehun was holding and drunk it himself.

Sehun relaxed a bit as he realized it was just Tao.

Wait a minute, what was Tao doing here in the first place??

Sehun gave him a confused look and Tao explained himself.

“Long story short, I made Kris sleep with me.” Tao said casually.

Sehun shrieked.

Was it that easy for a Tao to get into Kris’s pants?

Well, that explained the lack of Tao’s clothing, Sehun noted to himself.

Tao blushed in realization of what he said scratching his head awkwardly.

“I mean we just slept together. We didn’t do anything. He fell asleep quickly, but I couldn’t sleep anyway so I came downstairs. Why are you up?”

“I couldn’t sleep either. Where are your clothes exactly?” Sehun said as he looked down at Tao’s body. He looked the other way uncomfortably.

“Oh that. It’s part of the seduction thingy.” Tao said as he ruffled his hair chuckling.

“Well I should head up upstairs. Kris shouldn’t see us talking. I think he is suspecting something.” Tao replied again.

Sehun nodded.

Kris was no fool. He would find out eventually if they kept messing things up.

Tao bid him goodnight and went upstairs.

He entered the room and found Kris still sleeping.

Tao cursed silently at Kris’s face. Why in hell did he look so handsome when he was just sleeping? Life was unfair! Tao was blessed with good looks himself, but next to Kris’s, he was no match!

He just wanted to struggle Kris to death and maybe then he wouldn’t be so pretty.

Who was he kidding? Even dead, Kris would still be prettier than him.

Tao pouted and lied down on the bed.

He was wondering how in hell he would make a god like Kris fall for him. His self-esteem at the moment was below zero.

Think positive, think positive, Tao thought.

He could do this, he could do this, and who was he kidding? He couldn’t do this!

He sinked his head on the pillow frowning.

Kris didn’t seem like a friendly guy, but he had to get closer to him, soon.


No, Kris would kill him.


No, he would kill him!

Tao decided to overcome his fear of getting beaten in the morning and decided to snuggle closer to Kris.

He back-hugged Kris hoping he wouldn’t wake up now.

And as it appeared it was his lucky day, as Kris didn’t even move.

He let his had fall on Kris’s neck and relaxed.

It was a weird feeling, but he felt safe.

Maybe it was because Kris was taller?

He shrugged as he let his eyelids close and travel to dreamland.

It was the first time in years that Tao slept without any nightmares. The first time he felt like nothing could harm him.


Kris woke up after a long sleep.

He opened his eyes slowly, a heavy feeling on his body.

Or maybe it wasn’t just a feeling? Maybe it was just something heavy?

His eyes tried to adjust to the morning light that flooded the room.

After some seconds, his vision cleared and as he was about to turn around he realized he couldn’t.

Yes that heavy feeling happened to be Tao himself.

Kris was confused to what was happening as his mind was still in the state of sleepiness.

He tried to move Tao away but he realized he was the one that had tangled Tao with his feet on the first place.

He groaned. He was about to throw Tao on the floor when Tao suddenly opened his eyes smiling.

“Get off.” Kris muttered.

“I can’t, your hands are still around my waist, and your feet are around mine. Maybe you should untangle me first.” Tao replied, a chuckle escaping his mouth.

Kris blushed at his own stupidness and quickly let Tao go looking the other way.

“I didn’t know you where the cuddly kind of person.” Tao said smirking while heading to the bathroom.

“I didn’t know either.” Kris whispered, wondering why in hell he had cuddled with a stranger.

He signed as he got up heading to the bathroom completely forgetting that a particular black haired hottie had just entered before him.

Needless to say, a hot mess was about to take place.








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i am sure you'll notice that there aren't 24 chaps, just 12. nothing has been deleten i just linked 2 chaps into 1 cause the updates where too small


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esaxula #1
please continue
Osekop12 #2
Congrats on the feature!!
Chapter 1: omg, it’s really interesting start. I like it :)
FernandaDaSilva99 #5
Chapter 15: Please i'll be glad to end your story
looking forward to reading this!!
congrats on the feature!
Chapter 2: Tao isnt good at stealth
i'll make sure to read this on my free time!!! congrats by the way~~~