The Attack

My Bodyguard Princess

"I wonder how Baekhyun hyung and Byul noona's children would look like." Sehun wondered out loud. "Will he be a martial arts pro or a noob like Baekhyun hyung? A stupid one like hyung or witty like noona?" he tapped his chin.

"YAH! Did you just call me stupid?" Baekhyun frowned, shooting the maknae a look.

Suho shook his head, smiling. "The fact that you needed to ask showed how stupid you are." he muttered.

The princes were lazing around after they had read some of the important documents that Baekhyun had gotten from the ministry. They needed keep up with their princely duties once in a while. And once conversation started flowing, they found themselves talking about the new couple once again, as how the entire Palace was talking about them.

"Well let's just hope that their children would have at least seventy percent Byul's genes." Kai commented sarcarstically. "If he's more than thirty percent Baekhyun hyung, he's doomed."

"Hey what do you mean!" Baekhyun growled angrily. He slung his arm around Byul's shoulder and grinned at her. "No matter how our children are going to turn out, they're going to be awesome because they are ours." he declared.

Byul pinked and slapped his arm off her. "What are you talking about? Who said anything about kids?" she grumbled, fanning herself. "It's barely been one and a half weeks and now we're talking about kids?" she rolled her eyes at the princes.

D.O. blinked innocently. "What? We like kids."

Byul blew a raspberry. *These guys.*

Baekhyun chuckled under his breath and secretly reached for Byul's hand. The past few days had been heaven.

Knowing that this girl loved him like he loved her, knowing that despite her strong exterior he was the one who managed to worm his way to her heart, knowing that if anything went wrong he was the first one she would find...

And knowing that this girl had entrusted her life to him, that she was willing to stay with him despite the other problems created by the differences between their statuses.

He loved how he got to see her the first thing in the morning. He had insisted her moving in partly because he already knew what a pleasure it would be. When she stayed over at his quarters for that short few days when she had cynaide poisoning, Baekhyun slipped over to her room to look at her sleep every night.

He had this obssession with the way she looked when she sleeped. She looked so endearing and he just had to protect this girl. He snuck kisses on her lips, her forehead, her hair and caressing her cheeks as she slept.

Byul still didn't know why Baekhyun seemed so happy she was staying at his quarters when in fact she's spending the same amount of time with him as when she was his bodyguard. She didn't know the joy Baekhyun found as he snuggled with her in her bed at night, only sneaking off before dawn.

And this was something he would never ever give up for anything. Never.

"By the way, where's Chanyeol hyung?" Sehun asked curiously. The prince wasn't around for the entire day.

"I don't know honestly." D.O. muttered. "He just didn't turn up. He wasn't at his quarters when I went to find him."

They talked about other things for a few moments until Kai interrupted them. "Don't you realize how little guards there are around here?" Kai suddenly blurted.

Baekhyun looked around and realized what Kai said was true. Byul was still his main bodyguard, but there would be other Palace guards making their rounds once in a while and they would see at least one in ten minutes. But when he thought about it, he hadn't seen another guard in ages.

"Yeah I think you're right." Suho nodded, straightening. "Where have the other guards gone?"

Byul frowned. The guards were always around, even when Baekhyun had clearly showed his disapproval when he was trying to get some alone time with her and the other guards kept appearing at random moments and spoiling their time together.

She had been too distracted by Baekhyun to realize that they hadn't been around for a long time. For the whole of the morning and afternoon in fact.

She frowned and immediately went to the door, looking around. Not a guard or maid in sight. What the....

"Ddong-ha, I think something may be wro-" Byul started, when there was a loud shout and an arrow nearly missed Byul. She dodged behind the door and the arrow pierced the wood. Her eyes widened.

Baekhyun felt his heart stop. She just nearly...

"EUNBYUL GET AWAY FROM THE DOOR!" Baekhyun roared, running to her and pulling her into the quarters. They gang rushed to hind behind one of the sturdier walls and panted, peeking out from the window. THe arrows were getting more and more frequent and soon they were raining into the courtyard.

"What is happening?" Sehun squeaked, scared. "Are we getting attacked?"

"Oh no." Kai gasped. "Minhee!" he thought about the maid he was currently crushing on. He wanted to rush to find her when Suho grabbed him, glaring. "Don't you dare be stupid now, Kai." he ordered. "She'll be alright. ANd you have to live to see her." he commanded. "For now, your safety is what matters. I don't think the kitchen would be where enemies would attack first anyway."

Kai nodded, trying to calm himself.

"Who is doing this?" D.O. gasped as another arrow hit the window and piercing through the paper lining. "Why are we under attack all of a sudden?"

Baekhyun shook his head. "I don't know." he squeezed Byul's hand. "But I won't let them get what they want if I can help it."




"Come on! FIRE!" Lord Park hollered.

The guards and soldiers that the Parks had bought over were firing the arrows away madly, and some were even lighting fire arrows.

The Parks had already planned this attack for a long time. First, they would capture the Crown Prince and kill him off. There after if need be, they would kill of the King and the Queen as well.

Chanyeol was feeling uncomfortable about the whole thing. Killing Baekhyun? No he didn't want to do that.

He had agreed to his father's plans only with the thought that he could get Byul in the end. Once Baekhyun agreed to give up Byul, he would return the throne to Baekhyun and secretly set his hyung free.

But as he watched the soldiers fire the arrows at Baekhyun's quarters, he couldn't help but feel that sense of uncertainty take him.

Was he really going to go to such lengths to get Byul?

"What are you doing Chan?" Lord Park hollered. "Get in there and capture Baekhyun!"

Chanyeol nodded. He waved for his batch of soldiers to follow him as he barged into the quarters. Baekhyun was just sneaking out to test the waters at that time.

He heaved a sigh of relief as he saw Chanyeol. He was just checking the situation out and instructed the other other princes to stay inside. He specifically told Suho not to let her follow and made him promise to bring her away if things went wrong.

But now Chanyeol was here and Baekhyun couldn't help but sigh in relief. "Yeol!" he looked at the soldiers Chanyeol brought with him. "Oh thank goodness you brought back up? We're under attack!"

Chanyeol elf his heart cringe.

"Great now that you're here, can you get your men to us out safely?" Baekhyun continued. "The other princes are in there and-"

"What?" Chanyeol gulped. "They're there too?"

The other princes who were like brothers to him, as they grew up together. Oh no. He had to capture his friends as well?


Baekhyun stilled. He laughed uneasily. "Hey isn't that Uncle Park's voice?" he asked unsteadily.

Chanyeol gulped. "It is, hyung." he took a step forward, wielding his sword and pointing it at Baekhyun. Baekhyun felt his heart drop, what was happening here? He didn't dare believe, but what he heard and what he saw told him so. But it wasn't possible right? This was Park Chanyeol his cousin, his beloved cousin that shared rain and shine with him for so many years.

"I'm the one attacking your quarters, hyung." Chanyeol said in an emotionless voice. He willed himself not to tremble and think of the prize: Byul's love. "So if you could just cooperate and let me capture you, no blood would be shed."

Baekhyun shook his head. "What are you doing, Yeol?" he gasped, his voice not working. "Is this some sort of joke? Are you out of your mind? DO you have the slightest idea what in the world you're setting yourself against?"

"Yes. I'm trying to get the throne, hyung." Chanyeol took another step nearer, his soldiers behind him followed. "And with the throne, I can get Byul."

"Byul?" Baekhyun croaked. "I thought you gave us your blessings."

"I changed my mind." Chanyeol pointed the sword at Baekhyun. "Now hyung, don't regret if you decide to move and I accidentally stab you." Baekhyun could only follow Chanyeol obediently, knowing with the skills his younger cousin had, he had no chance of winning even if he decided to fight. And he didn't want to fight, not Chanyeol.

Just then, the other princes had decided to venture out themselves since Baekhyun was taking such a long time. They stared in shock as they saw Chanyeol holding Baekhyun hostage and dragging him off. "HYUNG!" Sehun squeaked.

Chanyeol snapped his head around and felt the world collapse in front of his eyes. His fellow friends, the non-related brothers. They were here to see his evil act. Baekhyun saw Byul trying to get out to see what was happening and Suho was pulling her back as Baekhyun had instructed.

"PINEAPPLE!" Baekhyun hollered, the signal he had set with Suho. When he yelled pineapple, it was sign of Suho to grab Byul and run.

Suho's eyes widened and he ignored Byul's protests, grabbing her and running in the opposite direction. The other princes weren't as lucky as they were. The soldiers saw the other princes and immediately captured them one by one on Lord Park's orders.

Sehun was wailing madly, Kai shaking his head in a disappointed manner at Chanyeol. D.O. seemed to be in shock and looked paler than he usually was. "You'll regret it, Yeol." Baekhyun whispered regretfully at his cousin's foolish actions.

Chanyeol remained silent. *I might regret it next time, but I'm already regretting letting Byul go. I can't do it again.*

On the other side Byul was putting up a fierce fight as Suho tried to drag her off. "What are you doing Suho-gun!" she shrieked. "Something's happening outside! We have to save Ddong-ha!"

Suho slapped his palm on Byul's mouth, shutting her off. "Listen to me, Byul." he whispered. "Baekhyun instructed me to protect you and I will. Not only because he told me so, but because they're in trouble and we can't just present ourselves out there to get caught together with them. If we want to save them, we have to stay free and devise a plan. Understood?"

Byul nodded tearfully. She clutched her robe hard and gritted her teeth.

*I'm your bodyguard and you send Suho-gun to protect me. Does it even make sense, Ddong-ha?* Byul thought. *I'll make sure I get you out somehow. Trust me.*






Hey my lovely readers!

Today's my 2nd Anniversary on AFF and I wrote you guys a letter. [CLICK]

Thank you so much for your continuous support! :D

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Hey peeps I posted both 45&46;! I posted 46 first Aigoo Mianhae, please don't be confused!


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970 streak #1
Chapter 75: Thank you so much for sharing this royal tale of a love between crown prince and his able female bodyguard.
970 streak #2
Chapter 36: "i don't even want to think about what would happen if something happened to you." Was that Baekhyun realizing something he never acknowledged before?
qinwang #3
hashiraz #4
illuminies_ #5
789ten #7
Chapter 2: oh my gosh this story makes me feel so nostalgic. i'm gonna reread this again for the third time, i think. this story is so good i can't even get sick of it ;; aAAAA IT'S BEEN SO LONG
JustCrazilyDumb #8
OMG!!! This story is still here!! 😲 Brings back so many memories of my high school years. I feel so old re-reading this story again.