The Flirty Flirty Prince

My Bodyguard Princess

There was no other thought he was more convinced of than this one: Byun Baekhyun, you are one charismatic prince.

Baekhyun smirked to himself as his female attendants tended to him. He grinned, happily, leisurely, enjoying the sunshine and the marvellous day.

Baekhyun was sitting outside in his own private garden in a large comfortable chair with attendants fanning him with large leaves. He sipped on his cold icy drink, a special delicacy that only royals could enjoy.

Ice was scarce in places as these unless it was the winter. Other than that, it was pretty difficult to get water to freeze when the sun was shining down their butts so mercilessly. To even get the water to drop several degrees, the attendants had to find deep wells to get ground water out.

But what did Baekhyun know of all these suffering to even get that cup of icy treat he was having? Nothing.

And he didn't care. Why should he bother himself with such mediocre matters? What a waste of his time. He preferred spending his time with, oh there they are...

"Jihye. Jihyun. You are here!" Baekhyun smiled at the beautiful twins. They were jaw droppingly beautiful, with a marvellous figure and large glinting eyes. And Baekhyun was proud to say that they were also his bodyguards.

He had chosen the two of them to be his bodyguards from a tireless selection process that involved over a thousand candidates vying for their position.

He didn't have to go through the thousand of them of course. He made his other men do it. The selection was simple. The prettier you are, the more chances you had of scoring this job.

And even though many of the girls had no idea how to even hold a sword properly, they wanted the position of the Crown Prince's bodyguard very very much. It paid extremely well, because you would be guarding the future ruler of the land.

And not only that, these dainty females had that naive thought that somehow they could seduce the Crown Prince into falling for them for real. And if he happens to even get them as his concubines or something, they could live in the Palace and enjoy the rest of their lives with jewels and good food.

Ah~ The life.

"Jeonha." Jihye and Jihyun bowed in unison. They went over to Baekhyun who had opened his arms wide in welcome and sat on one thigh each.

"Jeonha, we brought desserts for you from the Royal Kitchen." Jihye fluttered her eye lashes. "It's your favorite lotus soup."

"We also brought small cakes, Jeonha." Jihyun added, not willing to lose to her twin sister. "Let me feed you, Jeonha."

Baekhyun opened his mouth merrily as his pretty bodyguards began feeding him and pampering him. This was the definition of King, I tell you. Of ultimate enjoyment and luxury.

He smiled to himself, humming a tune. He could have this life every single day if it was up to him, but unfortunately it wasn't. Sometimes he didn't really want to be the Crown Prince because someday he would have to take over the country and he didn't really want to think about it.

He wanted to live his life like how he was doing it now. If only he was just a normal prince, like the rest of Exo-K.

"Jeonha, the King and Queen are here to see you." a male attendant hurried into Baekhyun's quarters and bowed. Baekhyun panicked and swiftly pushed the two bodyguards off him.

He rushed to the entrance just in time to see his parents stroll in. "Abeoji, Omonim." he bowed respectfully.

The King nodded and waved the other attendants away. He eyed the two skinny and delicate bodyguards Jihye and Jihyun as they walked away to leave the royal family to themselves. He frowned in displeasure.

"I still don't know why you agreed to take them as your bodyguards." The King muttered. "They're so skinny! Can they even hold a sword properly?" he retorted.

"Oh come on Abeoji," Baekhyun rolled his eyes as he strolled behind his parents. "There isn't much use of bodyguards anymore. The country is in peace and there is no violence. No one would attempt to hurt us, why need bodyguards?"

"Baekhyun.." The Queen frowned.

"And what's more," Baekhyun continued. "Those other male bodyguards you sent me before were soooooo....." he trailed off, trying to find an appropriate word.

"Intimidating?" the Queen suggested. "Strict? Protective?"

"Irritating." Baekhyun scowled, wrinkling his nose. "They don't even let me out of the Palace when I want to." he pouted.

The King sighed and adjusted his head ware. It may look pretty suave and everything, with the head dress and all that shows how you're the King and such, but they're darn uncomfortable I tell you. If the King could have it, he would choose not to wear it.

"As the Crown Prince, you're NOT supposed to leave the Palace as and when you want to." the King shook his head. "Even the EXO-K princes don't do that. I have no idea why you do." he grumbled. "You'll be the death of me some day, Baekhyun. How are you supposed to rule this country when I hand it over to you?"

Baekhyun pouted and drew circles on the ground with his feet. He liked the life now and he didn't really like thinking too far into the future.

Although he had to admit he kind of liked hearing his father discuss war strategies and royal policies to be implemented. If he had been in the mood, he would give some helpful suggestions that would wow the other senior officals.

However that mood didn't choose to bestow itself upon Baekhyun frequently. In fact it rarely came.

"I'll manage, Abeoji." Baekhyun mumbled.

"Well I don't understand, Baekhyun." the Queen sighed. "You were such a nice boy in the past. You were such a pride. But all of a sudden, overnight, you turned into a womanizer like this. I know you're allowed to have concubines, but we always encouraged only one wife. Just like your father did."

The King nodded. "That's right." he smiled affectionately at his wife. "If you meet the one you love, you only need her. You don't need any others."

He turned back to frown at his son. "I don't know what you're doing with all those female attendants and your bodyguards, Baekhyun. But don't you dare sire a son before marriage, that would be utter shame to the royal family!"

Baekhyun rolled his eyes. "I'm not brainless, Abeoji. I won't do things like that." he assured.

"How would I know. The way you're acting now is similar to a hooligan." The King muttered. He looked at Baekhyun seriously. "You sure you don't want to change your bodyguard? I have several capable ones on hand right now."

Baekhyun shook his head. "Yes Abeoji. I'm fine with the twins right now."

The Queen sighed. "I think you'll have to protect them instead in a crisis." she murmured. She looked over to her son. "Remember to wear nicely for your Halmeoni's birthday dinner okay? And practice your calligraphy for goodness sake. Your words are hardly readable."

The King and Queen left soon after, but not after complaining this and that about their son. The thing about parents, be they royals or beggars, in the Joseon dynasty or in the 20th century, they are pretty much the same: NAGGY.

Baekhyun sighed and wrinkled his nose, massaging his temples. Hearing to those complaints made him a little tired and giddy. He turned back to go back into his quarters when he spotted another five heads popping out of the bushes.

"Since when did you guys arrive?" Baekhyun broke into a smile as he approached his bestest best friends ever.

"While Pyeha was nagging about your bodyguards again." Suho chuckled and brushed the leaves from his robe. "We didn't dare to approach you guys when you're in such a topic like this."

"Betrayers." Baekhyun huffed. "You guys should have saved me from that."

D.O. grinned. "Ahehe we're unimportant princes, hyung." he chuckled. "We can't bear to offend the almighty king."

The EXO-K princes walked into Baekhyun's quarters. They all stayed at the Palace but at smaller rooms and less luxurious ones. They often frequented Baekhyun's quarters to spend their time since it was nicer there.

"Anyway I still think it's better to get a male bodyguard, hyung." Sehun murmured. "What if an assassin-"

"There are no assassins, Sehun-gun." Baekhyun cut the maknae off. "We are in a peaceful nation where everyone loves everyone else." he grinned.

"Ugh hyung." Kai shuddered. "Cut down on the fluff."

Chanyeol looked at his cousin and sighed. He too thought it was better to get some male bodyguards instead of those flower vases that couldn't do anything. But the Crown Prince was one stubborn person that wouldn't easily listen to anyone else's opinions.

*Let's just hope that hyung's right and things will be peaceful always.* Chanyeol thought as he shot the twins a look. *Or those girls would be the first to run away.*

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Hey peeps I posted both 45&46;! I posted 46 first Aigoo Mianhae, please don't be confused!


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960 streak #1
Chapter 75: Thank you so much for sharing this royal tale of a love between crown prince and his able female bodyguard.
960 streak #2
Chapter 36: "i don't even want to think about what would happen if something happened to you." Was that Baekhyun realizing something he never acknowledged before?
qinwang #3
hashiraz #4
illuminies_ #5
789ten #7
Chapter 2: oh my gosh this story makes me feel so nostalgic. i'm gonna reread this again for the third time, i think. this story is so good i can't even get sick of it ;; aAAAA IT'S BEEN SO LONG
JustCrazilyDumb #8
OMG!!! This story is still here!! 😲 Brings back so many memories of my high school years. I feel so old re-reading this story again.