
My Bodyguard Princess

"Are you serious?" Byul's eyes were wider than the day before. It seemed every day Baekhyun had a new revelation or new idea that he planned shocking the pants of Byul.

"Do you even know what you're talking about?" Byul whispered, no voice coming out of .

Baekhyun grinned. "Yes. I'm bringing you to my parents and introducing you as my woman." he declared proudly.

Byul closed her eyes. OH MY GOD. "Ddong-ha!" she hissed. "Do you have any idea how that would make everything? It would become official and what if they disapprove? I'm just a mere bodyguard! You're the freaking crown prince! Can you even IMAGINE the amount of gossip that would go around the place?"

Baekhyun grinned. "For the most part, there has already been a lot of gossip going around the place." he shrugged. "Not much different if we confirm things." he convinced.

"Gossip?" Byul gasped. "You mean there has already been gossip of you and I?" she looked around carefully.

"Come on, it's hard not to when I barged into the servants lodging and packed all your stuff, bringing it over here and making you stay." Baekhyun rolled his eyes, smiling. "And just mayyyybe I might have expressed my happiness a little too loosely amongst the maids."

Byul squeezed her eyes shut. Oh man she hated being the centre of attention. "DDONG-HA!"

"It's Baekhyun oppa, Eunbyul." Baekhyun knocked her forehead before stealing a kiss on her temple.

They heard a gasp and both looked out. Eunhyuk's face was pale and his eyes exceptionally wide. "So it's true?" he squeaked. "Byul, you're together with teh Crown Prince?"

Byul pinked and snapped "What nonsense!" the same time Baekhyun interlaced their fingers and brought it up to his face. "Yeah!"

They looked at each other with raised brows. Eunhyuk scratched his head confusedly. "So are you two together?"

Baekhyun slapped his hand over Byul's mouth and turned ot smile at Eunhyuk. "Yes. We are." he grinned. Eunhyuk swallowed as the news set in. "Oh my gosh Byul you're going to be the Crown Princess!" he squealed. "I'm going to tell your mother! She'll be soooo happy!"

Byul's eyes widened. "Wait up Eunhyuk oppa what crown princess-"

"OH Omonim?" Baekhyun brightened. "Tell her! I'll visit her one day together with Eunbyul!" he grinned.

"Hey we're not visiting my mother with-"

"I would never have imagined, Byul, the Queen!" Eunhyuk clapped. "Man and to think I used to joke about us being the perfect match!"

Byul squeezed her eyes shut. "AHHHHHH!!!!"




*....AHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!* Byul screamed in her mind as she stood beside Baekhyun.

He made her wear a new hanbok dress he had it made a few days ago without her knowing. They went for the usual lunch meeting Baekhyun had with his parents, except this time he brought Byul with him to meet them.

The King and Queen's eyes lingered on the hands that were interlaced together and watched their son in interest.

"Abeoji, Omonim." Baekhyun bowed.

Byul stared at the two royals with an opened mouth and Baekhyun squeezed her hand. She hurriedly bowed a formal bow, her head touching the ground. "Your majesties." she muttered shakily.

Even after the King told her to rise, Byul was still bowing face down on the floor motionlessly. She was absolutely terrified. She had no problem performing her sword play or archery in front of a hundred royal members and ministers, but meet-the-parents-session? OH no.

Baekhyun kneeled down and tugged her hand, whispering. "Han Eunbyul, relax."

Byul looked at him with worried eyes and he gave her hand an assuring squeeze. The King and Queen looked at each other, not missing the exchange.

"So....what's the special occasion today?" the Queen asked carefully, hiding a smile. "WHy have you brought Byul over to have lunch with us as well, Baekhyun?"

Baekhyun his lip nervously. "I have something to say, Omonim."

"Before that, why don't we get the maids to serve the food first?" The King interrupted. He clapped his hands and commanded for the food to be served, Baekhyun almost had to drag Byul over as she sat carefully at the same table as the royalties. Oh gosh, if she only did anything wrong, she'd be beheaded.

The food was served shortly and Byul could hardly whip up an appetite.

"Hmm today's food looks exceptionally delicious don't you think, my lady?" The King grinned at his wife. The Queen chuckled knowingly and glanced at her son and Byul. "Indeed."

The kids waited for the king and queen to tuck in first before touching their chopsticks. Byul held hers weakly, not knowing how she was supposed to survive this.

"Uhm about that thing I wanted to tell you, Abeoji, Omonim.." Baekhyun tried saying, when this time it was the Queen who interrupted.

"Byul ah, how's your mother? You went back to visit didn't you?" she asked good naturedly. "Is she well?"

Byul nodded. "she's fine, thank you. Thank you for your concern, your majesty." she murmured.

"It's nothing." The Queen smiled. "After all we're fami-" she caught herself and gave a mysterious grin. "Yep. It's nothing."

It was the King's turn to interrogate Byul. "And so how many siblings have you got, Byul?" he asked, trying to make Byul comfortable. Byul hadn't been touching her food much even though Baekhyun was nudging her to eat.

"One. A younger brother called Jaeho." Byul told him. "He's eleven this year."

"Ah, the young days." the King nodded. "How did he interact with Baekhyun over here?" he asked with a smile. "Did they hit it off at once?"

Byul bit her lip sheepishly. "No. In fact they had been quarrelling till the last day." she admitted. Baekhyun made a face and slipped a piece of meat over to Byul's bowl without her knowing. He shrugged at his parents. "That kid just dislikes me!"

"Yeah but don't you think relationships that start off with initial hatred and dislike might have a chance of becoming something even more special?" the King asked.

Byul and Baekhyun blinked and looked at each other.

Baekhyun shifted in his seat and reached for Byul's hand under the table. "Abeoji Omonim, well the thing I wanted to talk about is that-"

"So Byul, has your mother been rushing you to get married?" the Queen asked with a smile. "Girls are usually married at your age and latest by twenty two. A few more years to go, Byul."

Byul bit her lip. "Yes she has." she nodded. "BUt I don't know..." she trailed off, looking at Baekhyun unsurely.

Baekhyun straightened. "Well the thing is, uhm if Han Eunbyul marries, the groom for the wedding is going to be-"

"Someone magnificent." the King cut in. "Byul is an amazing girl, I'm sure we can find some good guy out there for her hm?"

"Yes, my lord." the Queen smiled. "Like Minister Kwon's son Jiyong, or Officer Lee's son Byunghun. How about one of the higher authority guards, Kim Jaejoong? My word, I think I'd enjoy finding a perfect match for you, Byul."

Baekhyun's face turned absolutely white. "Wait, you can't find another guy for Eunbyul!" he shrieked. "She already has-"

"A lot on her plate looking after you, I know." the King nodded. He looked at Byul with raise brows. "You sure this is the right choice, Byul? My son's kind of a trouble, I know it."

Byul blinked. Wait, what?

The King laughed at Byul's and Baekhyun's expressions. "Do you really think we don't know what's going on between you two?" he wagged his finger at them teasingly. "We may be the King and Queen but we hear enough of Palace gossips when the maids walk pass. And you two have been the top topic for days. What's this I hear about Byul moving into your quarters, Baekhyun?"

"Well you see," Baekhyun cleared his throat. "I really like Han Eunbyul. I love her more than anything in the world and I didn't think it was appropriate for the girl I love to stay in the servants lodging."

"What's wrong with that place?" Byul hissed and Baekhyun shushed her. "Shh baby."

The King and Queen raised their brows. "And what about Dahae? Haven't you liked her for so long?" the Queen asked, concerned. "And are you really serious about Byul, Baekhyun?"

"More than anything." Baekhyun nodded. "I realized Dahae was just a crush and nothing more. I loved the figment of imagination I created of her in my mind, not the real Im Dahae. The one I really love is Eunbyul." he looked over at her, her large eyes looking back with a hint of smile. "I don't think there's anything I'm more  sure about."

"Good." the Queen grinned. "Just to let you know if you hurt her, I'm not standing on your side, Baekhyun. Byul's the daughter I never had. I won't hesitate to take her side."

Baekhyun brightened. "So you'll approve of us?"

"Of course!" the King chuckled. "Just tell us when's the wedding date!"

Byul's eyes widened and she choked. Baekhyun rushed to pat her back tenderly and hold her hair as she coughed.

Oh boy.


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Hey peeps I posted both 45&46;! I posted 46 first Aigoo Mianhae, please don't be confused!


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970 streak #1
Chapter 75: Thank you so much for sharing this royal tale of a love between crown prince and his able female bodyguard.
970 streak #2
Chapter 36: "i don't even want to think about what would happen if something happened to you." Was that Baekhyun realizing something he never acknowledged before?
qinwang #3
hashiraz #4
illuminies_ #5
789ten #7
Chapter 2: oh my gosh this story makes me feel so nostalgic. i'm gonna reread this again for the third time, i think. this story is so good i can't even get sick of it ;; aAAAA IT'S BEEN SO LONG
JustCrazilyDumb #8
OMG!!! This story is still here!! 😲 Brings back so many memories of my high school years. I feel so old re-reading this story again.