I love you

My Bodyguard Princess


Byul blinked in shock.

She knew she must look ridiculous but hell, she was staring cross eyed at Baekhyun's face which was directly in front of hers. With his lips tentatively pressing on her own. OH. MY. GOD.

Byul gulped, not knowing what to do. Should she close her eyes? Kiss him back? Wait. How the hell do you kiss someone back? What do you do when you kiss? AHHHHH!!!! The supreme bodyguard was freaking out because she had absolutely no idea what to do.

And it really didn't help that her heart was racing hundred miles an hour and she could hardly breathe. Her mind wasn't working at all as she just stared blankly as Baekhyun kissed her.

Gaining momentum, Baekhyun reached out to frame her petite face with his hands, brushing the stray strands of hair out of her face. His hands travelled to the nape of her neck and nudged her closer to him, kissing her harder.

The sparks that flew were aplenty and though it might be mushy and cliche to say this, but Byul could have sworn there were tingles down her spine. She slowly closed her eyes and gave in to the sensation, leaving her mind and logic behind. She melted into his embrace, leaning in, and tentatively pressed her lips to his.

Baekhyun groaned and brought her nearer, wrapping his arm around her waist and crushing her to him.

He never thought there was anything more enjoyable as this.

At this moment, Chanyeol had heard people talking in the garden. A girl's voice. The girl he liked. Chanyeol had been in the other garden, just a wall away when he heard Byul's voice, seeming like she was scolding someone.

Before he knew it, he was running wildly over to this garden to look for her. Which was when he saw her and Baekhyun in a chaste but at the same time passionate kiss. Chanyeol had no idea it would feel this way: Heartbreak.

His face fell, his breathing stopped as he looked at them in a loving position. He had doubts and suspicions that Byul might actually like Baekhyun back, but looking at the scene now, everything was affirmed. She looked in bliss, in a state of heaven, and Chanyeol would give anything to be in Baekhyun's position right then.

*I lost.* Chanyeol took a step back. He let his eyes trail over to the two one last time, feeling the cringe in his tummy. He quickly whirled around and stalked off as quickly as possible, hoping to erase the image from his mind but knowing it was useless.

You don't choose to fall in love. You don't choose to fall out of love either.


At some point in time, Byul finally came to her senses. Which was a hell hard of a thing to do with Baekhyun's lips doing wonders on hers, but being the supreme Bodyguard she was, her resilience and determination was something not to be undermined.

Logic fell in and she suddenly realised what she was doing.

She was sitting on Baekhyun's lap. His arms were wrapped so tightly around her it had to be scandalous. And they were kissing.


Byul's eyes snapped opened and she pulled away abruptly, her eyes wide as she stared at Baekhyun. "What-" she gasped, either no voice coming out or she couldn't hear above the beating of her heart.

"Shut up." Baekhyun murmured, pulling her back. His lips touched hers again and Byul almost lost focus of her questions. The whirlwind of emotions and feelings that took her when he kissed her was nothing like she experienced before.

Byul snapped out of it and pushed away, harder. She scrambled off Baekhyun's lap, minimizing contact but not trusting herself to be able to stand, with how jelly-like her legs were then. Oh, can God hear how wanton she sounded? Her legs were jelly because of a guy.

With her cheeks flaming red, Byul stared at Baekhyun. "What are you doing?" she whispered.

Baekhyun looked at her with slightly raised brows for a moment. "Kissing you."

"Yes I know." Byul's cheeks grew pinker at that word. Man, she was such a retard. "I mean, why? You've got the wrong person." she hissed.

Baekhyun blinked, then stiffled a chuckle. "You think I've got the wrong person." he commented in a dry tone. "Seriously?"

"Oh I know!" Byul's eyes widened. "This is a joke! You EXO-K princes ganged up on me right?" she looked around the bushes to look for any signs of the other princes that might have been eavesdropping or sneaking peeks at what happened. "Either that or you've some how managed to get into a dellusion that I'm Dahae gongju and mixed us up, though I can't see why you would because we look nothing alike and she's beautiful and-"

"You're beautiful." Baekhyun cut her off.

Byul blinked. She stared at him as if he had suddenly grown another five heads. Baekhyun sighed and bit his lip. Okay, he never really thought about how he was going to go about doing this, and before he even thought about it, he was already kissing her. , confessing to this head strong girl was going to be so difficult.

"I'm not hallucinating." Baekhyun clarified. "To make it clear, I'm not disillusioned. I know perfectly well what I'm doing. And this is not a bet, or a joke, or anything planned before hand, okay?" he looked at her seriously. "I kissed you, because I want to. Do you get it?"

"No." Byul squeaked.

Baekhyun nearly chuckled at her confused and irritated expression, knowing just how much she didn't like knowing things. "You don't get why I want to kiss you?" he murmured, tugging a lock of hair behind her ears tenderly. Byul didn't even bother with what he was doing, too confused to care.

She nodded at him, too surprised to speak.

"Okay, so what was it that we did just now?" he asked, grinning softly.

"We...kissed." Byul whispered, looking around to see if there were anyone around. Baekhyun turned her face to look at him again.

"Good." Baekhyun leaned forward and kissed her chastely on the lips. Byul's eyes rounded and she opened to speak when Baekhyun silenced her. "Next, why do people kiss? I don't mean flings or in plays. I mean a couple. A girl and a guy. Why do they kiss?"

Byul pinked. "B-because they're in l-love." she answered, probably the only time Baekhyun's going to hear her stutter.

"Smart girl." Baekhyun sneaked another peck on her lips. Byul wanted to whack his head for distracting her like that when Baekhyun shushed her. "Okay last question."

He looked at her in the eyes, his eyes shimmering with affection and sincerity. "Let's get this clear. You said that people kiss when they're in love, right?" NOD NOD. "And we just kissed right?" HESITANT NOD. "And I said I want to kiss you, right?" MOUTH DROPS OPEN.

Baekhyun smiled, not a teasing one but just patient as he waited. "So what does that tell you?" he whispered.

Byul gulped, her eyes so wide they were stinging madly and urging her to blink. But she couldn't. She was staring at Baekhyun in confusion, in disbelief, and fervently keeping her hopes down in case all these was just a scam. She wouldn't be able to take it if it were.

Baekhyun leaned towards her and rested his forehead against hers. "Are you that slow, Han Eunbyul?" he murmured, pinching her cheek lightly. "Is it that hrad to figure that I love you?"

Byul took a sharp intake of breath as she replayed the words in her mind again. *....I love you. Okay cool it Byul. You must have heard it wrongly, he DID NOT just say that he-*

"Yah, I just told you that I love you." Baekhyun nudged her. "The Crown Prince. He chose you over all the other pretty girls, the maids, the princesses, and yes even his long time crush Dahae. He chose you, Han Eunbyul. Aren't you going to say anything to this marvelously romantic guy huh?" he chuckled on the outside, but his insides were actually shivering in fear.

What if she didn't like him back? Dahae he could handle, but the mere thought of Byul not wanting him the same way he wanted her....it tore him into pieces. He was ready to cry and wail like a baby, discarding all his pride.

Byul stared at him for a few moments and he could see her taking it in. There was no trace of expression on her face and he couldn't tell if this news was good or bad to her. He his lips nervously, wondering if he shouldn't have said it in the first place. Would they become awkward there after?

A hard whack on his head made Baekhyun blink. It hurt like hell and he shook his head to clear his vision. "So now you tell me huh?" Byul hollered, frowning at him. "You know how long I've been depressed because I thought you liked Dahae gongju?" she complained, hitting his chest. Another hard blow. Damn the martial arts.

"Every time I see you and her together you know what I'm feeling inside?" Byul continued, tears blurring her vision. "And you even told me about some amazing girl the other day. You know how inadequate it made me feel huh? That I'm not pretty enough, not feminine enough, forever not enough for you? You mean ty Ddong-ha."

Baekhyun took a moment to take her words in. The pain on his ankle, his head, his chest, all of it disappeared as he made sense of it. His face brightened and he took her hands, stopping her from actually doing permanent damage on his chest. "Wait." he looked at her hopefully. "So you're saying you like me back?"

"I love you, you idiot!" Byul grumbled, wiping madly at her cheeks. "I can't believe I'm so stupid to even involve myself in such stupid lame stuffs like the matters of the heart, but I-"

"Thank goodness." Baekhyun whispered and tugged her towards him again. His lips found hers before she could protest, and then all was lost. Byul leaned into him, her heart racing with happiness and she could hardly believe what was happening. This must be a dream. And if it were, she really didn't want to wake up for the rest of her life.

Baekhyun kissed her softly, his hands going up to her hair to untie the stupid ponytail. He had been imagining her with her hair down and he really wanted to see it.

Her hair was let loose and he loosened the brown locks, and tangling his fingers through them as he continued to kiss her. He felt her smile against his lips and realized he was doing the same.

It was hard not to when the pure bliss was radiating from within them. Soon it was hard to even continue kissing because the smiles were stretching so widely on their faces.

Baekhyun pulled away, staring at her with the goofy smile on his face. Byul grinned back, not caring how vulnerable she was presenting him with her heart. Because she knew he was making himself as vulnerable as she was, doing the same.

"So....you love me." Baekhyun chuckled, circling his arms around her waist.

Byul blinked innocently. "Really?"

"Oh no you don't. You just said it." Baekhyun murmured against her cheek.

"I don't really recall." Byul pretended tapped her chin in thought.

Baekhyun chuckled deeply and caressed her cheek. "You'll be the death of me, Han Eunbyul." he declared.

And they kissed again.

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Hey peeps I posted both 45&46;! I posted 46 first Aigoo Mianhae, please don't be confused!


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970 streak #1
Chapter 75: Thank you so much for sharing this royal tale of a love between crown prince and his able female bodyguard.
970 streak #2
Chapter 36: "i don't even want to think about what would happen if something happened to you." Was that Baekhyun realizing something he never acknowledged before?
qinwang #3
hashiraz #4
illuminies_ #5
789ten #7
Chapter 2: oh my gosh this story makes me feel so nostalgic. i'm gonna reread this again for the third time, i think. this story is so good i can't even get sick of it ;; aAAAA IT'S BEEN SO LONG
JustCrazilyDumb #8
OMG!!! This story is still here!! 😲 Brings back so many memories of my high school years. I feel so old re-reading this story again.