Her Disappointment

My Bodyguard Princess

Byul and Eunhyuk had been relaxing for a bit between their break times.

They were getting used to these Palace Guard jobs, but still didn't think it was exciting enough because they didn't even have to fight but instead walk around all day.

"I wonder who it was that tried to assassinate the Crown Prince." Byul mumbled. "I mean, I thought the King is a great ruler. His people love him. There shouldn't be any hate towards the royal family in attempt to kill his son."

Eunhyuk wrinkled his nose as he laid down on the lawn. A little too grassy for his liking, but oh well. "Maybe not serious enemies, but angry brothers?" he suggested.

Byul looked over to him curiously and prompted for him to continue. "Don't you even listen to the Palace gossip, Byul?" Eunhyuk laughed. Byul made a face, she wasn't all that interested.

"Well, the Crown Prince is apparently one big flirt." Eunhyuk shrugged. "He apparently loves girls and play around with them all the time. And it doesn't help that these naive girl's thought they could become the Queen if the Crown Prince favors them."

Byul rolled her eyes. Those brainless .

"And anyway," Eunhyuk continued. "The Crown Prince is rumored to have done all these for a girl."

Byul blinked. "A girl? You go around playing with other girls for a girl?" she asked, puzzled.

"Ayyy I don't know." Eunhyuk pouted. "But that's what I heard. Anyway, I think the Prince would have to change his bodyguards soon. Did you see how thy cowered on fear when the arrow was shot? Retards."

Byul made a face. "I doubt there was a girl involved." she mumbled. "That guy just wanted some romantic reason to go around fooling with the maids and court attendants."

She laid down on the grass beside Eunhyuk. "And whoever that got assigned to be his next bodyguard is one unlucky fella."



Which was how Byul felt as she stood in front of the six gaping princes.

One darn unlucky fella.

*Why oh why must the Crown Prince insist on using female bodyguards?* Byul rolled her eyes inwardly.

She looked at Baekhyun, who was blinking and staring at her blatantly without a sign of embarrassment of whatever.

The Queen chuckled. "How's this one? Good enough for you?"

Baekhyun nodded. Good enough? This girl was one serious beauty. It's a waste for her to become some bodyguard.

"Alright then. It's settled." she smiled at Byul. "Work hard, Byul." she told her as the Queen walked off.

Byul bowed and stared at the floor. Yes she'd work hard. Not to punch the prince in his face.

After the Queen left, the six princes were still gaping at her. Byul felt frustration rush through her. This always happened, especially the first time she walked into the Military Academy and told the Seongsaengnim that she wanted to enroll. Let's just say there were more than a few surprised guys who walked straight into the wall.

"I'll work hard to protect you, Jeonha." Byul muttered.

Baekhyun nodded, pleased. Wow, if he had known this new guard was so pretty, he'd had changed the twins off immediately.

"Noona, are you really a bodyguard?" Sehun piped up in surprise.

Byul looked over at him. After she got the news that she was assigned as Baekhyun's bodyguard, Eunhyuk made her learn all the names of the EXO-K princes.

"Neh Sehun-gun." she nodded.

"But you're too pretty for that." Sehun blurted.

Kai shot an annoyed look at his younger cousin. "Think before you talk!" he mouthed.

D.O.'s mouth was wide open too as he gaped at Byul. "Well, I agree with Sehun. You're too pretty for the job."

Byul shrugged. She made sure her sword was tied firmly to her belt and stood at the side of the room. "Well don't mind me and continue with your chatter, your highnesses." she told them.

Chanyeol nearly laughed at the astounded look on Baekhyun's face. What, she wasn't going to introduce herself with a bow and curtsey?

He looked over at Byul, a small smile lingering on his lips. *She's really different from other girls.* he noted.

Baekhyun cleared his throat and looked at the rest of the princes pointedly. "Don't you guys have to be somewhere?" he hinted, wanting to get some alone time with Byul.

Sehun blinked. "We do?" he blurted.

Baekhyun sent him a deadly glare while Suho facepalmed himself. Kai whacked the maknae's head and looked back at Baekhyun, embarrassed for his dongsaeng's lack of wittiness.

"Yes we do." he muttered. "Bye hyung." he looked at Byul and nodded.

Byul bowed as the other princes filed out of the room. She heard Sehun asked Suho, "We have somewhere to go?"

Chanyeol loitered at the back and met Byul's eyes. She looked surprised to see him and realized he was the prince who had went after the assassin.

He smiled. She smiled back.

Chanyeol, delighted, almost bounced out with his long legs. He walked off with the other princes and couldn't help but feel that Baekhyun was one lucky guy to have Byul around him all the time.

"Well, Baekhyun-gun's gonna seduce another one again." Suho commented drily.

Chanyeol looked back at Baekhyun's quarters and bit back a smile. *I don't think hyung's going to get the reaction he expected with Byul.* he grinned. *Miss bodyguard is someone entirely different.*



Which was what Baekhyun immediately found out when he tried to charm Byul when the rest of the EXO-K princes left.

"So Byul, why don't you tell me more about yourself?" Baekhyun flashed Byul his cute and innocent smile that could melt any girl's heart.

But not this one.

Byul looked at him and blinked. "There's nothing more you should know about me except my name and that I'm your bodyguard, Jeonha."

Baekhyun flinched. True. But still, couldn't she react more enthusiastically?

Baekhyun tried again, getting up from his bed. "You're going to spending a lot of time with me, Byul." he smiled. "I want us to know each other better."

"No thanks." Byul resisted the urge to roll her eyes. Was this seriously how those girls had fallen heads over heels with this guy? Had they no eyes?

Baekhyun's jaw dropped. *No? This girl just said no to me?*

Byul looked over at Baekhyun with a pointed gaze. "And for your information, if you think I'm going to fall for your weak seduction tactics, you're quite wrong, Jeonha. I have no interest in being anything other than your bodyguard."

Baekhyun's jaw was officially not a part of his body as it dropped even further.

"Whaa..." he gaped.

*This girl...is underestimating my level of seduction.* Baekhyun frowned. *Lets see how long she'll stay cold to my attacks.* he grinned.

Byul rolled her eyes and blew her bangs. *I should be guarding someone of more importance. Of better character and maturity.*

She shot a disappointed look at Baekhyun. *But instead, him. Ugh, why.*


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Hey peeps I posted both 45&46;! I posted 46 first Aigoo Mianhae, please don't be confused!


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970 streak #1
Chapter 75: Thank you so much for sharing this royal tale of a love between crown prince and his able female bodyguard.
970 streak #2
Chapter 36: "i don't even want to think about what would happen if something happened to you." Was that Baekhyun realizing something he never acknowledged before?
qinwang #3
hashiraz #4
illuminies_ #5
789ten #7
Chapter 2: oh my gosh this story makes me feel so nostalgic. i'm gonna reread this again for the third time, i think. this story is so good i can't even get sick of it ;; aAAAA IT'S BEEN SO LONG
JustCrazilyDumb #8
OMG!!! This story is still here!! 😲 Brings back so many memories of my high school years. I feel so old re-reading this story again.