Childhood lover

My Bodyguard Princess

The princes managed to stay the night without any more major accidents. Baekhyun had only brought four mattresses, which replaced the original paper thin ones.

Byul, Jaeho and Mrs Han each got one mattress but there was only one left for the two princes.

Baekhyun had claimed that he should get it since he was the one who brought it there, but Byul argued that Chanyeol was the one who did all the work that day, which Jaeho supported whole heartedly.

In the end they let Mrs Han be the judge and she said that the elder should let his dongsaeng sleep on a nicer mattress.

Which was how Baekhyun ended getting up in the morning with a really sore back from sleeping on the wooden bench. Twice he rolled down the tiny strip of wood and it wasn't even long enough to fit his entire length.

"My back huuuuurts." Baekhyun pouted. He shot Byul a look. "If only someone didn't help Yeol, I would have gotten the mattress."

Byul looked over to her mother. "Umma! Ddong oppa is blaming you for taking Chanyeol oppa's side!" she hollered.

Baekhyun froze while Chanyeol and Jaeho laughed. He made a face at Byul and ate his beancurd. It was surprisingly smooth and thick at the same time, filling to the mouth and senses.

Honestly as a Crown Prince, he did wonder if he was able to survive the time in a commoner's home. But it didn't seem that difficult now, at least for the few hours he had been here. It was pretty enjoyable.

"So is there anything else to do today?" Chanyeol looked at Byul. "The agenda?"

Byul chewed on a tough piece of bread and nodded. "I managed to convince umma that some of the tiny flowers she was going to put on the bridal dress need not be hand sewn. It's going to take such a long time." she shook her head. "She'd pass out if she worked all the time to finish it."

"So what are you going to do about it?" Baekhyun looked at her.

"The village sells some ready made flowers and sequins for embroidery. I think I'll buy a few of those, even though they're quite expensive Byul murmured. "I can't bear for Umma to sew those tiny details herself."

"The village? Can we come too?" Baekhyun brightened visibly. Jaeho snorted and rolled his eyes at the hyung who's a full nine years older. "Hasn't Ddong hyung been to the village before?"

Baekhyun pinked. "Well I'm not around here!" he defended. "I'm from somewhere different okay!"

"Worlds apart I say." Byul murmured. She sighed and looked at her mother. "Umma, is there any other chores at home to be done? If not can the boys follow me to the village today?"

Mrs Han nodded. "Sure thing. Go ahead." she smiled at them. Her had trembled with the needle as she tries to sew the bridal dress, trying to get the correct stitch.

Byul went over and took the dress out of her mother's hands. "Umma, take a rest. Or can I tell the mayor that the dress can't be done?" she offered.

Mrs han's eyes widened. "No you can't do that! I promised to have it done!" she shook her head. Resting her head against the pillow, she closed her eyes. "I'll be alright Byul. Just a little rest."

Byul looked at her mother, her eyes softening. "I'll bring some of the tea and bread in incase you're hungry." she murmured, smoothing her mother's hair.

She got the things in and dusted her hands, going out to meet the princes. "Let's go then." she notified.

Chanyeol looked at Jaeho who was pouting at them and looking longingly with his large eyes. "How about Jaejae?" he scooped Jaeho up in his hands.

Jaeho looked at his noona and pressed his palms together. "Can I go too, noona? Please?"

Byul hesitated. "But you need to study and..." Baekhyun threw Jaeho a look of disapproval. "No don't being the brat, Han Eunbyul."

Jaeho looked right back. "How about you being me noona, and don't  bring the stupid hyung."

Byul looked at Baekhyun with raised brows and he raised his hands. "I'm going no matter what!" he defended.

Byul looked at Jaeho for a bit and contemplated. "Hmm... When we come back, you'll study right?"

Jaeho nodded enthusiastically. Chanyeol smiled. "I'll coach him!" he offered.

Byul smiled and relented. "Fine. You can come too."

Jaeho beamed and got down from Chanyeol's arms, running to his sister and hugging her legs because that was all he could reach. "Thank you noona!"

And that was how the four of them went into the village together.



"Woah what's that?" Baekhyun pointed. "Why are those eggs furry looking?"

"Those are century eggs, hyung." Chanyeol told him. "The black eggs that look like jelly. When you open the furry stuff it's the black century egg."

Baekhyun's eyes rounded. "Woah really? I only saw century eggs on my plate before."

Byul rolled her eyes. Typical Crown Prince there. They walked past and the seller offered Baekhyun a small sample. Baekhyun ate the tiny bit of century egg and smiled.  "It tastes awesome Ahjusshi!"

Byul chuckles softly as they walked past. "Did you know it was rumored that century eggs are made by soaking the eggs in horse urine?" she asked casually.

Baekhyun stopped in his steps and stared at Byul. "Are you serious?"

Byul shrugged. "I don't know. I told you it's a rumor right?" she grinned. Baekhyun felt the vomit rising up his throat and he quickly spit the egg out of his mouth.

"Ugh why didn't you tell me earlier, Han Eunbyul?" he demanded, whining.

Byul laughed and took Jaeho's hand. "You never asked, Ddong oppa~" she sang.

Baekhyun grounded his teeth and made a face at her. Byul chuckled and pranced off with Chanyeol and Jaeho.

They reached the tailor shop which also sold hand sewn flowers to be added on dressed. Byul looked around, finding the ones in sync with the bridal dress was making.

"Noona! Buy that! It's so pretty!" Jaeho pointed and tugged his sister over, signaling over to the pretty where flowers with golden edges.

"Can't Jaejae." Byul sighed. "It's too expensive."

She looked around the shop for other cheaper choices and was torn between quality and price. She asked Chanyeol for his opinion and he just stared at the two types of flowers, not seeing any difference except for the colors.

Baekhyun bit his lip as he watched Byul count the taels she brought with her and consider which type of embroided flowers she should get. Baekhyun looked over to the original white and golden flowers that had caught her eye at first.

He looked back at Byul and the others and a smile came onto his face. He slipped away quietly, a sly grin on his face.


"Oh agashi, I'm mistaken. This white and gold flower you asked about just now is twenty for one tael." the shopkeeper came to them.

Byul blinked in surprise. "Huh? But you told me it was five for a tael."

"I remembered wrongly." the shopkeeper smiled. "So do you want that instead?"

Byul nodded eagerly. "Yeah. Give me forty, thank you." she looked back at Chanyeol with a bright smile. "I can't believe my luck!"

Chanyeol nodded, smiling distractedly. He glanced towards his hyung who just kept his coin pouch in his robe. *So that's what happened.* he thought. A tugging feeling at his heart made him feel uncomfortable. Did Baekhyun care for Byul enough to do this like this for her? Even he didn't think of it, and he's supposed to be in love with her.

After buying the flowers, the quarter went back home with the princes (or particularly Baekhyun), getting fascinated with everything.

Baekhyun was just about to succeed in making Byul buy them sugared apples when someone called out to Byul's name. Byul spun around and a bright smile lit her face. "Yunho oppa!"

She ran over and them hugged in a friendly manner as the handsome tall guy, who was apparently called Yunho ruffled her hair in a familiar manner.

"I can't believe you're back and I didn't know!" Yunho smiled at her sunnily. "So that's why I heard horses yesterday! I thought I was dreaming!"

Byul smiled at him. "How are you, Yunho oppa? I missed you, it's been so long."

The two apparently familiar friends chatted happily while the two princes looked on.

"What the hell? He hugged her in broad daylight! Does he know that if it had been fifty years earlier he'd have to marry her?" Baekhyun frowned, grinding his teeth.

Chanyeol looked at the two suspiciously. "I wonder who that is..."

They both looked at Jaeho for answers and the little boy just looked at Chanyeol, ignoring Baekhyun.

"That's Jung Yunho, our neighbor." Jaeho pointed.

Both princes heaved a sigh of relief. Oh, so it's just the neighbor. Meh.

"But when they were young, Umma told me that she thought Byul noona and Yunho hyung would get together." Jaeho continued. "Yunho hyung liked Byul noona but noona didn't know until she went off to the military academy with Eunhyuk hyung."

Not knowing what the two princes were feeling, Jaeho continued nonchalantly. "Umma even said that if noona didn't go to the academy, perhaps Yunho hyung and noona would be married by now."

Oh Jaeho, you have no idea how you're so prone to being the victim of the princes' anger right now.


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Hey peeps I posted both 45&46;! I posted 46 first Aigoo Mianhae, please don't be confused!


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970 streak #1
Chapter 75: Thank you so much for sharing this royal tale of a love between crown prince and his able female bodyguard.
970 streak #2
Chapter 36: "i don't even want to think about what would happen if something happened to you." Was that Baekhyun realizing something he never acknowledged before?
qinwang #3
hashiraz #4
illuminies_ #5
789ten #7
Chapter 2: oh my gosh this story makes me feel so nostalgic. i'm gonna reread this again for the third time, i think. this story is so good i can't even get sick of it ;; aAAAA IT'S BEEN SO LONG
JustCrazilyDumb #8
OMG!!! This story is still here!! 😲 Brings back so many memories of my high school years. I feel so old re-reading this story again.