
My Bodyguard Princess

A horrible banging sound and shaking made both Baekhyun and Byul wake up.

Byul rubbed her eyes tiredly. "What the-"

Baekhyun squinted his eyes and looked around, realizing that the door they were sleeping against was vibrating insanely. Someone was knocking and banging on it.

"What is happening?" Baekhyun lifted his head from Byul's that had somehow rested against each other when they fell asleep.

Byul opened to answer when suddenly, the world got brighter and turned upside down.

The door suddenly opened and the two of them who had been leaning against it tumbled out of the storeroom, laying on their backs.

They squinted at the sudden intrusion of sunlight.

"Byul! Hyung!" Chanyeol's face appeared in front of them as he looke down at them worriedly. "Are you two okay?"

Byul nodded, sitting up and shaking her head off the shock. Baekhyun sprawled on the floor, not wanting to get up. "We're fine." Byul assured.

"What were you two doing inside anyway?" Chanyeol frowned. "You two suddenly disappeared and none of the princes knew where you went."

"Eh? The EXO-M princes were the ones who made us come get kimchi." Baekhyun grumbled. "And some idiot locked us in."

"Stop whining." Byul poked his forehead like he always did to her and Baekhyun responded by doing the same.

"Uhm, let's get going. They must be getting worried." Chanyeol shifted uncomfortably at the sight he saw. Byul got up and Baekhyun suddenly felt the loss of contact.

Chanyeol and Byul walked off and she turned back to look at Baekhyun who was still on the ground. "Kimchi smell made you faint, Ddong-ha?" she teased.

Baekhyun scampered up and ran after them. "Aish this girl."




Two weeks passed by in a flash when you were having fun. Soon, the EXO-M princes had to return to China for their princely duties. A farewell feast was held to send them off, and it was another great event in the Palace.

It was the night of the feast, and like Baekhyun's birthday feast and the Empress Dowagers', it was going to be something grand and only meant for royals. The princes were seated in the Great Hall, smiling and greeting the various ministers and other princesses, waiting for it to start.

Baekhyun was sitting there together with the other EXO princes and Dahae by his side. But Byul was nowhere to be seen. Curious why...? Hehe.


Somewhere in the servants lodging a girl cursed fluently under her breath as she looked herself in the mirror again. She rolled her eyes and walked out hurriedly, late for the feast. She stumbled and cursed again, a little to vigorous for a pretty girl like her.

On a closer look, that girl was Byul. Oh yes our Han Eunbyul.

And she's dressed in a hanbok dress. FOR THE FIRST TIME.

The EXO-M princes had bugged Byul to wear a dress for the first time since they were bored of seeing her wearing men's clothes all the time. She rejected the idea ferverently of course, but no the EXO-M princes were really really persistent. And she gradually found that despite being the oldest, Xiumin's aegyo was almost on par with the maknae Sehun. Kind of hard to say no, you see.

And now here she was, feeling exceptionally uncomfortable in that beautiful hanbok she was dressed in, looking gorgeous and innocently beautiful.

"How do girls go around wearing this anyway?" Byul muttered under her breath, hurrying to the Great Hall. The skirts were puffed up and full of cloth, a pretty hard to walk in. She never felt so feminine in her entire life, and she really didn't know what to feel about it all except being insecure.

She reached the great hall and took a deep breath. *Han Eunbyul. You can do this.*


"Where is she?" Chen looked around, pouting. "Why isn't she here yet?"

The EXO princes were still waiting for Byul to appear with her hanbok, but she was nowhere to be seen. They were impatient, but they really wanted to see Byul dressed up as a girl for a change. She deserved that much.

Dahae was irritated that the boys were so interested in seeing Byul in a hanbok dress when she was wearing one all the time. What's so amusing about it, she harrumphed.

"I think she couldn't find where to put her hands and head, through which holes and all." Lay grinned. "She hasn't even worn a hanbok dress for such a long time."

Tao looked at them. "Do you think she's scared and she's not coming?"

"Nah." Chanyeol smiled, shaking his head. "This is Byul we're talking about, she won't back down from what she agreed to."

And just at this moment, the grand doors opened and a figure slipped into the Hall. All eyes focused on this lone figure, eyes widening, gasps heard. Byul her lips nervously and looked around, wondering if she should even be there or not.

"Damn!" Kris gulped his soup too quickly when he saw Byul and scalded his tongue. "She's....damn!" he was speechless.

Sehun's eyes were twice their original size as he stared open mouthed at Byul. "Byul noona is so pretty." he whispered. "Omo. I can't believe she doesn't wear hanbok dresses all the time! It's such a waste!"

All the EXO princes, and even the ministers were taken aback by this new figure. The people who didn't know who she was began asking around, wanting to find out who she was. Was she a princess? But no, they found out who she was when she walked towards Baekhyun and stood behind him with the other guards.

Chanyeol's eyes never left her, gulping. *Oh my gosh. She's even more beautiful than I imagined.* he thought. *Wearing men's clothes, she looked beautiful. Now dressed in a hanbok and with those pretty diamond accesories on her head, she looks like an angel.*

Byul shifted uncomfortably, noticing how everyone was looking at her. "Do I look bad?" she tugged at her hanbok hesitantly.

"No, you look wonderful Byul!" D.O. praised. "You should wear a hanbok every day!"

"Then I won't be able to move." she mused. She smiled at the guys. "Granted your wish?"

"More than that." Luhan grinned. "This is a memory to remember for life."

Dahae gritted her teeth enviously as she watched them. How can this girl look even more beautiful than ever? It's not fair! She's supposed to be the one getting all the attention since she was the princess!

Dahae looked over at Baekhyun, expecting him to throw a sarcastic or teasing comment, but no. Baekhyun was the one who seemed to be struck the hardest by Byul's beauty. He still hadn't recovered from the shock of it all, staring blatantly at Byul and blinking from time to time.

*What?* Dahae growled. *Why is Jeonha paying her attention as well? He's supposed to like me!* she thought worriedly, feeling the pinch when his supposed feelings for her were slipping as well.

*This cannot do.* Dahae thought, worried. She devised the perfect plan to get Byul away, as well as embarrass her. Dahae took out a hair pin from her hair and turned to Byul, smiling. "Byul. I want to give this to you. It would look good on you."

As expected, Byul didn't accept it. "It's okay Dahae gongjunim." she assured. "I don't wear such things anyway." Byul pushed Dahae's hand back politely.

Dahae used the chance to fling the hair pin to the middle of the hall where the Gisaengs were dancing. It skidded to a stop in the middle of the hall as the Gisaengs opened up their circle and moved nearer to the princes to dance.

"Oh no!" Dahae cried. "It slipped out of my hand!" She looked at Byul. "Can you go get it, Byul?"

Byul bit her lip. If she went now, it'd make every single person in the room look at her, interrupting the gisaengs' performance. And with her, not being used to wearing the hanbok, she was afraid she might just waddle out instead of just walking normally.

But since she asked...." Okay fine." Byul sighed. "I'll get it back."

Byul slipped off to the side of the hall and waited for an opening to slip in. The gisaengs opened their circle and danced, smiling and moving gracefully. Byul snuck in, feeling everyone's attention as she disrupted the performance.

There were murmurings and whispers, and Byul's face heated up rapidly. She bent down to get the hair pin and hurried in the opposite direction to get out. Unfortunately, her feet got caught in the vast amounts of cloth in the hanbok and she tripped, landing on her .

"Oww." she whimpered softly, her cheeks heating up even more. When she looked up now, she saw every single person looking at her, judging her. She wanted to bury herself in a hole and not get out anymore.

"What is that girl doing! Pretty she is, she spoiled the performance!" Byul heard someone from behind her say. She bit her lip, feeling her aching from the fall. She wasn't wearing a hanbok anymore, she could be sure of that.

"Are you okay?"

Byul blinked in surprise, hearing the voice just beside her ear. She turned and got a shock when she saw Baekhyun's face just inches from her. It was then she realized that the murmurings in the hall had dwindled to nothing and they were all watching them two closely.

Baekhyun had gotten out of his seat as fast as he could when he saw Byul fall. He went over before Chanyeol even processed what happened and crouched beside her, holding her arm. "Hey. Did that hurt a lot?" he looked at her.

Byul blinked. "We...we're in the middle of a performance." she whispered, seeing how the professional gisaengs were still dancing around them in a circle.

"Yeah. So?" Baekhyun grinned, amused by what she was worried for. "But what I'm asking is, are you hurt?"

"No." Byul quickly replied. "Just a slip. We've got to get out of the performance area this is so embarrassing." she muttered quickly, scrambling to stand. Baekhyun's hand stopped her from rising too quickly and she fell back down.

Baekhyun met her eyes as he stood up first, then holding his hand out for her to grab. She softened, taking it. He was trying to make things less embarrassing for her. He was willing to do this.

Byul rose to her feet and dusted her skirt. Baekhyun put her hand on his arm as they bowed in apology, making way to the side of the hall and out of where the gisaengs were performing. Byul let out a small sigh of relief and she sent Baekhyun a smile. "Thanks for saving me out there, Ddong-ha."

She turned to go back to hide behind some pillar when Baekhyun's voice made her stop. "You....you look beautiful tonight."

Byul whirled around, not believing her ears. "Huh?"

Baekhyun pinked and blinked, a little surprised at himself for saying something like that. "Aish. I said you look beautiful okay? Stop fishing for compliments." he muttered, apparently embarrassed. He hurried back to his seat while Byul continued staring at him.

*He said I was...beautiful.* she thought, a little giddy.

Her heart was leaping, swelling, racing, working overtime madly. There was a blissful tingly feeling that ran down her spine, a burst of happiness at his words.

Byul bit her lip to bite her smile back. *I didn't think a comment like that would make me so happy.*






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Hey peeps I posted both 45&46;! I posted 46 first Aigoo Mianhae, please don't be confused!


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970 streak #1
Chapter 75: Thank you so much for sharing this royal tale of a love between crown prince and his able female bodyguard.
970 streak #2
Chapter 36: "i don't even want to think about what would happen if something happened to you." Was that Baekhyun realizing something he never acknowledged before?
qinwang #3
hashiraz #4
illuminies_ #5
789ten #7
Chapter 2: oh my gosh this story makes me feel so nostalgic. i'm gonna reread this again for the third time, i think. this story is so good i can't even get sick of it ;; aAAAA IT'S BEEN SO LONG
JustCrazilyDumb #8
OMG!!! This story is still here!! 😲 Brings back so many memories of my high school years. I feel so old re-reading this story again.