Match-making Baekhyun

My Bodyguard Princess

The next day found Baekhyun, Byul, Chanyeol and Dahae in the lake's pavilion, writing poetry. Chanyeol wasn't really good at it and was clumsy with the brush unlike his hyung, but Dahae adored everything about it. Byul couldn't understand the words and just sat there, bored.

Baekhyun eyed the people around him from under his lashes.

Byul on his right. Dahae on his left. Chanyeol opposite of him.

Just how was he going to go about doing this?

"Ahem." he cleared his throat, gaining their attention. "Yeol ah, don't you think you want to go practice your swordplay? You don't even like poetry, no need to waste your time here with hyung just because I'm here." he offered.

Chanyeol's eyes slipped over to Byul and it didn't go unnoticed by Baekhyun. He grinned to himself.

"I...guess." Chanyeol nodded, a little torn with his decisions. The reason why he hung around more often these days was because of Byul. But to be honest, he really didn't have interest in poems and what not. He just wasn't that sort of guy.

"Good. I can't bear to see you bored." Baekhyun grinned and waved, sending him away. Dahae looked absolutely devastated that her beloved prince was going. "Chanyeol-gun, can't you stay for a bit more?"

Chanyeol bit his lip and looked past Dahae at Byul. She didn't seem to be paying attention, playing with the spare brushes and dabbing at the paint, doodling on one of Baekhyun's ruined pieces of work. But he didn't want to go yet.

He looked back at Baekhyun and his heart sank. As much as he wanted to spend time with Byul, he knew Baekhyun wanted him to go because of Dahae. Dahae would never pay attention to Baekhyun as long as he was there. He too wanted Dahae to shift her affections as quickly as possible.

The silence stretched for a bit longer than neccessary and Dahae nearly thought Chanyeol would stay because of her.

"Yeol," Baekhyun broke the silence. "Why don't Han Eunbyul follow you along to practice?" he suggested. "Both of you can challenge each other. That'd bring about more improvement."

Chanyeol's face lit up at the suggested and he wanted to kiss his hyung. Byul blinked, alarmed. "Yah Ddong-ha." she furrowed her brows. "But I'm your bodyguard and I'm not supposed to leave you."

"Yeah but you can just practice at that yard." he pointed, about twenty metres away. "You'll be able to see everything here and all. I assume you weren't lying when you said your leg's healing fine so with your capabilities, you'd be able to rush over here if something happens, no?"

Byul bit her lip. "Hmm..."

"Just go. You can't even draw properly." he teased, raising a brow at the pig Byul had drawn on his paper. It looked more like a cow without the patches of black.

"Arraso. Call out if you need me." Byul murmured, grabbing her sword. She followed Chanyeol out, with Chanyeol smiling brightly and almost bouncing away. Baekhyun and Dahae were left in the pavilion by themselves, just as Baekhyun planned for them to be.

"Nice day huh?" he commented, grinning. Dahae sighed softly and nodded, looking over at him. "Yeah."



Byul was getting a little suspicious with Baekhyun's unusual actions that day.

When he made her follow Chanyeol to practice swordplay, she assumed he just didn't want his dongsaeng to be bored with poetry and what not. She herself was almost drowning in frustration and needed to take a breather desperately, and she saw the same exasperated look on Chanyeol's face as he tried to struggle with the brush.

But once was innocent. Twice was caring. Thrice was a tinge suspicious.

Baekhyun had insisted that she check the stallions with Chanyeol when they had gone for a ride. Chanyeol could have done that perfectly well himself but he just wanted Byul to go along.

Dahae ended up riding behind Baekhyun since there were only three stallions available that day.

Another time, Baekhyun had purposely taken out a few copies of martial arts skills books and made Chanyeol read out to Byul who listened in interest. He himself had time with Dahae at the other corner of the room where Dahae kept looking over.

Now it seemed, Baekhyun wanted to pair her up with Chanyeol again.

The four of them had gone for a lovely walk along the lake that looked like a picture. The scene looked absolutely beautiful but Byul didn't bother to look at it, wondering what Baekhyun's motive was.

They were walking in twos again, as though the couples had already been decided. Baekhyun was walking with Dahae and Chanyeol with Byul. Byul thought Dahae looked completely murderous and tried to ignore her, focusing on Chanyeol's lively chatter.

It wasn't too difficult, since she liked listening to Chanyeol talk. He had that lovely voice. If Eunhyuk hadn't been her best friend, Chanyeol might have been.

Dahae kept trying to join into the conversation but Chanyeol would block her, and Baekhyun would steer her away from the other two. Dahae seemed exasperated, not at all appreciative that the prince she had reins on was the Crown Prince instead of the Second Prince.

Dahae bit her lip, thinking. She glanced back at Chanyeol and Byul and a plan formed in her mind. She walked beside Baekhyun for a bit, until she pretended to trip on a rock and fell backwards, exactly where she knew Chanyeol would be.

What she didn't expect was for Chanyeol to take a step back and let her fall, causing her to land pathetically on her . "OWWW!" Dahae whimpered.

Baekhyun rushed to her side, frowning. "Dahae, are you alright?" he asked, concerned. He looked at Chanyeol with raised brows. "Why did you take a step back?"

Chanyeol grinned sheepishly. "Sorry. Instincts told me to back away from ridiculous toppling objects."

Dahae wanted to scream. Great. Now she was a ridiculous toppling object.

"Oh well, I guess you'll have to hold on to me Dahae. In case you fall again." Baekhyun offered his arm. Dahae bit her lip and looked over at Chanyeol. "Can't I hold on to Chanyeol-gun's instead? I haven't had a chance to properly talk to him today."

Chanyeol froze, pleading his hyung with his eyes to reverse his cruel fate. *NO! We've never had a proper talk before Dahae, you yak away and I pretend to listen that's what.*

Baekhyun seemed to understand and he smiled. "No you can't. Chanyeol has to hold onto Han Eunbyul." he commented. "Her leg's just recovered and we can't have her falling again."

Dahae looked absolutely crestfallen. "But can't she hold onto you and I Chanyeol?"

"Heh. Han Eunbyul would box me for touching her, she told me the first day." Baekhyun grinned. Byul rolled her eyes and made a face. Baekhyun offered his arm and Dahae could only take it as they walked away, leaving Chanyeol with Byul.

Chanyeol offered his arm and Byul shook her head. "No. I've got some talking to do with a certain someone." she muttered.



"What are you trying to do, Ddong-ha?" Byul asked, frowning deeply. Chanyeol and Dahae had left and it was the two of them left again. "Don't think I haven't noticed, Ddong-ha, how you keep trying to pair Chanyeol-gun and I up."

Baekhyun looked over at her sheepishly. "You noticed?"

Byul threw a bun at him and he barely caught it. "So what's with your plan?" she asked. "It's fishy."

"What, don't you like Yeol?" Baekhyun turned to look at her. "I thought you get along with him just fine!"

"I do. Chanyeol-gun's a really nice person." Byul muttered. "But I don't appreciate this sort of match making plans of yours Ddong-ha. Can you at least please explain to me what is going on?"

Baekhyun made a face and hugged a pillow. "Wwweeeeeeellllll..." he said slowly. "You know too, Dahae likes Chanyeol." he said. Byul nodded. "And she wouldn't be anywhere where Chanyeol isn't there." Baekhyun explained.

"I have no idea why my charms aren't affecting her, but she doesn't stay still with me if Chanyeol isn't there." Baehyun grumbled. "So the thing is to keep her by my side where Chanyeol is here to lure her to stay."

Byul blinked. "What has that got to do with pairing me up with him?"

"That's the genius of my plan!" Baekhyun grinned. "If you're here to distract him and keep him occupied, Dahae can't go barging into your conversation because she can't keep up. She'll be stuck with me. And somehow or another, she'll fall for me! Isn't that such a great plan?"

Byul rolled her eyes. "It sounds ridiculous." she muttered. "And I don't think it's such a good idea to use Chanyeol-gun like that..."

"Come on." Baekhyun whined. "Don't be a spoil sport. Can't you see how much Yeol likes you?"

Byul made a face, not getting how the "like" she thought was differing from his "like". "But...." she frowned.

"Pretty pretty please?" Baekhyun made a cute face, grinning at her.

Byul burst into laughter. "You look hideous Ddong-ha!" she laughed. Baekhyun pouted and threw the bun back at her. Byul caught it swiftly and chewed on it.

"Arraso arraso." Byul sighed. "I'll do it okay? You owe me one."

"YIPPEEEEE!!" Baekhyun cheered. "You're awesome Han Eunbyul!"

Byul rolled her eyes. "Retard."

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Hey peeps I posted both 45&46;! I posted 46 first Aigoo Mianhae, please don't be confused!


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970 streak #1
Chapter 75: Thank you so much for sharing this royal tale of a love between crown prince and his able female bodyguard.
970 streak #2
Chapter 36: "i don't even want to think about what would happen if something happened to you." Was that Baekhyun realizing something he never acknowledged before?
qinwang #3
hashiraz #4
illuminies_ #5
789ten #7
Chapter 2: oh my gosh this story makes me feel so nostalgic. i'm gonna reread this again for the third time, i think. this story is so good i can't even get sick of it ;; aAAAA IT'S BEEN SO LONG
JustCrazilyDumb #8
OMG!!! This story is still here!! 😲 Brings back so many memories of my high school years. I feel so old re-reading this story again.