Princess Dahae

My Bodyguard Princess

To say Byul was surprised to see Baekhyun with that look on his face was a serious understatement of the year.

Baekhyun looked so surprised to see Dahae, he literally leapt out of his chair. He would have bounded towards the princess and hugged her if not for the court officials looking on.

His expression looked so elated, so happy, like his wish had finally been granted. His eyes were practically heart shaped as he smiled softly at the princess.

"Jeonha." Dahae bowed, smiling softly.

The princess was one serious beauty and Byul could see why Baekhyun seemed so infatuated with her. But the concept of Baekhyun falling in love with a beauty wasn't as appalling as the notion of Baekhyun merely being able to fall for an individual.

Byul thought that Baekhyun would never be able to settle down on a single girl but by the looks of it, Baekhyun had long chose the girl of his dream.

Looking at his face right then, Byul had no doubt. "His twenty first birthday wish came true." she murmured.


The morning after his birthday feast, Baekhyun was nowhere to be seen when Byul went to his quarters in the morning. She was surprised when the maids told her his highness had already woken up at the crack of dawn and went off somewhere else.

Byul scratched her head. "Is this some attempt to escape again?" she asked herself.

However something told her that escaping was far from Baekhyun's mind at the moment.

Byul pursed her lips, hoping that she would be correct but at the same strangely wishing her notion of where Baekhyun might be wrong for the strangest reasons.

Byul asked about the maids and servants and found out just which block was Princess Dahae's residence.

It was one of the major residences in the Palace and it was obvious this princess was rather important. Byul held her sword and made her way through the beautiful Palace that looked simply wonderful in the pleasant flowers. May was the season of blossoms and Baekhyun was certainly lucky to be born in such a beautiful month.

But Byul didn't take notice of any of that as she hurried over to Dahae's quarters. There was a tinsy bit of disbelief right there, as if she couldn't believe Baekhyun might really be there just for a girl.

But there was no where else he could possibly be and this was the only answer. Byul smiled half-heartedly as she waved to the guards and they let her in, recognizing her as the Crown Prince's bodyguard.

"Is Ddong-....I mean, Jeonha in there?" Byul asked.

The guard nodded. "Neh. Jeonha arrived early in the morning with flowers in his hand. I think Princess Dahae and him may be chatting in the pavilion right now."

Byul blinked, taking a little moment to digest the fact that her instincts had been right.

*He's really here.* Byul walked in slowly, her mind wheeling. *Wow. Just wow. Ddong-ha actually liking a girl for real?*

Byul saw Baekhyun and Dahae laughing together as they sat in the pavilion, looking as pretty as a picture. They had breakfast set at the table and were eating as they talked. The princess got some sauce on her lips and Baekhyun wiped it off with his thumb, his gaze soft and affectionate.

Byul wanted to gag as she walked nearer. "Can a guy look any cheesier than this?" Byul murmured to herself, shuddering, totally not used to this sort of lovey dovey romantic thing. "And to think this is the Ddong-ha. Oh gosh."

Byul didn't care about how she interrupted the conversation as she barged into the pavilion where the two royalty were sitting. "Ddong...Jeonha you're EARLY today." Byul emphasized, raising her brows.

Baekhyun seemed to remember about her existence just then and he scowled, remembering that he had a bodyguard. Damn those bodyguards, now he couldn't have his time alone with Dahae!

"Oh Han Eunbyul." Baekhyun muttered under his breath, frowning.

Dahae looked at Byul curiously, her large eyes blinking. "Jeonha, who is this?" she asked sweetly, her voice tinkling like a nightingale's. She looked so innocent and pure that made you want to protect her.

"Oh her?" Baekhyun waved his hands dismissively. "She's just my bodyguard." he muttered. "No one important."

Byul frowned, shooting Baekhyun daggers into his back. *No one important? This no one important can break your arm easily you ddong-ha.*

Dahae smiled pleasantly at Byul. "Hello Eunbyul, I'm Im Dahae. Nice to meet you." she beamed, her eyes looking Byul from head to toe, assessing. "You're a girl but you're a bodyguard? That's the first time I've seen a girl bodyguard."

"Not the first." Byul muttered under her breath. "Some Ddong-ha decided to employ twin girl bodyguards and got his arm shot, if I remember."

Baekhyun heard and shot a glare back at her. He looked at her and waved his hands again. "Well we'll be here so why don't you go stand somewhere else?" he ordered. "How about...there. Under that cherry blossom tree." he pointed at the tree at the far end of the yard.

Byul smirked. She wasn't going to let things get so easy for Baekhyun since he'd been so mean to her. "But Ddong...Jeonha, I've got to protect you. More so now that Dahae gongju is here with you. I've got to stay near you two at all times." she grinned slyly.

Baekhyun's face fell when Dahae nodded. "Hmm sounds alright." she looked at Baekhyun. "I don't mind her staying Jeonha. I want to talk to her, anyway. The Palace has too many princes and too little princesses." she fussed lightly.

Baekhyun sighed and gave in to Dahae's request. Which was how Byul ended up sitting with them on the chair and talking to Dahae. Dahae talked to Byul about makeup and clothes and the latest trends, while Byul talked about swordplay, fist fighting and war strategies.

In short, they couldn't make a conversation last even if their life depended on it.

"I see you're vastly different from me, Byul." Dahae told her, as Byul had offered her nickname. "So so different. Doesn't Jeonha agree?"

Baekhyun snorted. "Duh she's different. I can hardly tell she's a girl." Byul narrowed her eyes and kicked Baekhyun under the table. Baekhyun howled in pain and glared at his bodyguard, pouting.

Dahae blinked at the both of them. "Is anything wrong?"

"No." "Yes." Baekhyun glared back at Byul. "Yes there is a problem."

Byul reached for the nearest dried persimmon and stuffed it into Baekhyun's mouth. She smiled at Dahae. "Nope there isn't."

Dahae looked between Baekhyun and Byul and laughed. "You two don't get along at all." she commented. "I wonder how you two bear with each other."

"We don't." Baekhyun murmured, chewing on the persimmon.

Byul rolled her eyes, blowing a raspberry. She couldn't help but detect a slight triumphant tone in Dahae's voice as she said that, sounding assured as if her place wasn't threatened.

Byul shook her head. *Aish what are you thinking Han Eunbyul?* she thought to herself. *Though females are more sensitive to this sort of thing, you mix around with so many guys that you're hardly girl yourself. Your instincts can't be trusted. Dahae gongju can't be a bad person.*



Byul met up with Chanyeol during lunch again. Baekhyun had sent her away and had lunch with his parents, inviting Dahae along. It almost seemed as if the guy was already bringing his future bride to meet his parents.

"I almost don't recognize the Ddong-ha." Byul commented, munching on jellyfish salad that Chanyeol had brought. "I mean, he's always so flirty and not serious for a moment. I couldn't believe myself when he looked almost gentlemanly towards Dahae gongju."

Chanyeol smiled. "Well that's hyung. He's liked Dahae for a long time now."

Byul's eyes rounded. "Really?" she tapped her chin as she chewed. "But why does he go around flirting when she's not around? Doesn't sound convincing to me." she commented.

Chanyeol shrugged, transferring some of his grilled beef over to her bowl without her noticing it. "Maybe hyung does take the flirting a little too seriously, but it's because of Dahae that he did it anyway." he told Byul. "I only know the rough happenings, but before Dahae left for her duties, she had said to Baekhyun hyung that he wasn't man enough."

He looked at Byul and sighed. "That's where hyung got that stupid notion of his that if he managed to charm the whole Palace down, he'd be able to charm Im Dahae as well."

Byul snorted, scooping the grilled beef into without realizing it. "That's retarded." she rolled her eyes. "And horribly foolish. I don't understand it."

"I can't say I understand it either." Chanyeol shrugged. "Love does things to you, right?" he looked at Byul for a bit. "But I may be beginning to understand just a tiny bit."

Not catching what he said, Byul tapped her chin as she considered what she heard about Baekhyun.

*So that Ddong-ha really likes Dahae gongju?* she thought. *But does Dahae gongju like him back?*

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Hey peeps I posted both 45&46;! I posted 46 first Aigoo Mianhae, please don't be confused!


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970 streak #1
Chapter 75: Thank you so much for sharing this royal tale of a love between crown prince and his able female bodyguard.
970 streak #2
Chapter 36: "i don't even want to think about what would happen if something happened to you." Was that Baekhyun realizing something he never acknowledged before?
qinwang #3
hashiraz #4
illuminies_ #5
789ten #7
Chapter 2: oh my gosh this story makes me feel so nostalgic. i'm gonna reread this again for the third time, i think. this story is so good i can't even get sick of it ;; aAAAA IT'S BEEN SO LONG
JustCrazilyDumb #8
OMG!!! This story is still here!! 😲 Brings back so many memories of my high school years. I feel so old re-reading this story again.