I'll Come To You



When she is sad for being apart with her bestfriend, she comes over to visit her one last time but something terrible happened. when she wakes up, she's a spirit and only a person in this world is able to see her, and that is Heechul. 


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Chapter 2: That made me cry.STAWPPPP ITTTTTT.
Hooooowwww. I love this story! It's so.... Gaaaaah! Can't even explain. Heechul is so damn sweeeet! Good job writer! :))
mary112 #3
can i have a guy like that who will love me to death n be wid me all da time. my life
i love your story
AWWW :3<br />
That was just so sweet <3
esther_pigpig #6
mixed emotions. sad tat they both passed away happy cos they are together.. i love ur stories =DDD