The transfer student is a fat chick?

Fat Chicks? Not in a Million Years!!!!

(Chethra P.O.V)


Wah…good sleep…ugh…
! What time is it? I look at my watch, ! It already 7:30! Aish stupid so stupid ayah! I rush to the restroom so happy that I got one in my room; anyway…I rushed into the restroom and started washing up. This is the quickest dressing I ever done in my life. After I was done… I walked downstairs and saw Mrs. Park in the kitchen, “Good morning Mrs. Park.”
“Don’t call me Mrs. Park anymore…we’re closer than that. Call me ajumni. It would please me.” she said.
“Well, here is your breakfast, go, go, you’re going to be late.” She rushed me.
I forgot!
I ran to the school which was across the street from her house, I’m so glad it is…now I don’t have rush as much as I thought I would. I walked through the entrance; great students are still walking around.
I walked to the office. There was a girl there, “Uh…a—anyong. Um…hi…I’m the new transfer student. Um…do you speak English?”
“Uh hi. Yea. Chethra right?” she pronounce Chetera.
“Um…it pronounces Jet thruh. So yea it Chethra.” I told her.
“Wow that a really nice name. Mine is Eunjae.”
“Nice to meet you.” I said.
“Same here.” She smiled, “Well here your schedule, make sure you be here on time okay. Classes already started.”
I looked for my class room 2 A. dam where the hell is it? Finally I found it. I open the door and all eyes were on me, aw…I hate attention.
“Can I help you?” ok I understand that.
“Um…I’m the new transfer student.”
The teacher smiled, so that a good sign.
She turn to her class, “Everyone this, is Chethra,” wow she pronounced it right? First! “She the new transfer student from America, I hope you guys are kind to her. Come on it her first time in Korea away from her family, going to a foreign school. So give her your warm welcome alright.”
“Yes Mrs. Lin.”
She turn to me, “You may sit there, between Yesung, and Nickhun. Raise your hands gentleman.”
Two cute boys raised their hand…wow Asian hotties. I smiled at them and they looked away, s. I sat there, and they started talking, “Hey Khun I thought the new girl would be a hottie she ugly and fat! I want to switch seat.”
What a jerk, just because I can’t understand a lot of Korean, but I knew some and enough to help me out here. Motherer called me fat and ugly. I turn to glare at him, in perfect sweet English I said, “you stupid , you’re lucky I’m in school, I would so pound your .”
He looked confused. ..
Dam idiot…
After class, I walked around the campus, I didn’t look in front of me since I was watching the stuff on each side of me, I bumped into someone, “I—I’m sorry…mianhae.”
“It ok.” He locked eyes, my face spread with happiness, “Kevin!!!”
“Chethra!” we hugged, and left.
“Wha—what are you doing here?” he asked.
“I wanted to surprise you; I ask my mom if I could transfer here, she was ok with it. So I came. My god I thought I wasn’t going to find you that easy. I missed your .”
“Me too, look like you haven’t changed, still tomboyish huh? You got a boyfriend already? Last time I check some dude ask you out.” He asked.
“Oh.” He looked disappointed.
I laughed, “Silly. You know I don’t like those boys, of course I rejected him and I did the reject dance. Ha-ha.”
“Your still the same.” He smiled.
“So we’re in Korea now…hmm. Anyong oppa.” I did the puppy face that he loved a lot; he smiled and pats my head.
“Cute. Anyway…what class are you going now?”
“Great that’s my class.” He said.
“Really?” I asked.
“Yea…and my brothers are there 2, come on I’ll introduce you.”
I followed him and we went into class, then we were there, I was standing in front of 5 boys, Kevin introduced me, “You guys, remember the news about a transfer student? I found out it was my friend from America, the one I told you about? This is Chethra, she my friend from America.”
“Hi, I like the way you dress, really hip hop. I’m Eli, 4th oldest.”
“Hi Eli and thanks…”
“Hey, I’m Alexander, the 3rd oldest.”
“I’m Soohyun, the 2nd oldest.”
“I’m Kibum the 5th oldest.
“I’m the 6th.” Kevin said.
“Hi…Nuna…I’m Dongho, the youngest the 7 hehe.” The cute boy said. Aw he so adorable…
“Nice to meet all of you. Where the 1st oldest?” I asked.
“He doesn’t have this class.” Kevin said.
“OO…well whatever I can always meet him later. So Kevin…how is it here?”
“It ok, although I prefer American school. But this good too.”
“Naw I like this, all Asian!!!”
“You are still the same, you Asian lover.” Kevin laughed.
“Yep Asian all the way.” I smiled.


(End of Chethra P.O.V)


(Yesung P.O.V)


Nickhun was laughing his off for a while now, at that girl words keep on popping in my head, dam I didn't even understand her, , if only I pay more attention in English class. "Hey Khun, you know what she said? I didn’t understand.”
“Yea, I heard…while you were making fun of her, she did the same about you, she said, “you stupid , you’re lucky I’m in school, I would so pound your .”
“That fat said that?” I asked looking incredulous.
“She doesn’t know who she messing with.” I said.
How dare she…
I went looking for my brother and found them among that fat chick. “Yah! What did I tell you guys?”
“Oh hyung, this is my friend, we knew each other since I was in America.”
“I don’t care. Why are you hanging with this girl didn’t I tell you not to mess with fat people.”
“Yah oppa! That mean.” Kevin yelled at me. This was the first time he ever did that.


I fell to the floor, touching my now swollen lip, I stared at my attacker, the fat chick…
“Just because I can’t understand a lot of Korean, doesn’t mean I don’t know what the you’re talking about you asswhip. So what if I’m fat? I’m not harming anybody. Before you run off judging every fat chick you meet, make sure you know them first. Because I’m not going to let you talk smack about me and get away with it. This is just a warning. Don’t you dare think I’m scared of you. Because boy your wrong and stupid if you think that.” She turns to Kevin, “Sorry Kevin for hitting your dumb brother. But you know me; I don’t take lightly to insult, especially when I didn’t do anything. Let’s go to class.”
They walked off without me, they walked off without me!
Don’t think this is over yet fatass. I’ll get you…you don’t know me yet…


(End of Yesung P.O.V)


(Chethra P.O.V)


Oo that , I want to kick his . He is so lucky he’s Kevin brother. So lucky…


(End of Chethra P.O.V)















(Chethra P.O.V)


Wah…good sleep…ugh…
! What time is it? I look at my watch, ! It already 7:30! Aish stupid so stupid ayah! I rush to the restroom so happy that I got one in my room; anyway…I rushed into the restroom and started washing up. This is the quickest dressing I ever done in my life. After I was done… I walked downstairs and saw Mrs. Park in the kitchen, “Good morning Mrs. Park.”
“Don’t call me Mrs. Park anymore…we’re closer than that. Call me ajumni. It would please me.” she said.
“Well, here is your breakfast, go, go, you’re going to be late.” She rushed me.
I forgot!
I ran to the school which was across the street from her house, I’m so glad it is…now I don’t have rush as much as I thought I would. I walked through the entrance; great students are still walking around.
I walked to the office. There was a girl there, “Uh…a—anyong. Um…hi…I’m the new transfer student. Um…do you speak English?”
“Uh hi. Yea. Chethra right?” she pronounce Chetera.
“Um…it pronounces Jet thruh. So yea it Chethra.” I told her.
“Wow that a really nice name. Mine is Eunjae.”
“Nice to meet you.” I said.
“Same here.” She smiled, “Well here your schedule, make sure you be here on time okay. Classes already started.”
I looked for my class room 2 A. dam where the hell is it? Finally I found it. I open the door and all eyes were on me, aw…I hate attention.
“Can I help you?” ok I understand that.
“Um…I’m the new transfer student.”
The teacher smiled, so that a good sign.
She turn to her class, “Everyone this, is Chethra,” wow she pronounced it right? First! “She the new transfer student from America, I hope you guys are kind to her. Come on it her first time in Korea away from her family, going to a foreign school. So give her your warm welcome alright.”
“Yes Mrs. Lin.”
She turn to me, “You may sit there, between Yesung, and Nickhun. Raise your hands gentleman.”
Two cute boys raised their hand…wow Asian hotties. I smiled at them and they looked away, s. I sat there, and they started talking, “Hey Khun I thought the new girl would be a hottie she ugly and fat! I want to switch seat.”
What a jerk, just because I can’t understand a lot of Korean, but I knew some and enough to help me out here. Motherer called me fat and ugly. I turn to glare at him, in perfect sweet English I said, “you stupid , you’re lucky I’m in school, I would so pound your .”
He looked confused. ..
Dam idiot…
After class, I walked around the campus, I didn’t look in front of me since I was watching the stuff on each side of me, I bumped into someone, “I—I’m sorry…mianhae.”
“It ok.” He locked eyes, my face spread with happiness, “Kevin!!!”
“Chethra!” we hugged, and left.
“Wha—what are you doing here?” he asked.
“I wanted to surprise you; I ask my mom if I could transfer here, she was ok with it. So I came. My god I thought I wasn’t going to find you that easy. I missed your .”
“Me too, look like you haven’t changed, still tomboyish huh? You got a boyfriend already? Last time I check some dude ask you out.” He asked.
“Oh.” He looked disappointed.
I laughed, “Silly. You know I don’t like those boys, of course I rejected him and I did the reject dance. Ha-ha.”
“Your still the same.” He smiled.
“So we’re in Korea now…hmm. Anyong oppa.” I did the puppy face that he loved a lot; he smiled and pats my head.
“Cute. Anyway…what class are you going now?”
“Great that’s my class.” He said.
“Really?” I asked.
“Yea…and my brothers are there 2, come on I’ll introduce you.”
I followed him and we went into class, then we were there, I was standing in front of 5 boys, Kevin introduced me, “You guys, remember the news about a transfer student? I found out it was my friend from America, the one I told you about? This is Chethra, she my friend from America.”
“Hi, I like the way you dress, really hip hop. I’m Eli, 4th oldest.”
“Hi Eli and thanks…”
“Hey, I’m Alexander, the 3rd oldest.”
“I’m Soohyun, the 2nd oldest.”
“I’m Kibum the 5th oldest.
“I’m the 6th.” Kevin said.
“Hi…Nuna…I’m Dongho, the youngest the 7 hehe.” The cute boy said. Aw he so adorable…
“Nice to meet all of you. Where the 1st oldest?” I asked.
“He doesn’t have this class.” Kevin said.
“OO…well whatever I can always meet him later. So Kevin…how is it here?”
“It ok, although I prefer American school. But this good too.”
“Naw I like this, all Asian!!!”
“You are still the same, you Asian lover.” Kevin laughed.
“Yep Asian all the way.” I smiled.


(End of Chethra P.O.V)


(Yesung P.O.V)


Nickhun was laughing his off for a while now, at that girl words keep on popping in my head, dam I didn't even understand her, , if only I pay more attention in English class. "Hey Khun, you know what she said? I didn’t understand.”
“Yea, I heard…while you were making fun of her, she did the same about you, she said, “you stupid , you’re lucky I’m in school, I would so pound your .”
“That fat said that?” I asked looking incredulous.
“She doesn’t know who she messing with.” I said.
How dare she…
I went looking for my brother and found them among that fat chick. “Yah! What did I tell you guys?”
“Oh hyung, this is my friend, we knew each other since I was in America.”
“I don’t care. Why are you hanging with this girl didn’t I tell you not to mess with fat people.”
“Yah oppa! That mean.” Kevin yelled at me. This was the first time he ever did that.


I fell to the floor, touching my now swollen lip, I stared at my attacker, the fat chick…
“Just because I can’t understand a lot of Korean, doesn’t mean I don’t know what the you’re talking about you asswhip. So what if I’m fat? I’m not harming anybody. Before you run off judging every fat chick you meet, make sure you know them first. Because I’m not going to let you talk smack about me and get away with it. This is just a warning. Don’t you dare think I’m scared of you. Because boy your wrong and stupid if you think that.” She turns to Kevin, “Sorry Kevin for hitting your dumb brother. But you know me; I don’t take lightly to insult, especially when I didn’t do anything. Let’s go to class.”
They walked off without me, they walked off without me!
Don’t think this is over yet fatass. I’ll get you…you don’t know me yet…


(End of Yesung P.O.V)


(Chethra P.O.V)


Oo that , I want to kick his . He is so lucky he’s Kevin brother. So lucky…


(End of Chethra P.O.V)







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Dailycommenter 98 streak #1
As I am trying to find an old story on here but I cannot remember the title so I am going through all the story links I found this sounds interesting and has a nice description
thanks for the good read!
Yuekei #3
this started in 2009 n it is not yet
trixngle #4
beepbeep_rp #5
this is cooool
update please....