Chapter 5

Hey, Stay... ~

Luhan POV 

We ate the best noodle in the world! Its yummy i just want more! I thought.. 
We got out and walk towards a big market. Its pretty crowded. I was Walking right behind Sehun, Sehun walks too fast , i tried to catch him up but all the people starts pushing until i lost Sehun's sight. I run to find him but i cant. I didnt saw him. I started to panic. I run again to find him but i still didnt see any signs of him. I started to cry. I dont wanna be alone here. I was really scared i cant do anything.. I stood there, in the crowd, i was being pushed. theres too many people here. 

I cried unconsiously, i was afraid.. I started walking while sobbing until theres this guy run towards me and accidentally hitted me and i fell down hard on the ground. I cant stand it anymore. I cried on the ground.

Then i felt a hand holded my shoulder, i was stunned and looked back.. ''S...s..Se hun!!'' I shouted. I got up and hugged him.
I cried on his chest, i was afraid. I almost lost my mind being afraid. I-i just cant lose him. He's the only person i know here.
For the first time, i felt comfortable. when his hand reached around me.. Hugging me close. I can hear his heart beating fast.
Am i making his heart beat fast?! .. I dont care if i did. What i care is im safe now. 
I hugged him so tight and not releasing it, until he tapped my shoulder.. I noticed that i was hugging him tight and quickly moved away. I blushed. *aish..luhan! You shouldnt be hugging him! What if he feel weird?! * He just smiled warmly. 

After all the incident, i walked beside him and without noticing. He holded my hand. Grip it tightly, i can feel his warm palm around my hands. My hands are cold and pale because of what happened just now. I blushed, and walked together with him. If he's not here with me, or the day that he found me. I dont know what could happen right now.
Will i even feel safe like now? At least, he's with me. I l-like him.

Sehun's POV

There's no signs of him.
I started wandering all around the place, searching for Luhan.. Its been hours since he's lost . But i wont give up, i felt pity for him. He's lost and he doesnt know Korea well. He'd might be crying. I searched and searched. Then i saw him, sitting on the ground crying. I walked towards him and holded his shoulder. He looked at me " Se...s... Sehun!!'' he shouted and hugged me tight. I hugged him back, he was crying. He cried on my chest. I comforted him with a tight embrace but he hugged me tighter.
My heart is beating fast.. Can he hear it? *Lu, you made my heart beat fast, Dont you know how i feel?* 
After the warm huggings, he then suddenly move away.. I smiled warmly.

AS we were walking, i holded his hand tightly, i dont wanna let go. Im afraid i'll lose him. I feel like, im contained if he's here with me. * Luhan, stay.. Stay with me..*  His hand are cold, so i hold it tight. I noticed he's blushing but i just pretend i didnt noticed it. He looks cute though.

We bought some groceries and got back home. He helped me placed all the groceries on the fridge. *aigoo.. he looks like a housewife... AISH!! Not again sehun*  I face palmed my self.. 
After all those tired things we did.. He looks at me, and rubbed the back of his neck. He looks like have something to say.

Lu, Its time for you to learn korean.. I snapped my fingers.


5th chapter done. :D
I hope this satisfied you... ^^
Anyways.. Silent readers! Subbies and comments.

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aigoo~~~~ shooooooo cute~!!! ^o^ HUNHAN

update soon~~ wanna read more~~ xD
So romantic~~ <3333333 hunhan
Update soon XD
Ahhh !!! SeHun and LuHan kiss !!! :) update soon :)
Kris help LuHan !!! I bet Tao will love you if u help LuHan !! :) update soon :)
KRISSS,please help Luhan!! XD Then you'll have Tao! *grins evilly*
Thanks for the update author-nim and update soon! :)
mudkipera #6
YES KRISHAN PLZ. I don't know why I'm so obsessed with such a weird couple though LOL. XD
ChocoAikocream #7
AWWW!! it's very cute!! <3
i can't stop smile while read this <33
AWWW! Thank god! Hunhan<3<3
This is an awesome update! Thank you,great author. :D
Rodran11 #9
Thanks guys for all your positive comments.. I'll work hard! Hwaiting! lol.. xD
Owhh! Luhan please be alright! Hope Sehun gets to find him. :)